Welcome to my blog and post, please have a careful look at what is on offer here for you as an affiliate and also with the program itself. We are moving from the beta phase to the launching phase (an evergreen sort of launch, not a glitzy, full of fake cars and houses, etc.). … Who Is The SMART $1k+ Project For? This is a serious program for serious would-be entrepreneurs, moms, dads, and all sorts of people that want to change their lives for the better. What many such people have in common is that they want to work […]
10 Reasons The SMART $1K+ Project Is The Best All-In-One Business Building & Support Program
Before We Get Started On The 10 Reasons This SMART $1K+ Project Is The Best… To put the 10 reasons into context, it is necessary to understand what you get with the SMART $1k+ Project. Then the reasons provided will make more sense to the reader. The page that explains the program in detail can be found here: Opt-in Page SMART $1k+ Project There you will find a much more expanded version of the information provided in this short article. Below I describe a bit about the program in case you do not have time to go to that opt-in […]
Review of the SMART Affiliate Program – A NEW Way To “Learn to Earn” From Home

Hi Everyone… Today I am going to be reviewing the new platform I have built that is called the SMART Affiliate Program. It is just being launched and it definitely is a product that many people can use in these days of enforced quarantines and the huge loss of employment that are outcomes of the fight to slow the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic. What This Program Is All About Are you stuck at home, have you lost your job, are you looking for ways to earn from home and build up a secondary or main source of income fast? […]
SMART Training – Power Copy Club – Five Killer Ways To Boost Conversion Rates

Hi, Everyone… Today’s article is going to dive into writing copy from a few different perspectives. You may think that writing a sales letter is easy. But writing one that actually converts browsers to buyers takes a bit more work. The whole point of this article is to help you get a focus on what works and also to provide you some links where you can learn more. We are starting off with some tips, then will discuss the training that we have available for you, along with a lot of other support materials and resources, and then […]
SMART Training – Avoiding Lousy Lead Pages and Copy That Sucks

Hi, Everyone… Today we are going to cover some important tips pulled from our SMART training course called “eMarketers Club” for creating a lead page that will get conversions for you. It is not as easy as it may sound. Ask thousands of marketers who have tried and failed what they think… We will bring up just a few things for you to think about, and offer you a special price for some training that will get you headed in the right direction for creating lead pages that work and for adding copy to those pages that will […]