Unlock the Power of the SMART(ER) Business Network: Your Ticket to Success! ****HOT! HOT! HOT!**** Right now we are giving away 20 free 1-year accounts for the SMART(ER) Platinum Membership level access! How do you get this? Simple…Go to the home page of the academy at https://smarterbizacademy.com, click on the banner at the bottom for the recruiting contest, and sign up! The next 20 entrants Dave will upgrade once they have enrolled in the contest and registered for a free 7-day account to the Premium level membership. Even if you are not one of the lucky 20, there are […]
SMART Training – Power Copy Club – Five Killer Ways To Boost Conversion Rates
Hi, Everyone… Today’s article is going to dive into writing copy from a few different perspectives. You may think that writing a sales letter is easy. But writing one that actually converts browsers to buyers takes a bit more work. The whole point of this article is to help you get a focus on what works and also to provide you some links where you can learn more. We are starting off with some tips, then will discuss the training that we have available for you, along with a lot of other support materials and resources, and then […]
The Best Customer Loyalty Program Available for Small Business in 2020? Our SMART Loyalty Program Review…
Hi, Everyone, Today I want to cover the newly launched SMART Customer Loyalty Program that the Soaring Eagle Company has just released under their brand “SMART Tools for Business.” It is the latest offering of tools for small businesses and entrepreneurs intended to help automate or standardize operations, cut costs, and grow the business faster. In the interest of full disclosure, I am the CEO of the company so I know all about it and what they are doing. They have been working very hard to develop programs and tools that can be used by small businesses and entrepreneurs that […]
My Live Review of Content Gorilla, the OTOs, and My Bonuses
Hi, Everyone… This is a product that caught my eye because I am always interested in finding tools that help automate the many tasks that we all have to take care of day in and day out. Content is something that you can quickly fall behind on. The more websites and niches you enter, the worse it can get. Key for me is that any automation tool does what it says and not cause more work than it solves. I mean that when it comes to content, you want to provide fresh and unique information that is going to add […]
Review of MeetZippy, OTOs and Bonuses – A Truly Disruptive Leap In Video Conferencing
Hi Everyone, As usual, you know I do not like to promote tools that do not work, products that do not deliver, and platforms that are designed to make only the creator money. That is why you need to pay attention as you read through the review of a tool that is going to blow your mind called MeetZippy. A truly disruptive leap in the way video-conferencing is done… Many of you know that we offer products and services to online marketers and offline businesses – things like SMART Chatbots, SMART IM Checklists, SMART Video, SMART Video Ads, etc. To […]