Hi, Everyone…
We have launched the next SMART IM Tools branded service this week. After beta testing and taking care of our own needs and selected clients that we work with over an extended period, we now have opened up the service to the public.
This is quite an exciting step for us, and an important one for all business owners whether online or offline. To date, most of the services out there either cost a lot of money up front and then a high fee based on the number of actions that the chatbots generate (i.e. leads, accesses, etc.).
We are changing that paradigm in a major way. Our up-front costs are one of the lowest in the market, and we offer follow-on support for the chatbots that we build for clients on a monthly basis. We also will provide statistics to our members and some editing service too.
Let’s drill down and expand on just what chatbots are, why you need them for your business, and what our team can build for you…
What Are Chatbots?
Table of Contents
- What Are Chatbots?
- What Can You Use Chatbots For Today?
- Where Is The Chatbot Market Headed In The Future?
- What Can SMART IM Chatbot Services Do For My Business?
- Here are some more links to check out:
- (1) Lead Generation Chatbot…
- (2) E-commerce Chatbot Demo 1…
- (3) Lead Generation Chatbot Demo 2…
- (4) E-Commerce Chatbot Demo 2…
- (5) Offline and Online Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo 1…
- (6) Offline and Online Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo 2…
- (7) Customer Service (Appointments) Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo…
- (8) Customer Service Offline and Online Business Niches Chatbot Demo…
- (9) Data Collection Chatbot Demo…
- (10) Data Collection Chatbot Exit Survey Demo…
- What Is The Next Step?
- Bottom Line…
There may be some people in the business that have not heard of chatbots, but surely they have dealt with them over the past few years as many big companies have incorporated them into their operation for sales, customer support, and even lead generation departments.
The chatbot is an application that works on algorithms that simulate human conversations. These days, the chatbots may have audio or video capability, and they intuitively lead the user through a sequence or funnel of sorts that you set up as the owner of the chatbot.
These chatbots typically have a look that people are familiar with today, which is a messaging-type interface like what they are using with Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, or similar platforms. They all use proprietary and perhaps patented technology called natural language processing (NLP) to make them work properly, and there are a number of sites you can build chatbots on.
The NLP technology helps the chatbots work properly and respond accurately to the user’s responses while the chat is ongoing. The technology is smart enough that it knows the differences and nuances in the words. It factors in innate modes of expression, linguistic ambiguities, allows spelling mistakes, using acronyms, and can even determine context.
What Can You Use Chatbots For Today?
These days, the applications of a chatbot are almost endless, limited only by your imagination and budget. The most popular uses are for customer support, customer acquisition, e-commerce sales, appointment bookings, gathering of data (i.e. surveys, exit surveys, satisfaction surveys, etc.).
Chatbots can be placed on all pages of a website, or on designated pages of a website as may be desired by the website owner. They operate 24/7 and are ready to answer and all queries that may come from a user of the website.
They can be set to operate on a full page basis, as an exit pop-up, they can be embedded in content on a page, or they can have a delayed deployment setting. As mentioned, they can have audio, avatars, can be programmed to respond in the user’s language based on the IP, etc.
When it comes to customer service, they can refer the user to a FAQ area, they can connect the user with live human contact, or they can take other action as may be indicated, as you have set up the sequence to operate. For e-commerce, they can offer instant discounts, special flash sales, games for a discount, etc.
Here are just a few examples of questions that you can program your chatbot to answer:
- How can I track my latest order?
- Is there a way to get a copy of my invoice?
- How do I request an increase to the limits on my credit card?
- Is it possible to change my ticket, please?
- I did not receive the right color for my order, can this be fixed?
Note that these are all some typical questions that you will get from users or shoppers on your websites. The chatbot can be set up to send people to the right places or to a person to take care of the problem. Since many questions come up again and again, the chatbot saves time by sending the user to ta FAQ area.
The chatbot takes care of such queries easily and automatically. It works for you 24/7 with no need for breaks, holidays, or overtime. It can replace a full-time position or give you a full-time employee at very little cost. The versatility chatbots offer is huge. They are a game changer for online and offline business owners.
Your end result from adding chatbots to your operation is that your support costs will go down to as little as a few cents per query. You will standardize responses and get them to users faster. Your employees will be freed up to do other tasks and take care of the more complex customer support issues.
Your users are happier, your employees are happier, and you are happier. If this is not a win-win-win situation I don’t know what one might look like. Your agents will be able to handle the tough cases in a better fashion (less time stress) and things are much improved overall in every area.
Internally for operations with employees, the chatbot can help a lot as well. Queries can be automated, again employees can get answers quickly, and you know exactly what is happening because you have the data of how and when the chatbot is being used.
Questions on pay, vacation, overtime, standards and rules, and required training can all be addressed internally via using chatbots. This will free up your HR people to do other tasks that may require a hands-on approach, such as the hiring of new employees, or preparing training, etc.
In every area where chatbots are deployed, they end up saving time and money. The tasks are automated and standardized and the same information is passed on to every person that is making a query. It really helps smooth out the operation.
For e-commerce, new uses of chatbots are being implemented all the time. People love playing games, so some sites are offering a daily spin game for a discount chance, while others are using the chatbots to greet users as they arrive on your website, much like Walmart does.
It would be impossible to offer such personalized service without chatbots, so your potential customers stay on site longer and can be enticed into shopping and buying. Exit chatbots can help close the deal. These appear only when the user is intending to leave.
As you can see, chatbots are really like having an extra hand helping you in many areas of your business. This is the reason they are becoming so popular and are found on more and more websites. You can do all of the following using chatbots:
- Assist new subscribers signup to your email lists
- Provide a quote for a service you are offering
- Provide a simulation of service and cost for that service
- Allow users to make appointments
- and much more as you can think up…
Note that people these days are used to the chatbot format so they do not mind using them, The younger generation prefers these over a phone call, an email, or even talking to a person (chatbots are faster). All age groups use them day in and day out.
At the end of the day, it makes sense that chatbots are used more today. The AI capability they have is increasing, the ease with which they can be set up (although it can take some time to get the logic down on how to set them up so they work properly) and the acceptance means we all need to use them.
Where Is The Chatbot Market Headed In The Future?
That is a good question, and from the research, I have seen that chatbots or similar are going to be reaching into more and more areas of business where automation of tasks can standardize and make the process faster and allow for humans who used to do such tasks to take on other tasks.
Areas for the future include auto-calling, email responses, even medical checkups can all be automated. The AI technology that has been applied to chatbots is also being used in areas like the internet of things where all devices are connected and we can operate everything using voice commands.
This is the future, but chatbots are the subject and area of focus for today with the SMART IM Chatbot Service Team. They ONLY are working in chatbots for the company and for clients. That is their ONLY mission and we will keep it that way.
What Can SMART IM Chatbot Services Do For My Business?
As you may have seen, there are many platforms these days that offer you the chance to build your own chatbot using their application. You can then add the creation to your website and tap into the power of chatbots. These chatbots you have to pay for monthly, and you have to write the sequences yourself.
It can be arduous to learn all the ins and outs of developing your chatbot, and you have to test the content to see what works and what does not work. There is a learning curve that takes away from your other business taskings and the time you lose can be expensive.
What SMART IM Chatbots does is we take an onboarding application so we know what you are looking for, then do the hard work of designing the application so it is ready to deploy. Once you approve of the chatbot we design, we provide the coding or WordPress plugin to get it operating on your website.
We have different plans that you can select, and also options for the kinds of special service you may want the chatbot to perform. We can have it pop up on exit, we can delay the deployment, we can use a full page deployment, or we can embed the chatbot within the content.
Also, if you would rather, we can use a green screen intro video or avatar (with logo in some cases) and audio that can be translated automatically to other languages when your website visitor stops in. These emulate real humans and add to the engagement you can generate.
Rather than write another 1000 words about our chatbot services, I want to show you our website that shows you in details what you get and also has some demos for you to review.
If you would like to have a look we have a website called SMART IM Chatbot Service. It lays down what all you can get and has all the details on how to request a consult chat to get your very own chatbot up and running within a very short time.
There are one-time plans and monthly plans, and you can add one or more to your website. Say you wanted a general chatbot and perhaps a special one for a particular page or product, we can make that happen for you. Bottom line is we want to build what you need, and we have the expertise to do that fast for you.
There is a page of demos too on that website, so to get an idea of some of the chatbots we build, you can have a look and see some that show you what they look like. That page is our CHATBOT DEMO and you are welcome to go have a look right now!
Here are some more links to check out:
(1) Lead Generation Chatbot…
DEMO LINK ==> Lead Generation Demo
(2) E-commerce Chatbot Demo 1…
DEMO LINK ==> E-Commerce Chatbot Demo
(3) Lead Generation Chatbot Demo 2…
DEMO LINK ==> Lead Generation Demo 2
(4) E-Commerce Chatbot Demo 2…
DEMO LINK ==> Offline and Online Niche Business Demo 1
(6) Offline and Online Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo 2…
DEMO LINK ==> Offline and Online Niche Businesses Chatbot 2
(7) Customer Service (Appointments) Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo…
DEMO LINK ==> Customer Appointment Chatbot Demo
(8) Customer Service Offline and Online Business Niches Chatbot Demo…
DEMO LINK ==> Customer Service Niche Businesses Chatbot Demo
(9) Data Collection Chatbot Demo…
(10) Data Collection Chatbot Exit Survey Demo…
DEMO LINK ==> Data Collection Exit Survey Chatbot Demo
As you can see, the chatbots can be configured for many purposes and use audio, avatars, video, and embedded, full page, on exit, or delayed features. You can get leads, make appointments, provide information, offer discounts, provide customer service, gather data, etc.
The uses for chatbots are endless, and they now are within reach of everyone through the services that the SMART IM Chatbots Service Team offers, as they are reasonably priced. There is less hassle getting them added to your website, the team creates the copy and sequences for the chatbots, and you can get data on how they are working on a monthly basis.
There are no limits on the number of times they are activated for the month, nor on the number of new traffic leads you can generate. The SMART IM Chatbot Service offers an excellent amount of value for the money, and they take away the headache of getting them in place and maintained.
What Is The Next Step?
Very simple…
Here is the form to fill out, and after that, you can make an appointment for a chat call either via WhatsApp, Skype, or Facebook Messenger so we can get all the information on the plan you would like to select and the type of chatbot you are looking for.
We will make recommendations during that chat and send you a proposal. Once accepted, pay 50% nonrefundable of the total, and the team prepares your chatbot. You will be able to preview that completed chatbot and make any last minute changes, and then after acceptance and payment of the final 50%, we provide the code to add to your website (or a WordPress plugin and code).
If the plan includes additional monthly service, we provide them on an ongoing basis. There are no contracts other than the initial agreement, you can cancel anytime, and the remaining monthly service will be provided to the end of the period
Live Page Pricing for SMART IM Chatbot Services ==> SMART IM Chatbot Pricing
That is it!
Bottom Line…
As you can see, chatbots are here to stay and there are not many websites from the small offline and online businesses using them yet. Get ahead of your competitors and get started with your chatbot today and start tapping into the power they offer for your business.
The SMART IM Chatbot Service Team is standing by to help you get started, and they focus ONLY on chatbots. They have only one mission: Take care of our clients, no matter where the clients are located and 24/7. We are adding staff as we grow, so do not worry about customer support, it is there (and we have a chatbot or two as well!)…
We look forward to working with you and we hope that you now have a good idea of the power of chatbots and can see that what the SMART IM Chatbot Service offers is something that you want your business to use to provide better service, get more sales, and grow your business faster and more efficiently.
We’ll see you on the inside!
Dave : )
Wow, it seems that chatbot can do many things, this will be great for business owners as they will be able to have 24/7 customer service which will benefit their business in many ways, I really like how informative this post is it provide a great deal of information regarding chatbot and seems very interesting! Great article
Hey There, Hbee…
Yes, I am a believer and user of these chatbots, and there are so many options that we can build for clients that I think we can help a lot of them, no matter what their needs are. Depending on the budget, we can offer various versions and add in features and options that will cover their needs. The SMART IM Chatbot Services are an exciting new addition to our product offers we have available.
Dave : )
This was a very detailed right to the point review on chatbots.
I have come along with a few websites in the past and I always wondered how are they doing it?
I was impressed and a bit scared, at first, if this would be something I could use in my coaching business, but I believe I can. I certainly can use this technology to save some time, especially, when it comes to the appointment, new and recurring ones.
Thank you for the information I have to re-read through your article, at least one more time since there is so much great content which has to be absorbed.
I have also saved your website for further reference!
Hi, Sylvia!
Nice to have you swing through and have a look at this latest post regarding the SMART IM Tools branded products we are offering to the public! These are brand new to the website, but we have been using them for some time, testing and getting feedback.
The intent was to work out kinks in the system for assessing new clients and getting them on board in a manner that we could get their information to build the draft chatbot, have them review and approve, and then get it to them so they could add to their website easily.
Yes for appointments this is an ideal system. It will take them through the sequence and point them to your calendar/appointment schedule, then you can even send them a follow-on email confirming the appointment. You can also set up a reminder so they get this a day or a few hours prior to the scheduled appointment.
Please do stop by again and have a look at the demo for appointments. It is just a draft set up to show you what it can do and can be edited as you might need for your unique requirements. That is where the SMART IM Chatbot Team comes in.
Dave : )
nice delivery on this article. This should be a good tool for my landing page . It should make my website more user friendly and easy to communicate with our online personnel . Considering that it can set to answer some particular questions and can overlook typographical errors. It is a good choice for any website
Good Day, Divine…
Yes chatbots will definitely add to the user experience for your traffic and they also can help you with customer service, selling more products, and getting leads to build a relationship with. They are extremely useful and are something that many business owners need. The SMART IM Chatbot Yeam is ready to start helping out as many clients as may come our way!
Dave : )
This appears to be a highly sophisticated Chat Assistant. My question is how sophisticated is the chat assistant and is it really able to handle the questions that most people have if it’s a complicated issue?The reason I ask, is because my experience with these robotic chat assistants telephonically is because they don’t understand my simple question as they’ve never been programmed to cover all bases. They’ve only been programmed to handle basic questions which is very frustrating as it is time consuming and they eventually waste airtime / calltime which is not cheap so I end up asking them to put me through to an operator and yet they still want to know why?! So the customer is lead into a dead end having to answer questions unrelated to the problem.So I was just wondering how sophisticated your ChatBots are. Looking forward to your soonest response.
Good Day, Learn to Earn…
These can be as sophisticated as you want them to be within the limitations of the AI that drives them. As mentioned they are getting better and better with each iteration of technology that is rolled out. Quite naturally, some thought has to go into their design.
This sounds like the issue regarding your questions and experiences with chatbots. These days, a well-designed chatbot can send the user directly to a live customer support person if needed based on how they answer the sequence of questions the script includes.
In fact, that would be ideal for a complicated support issue. There are many cases where this is not necessary, however. It can be that a FAQ area would work better and also not take up time from the live rep, who can spend that extra time with the person who really needs the live help.
The key is to set the script and actions up properly. This requires n onboarding chat/meeting to get the required information from the client. This is crucial to writing the script then setting up the sequences and options and follow on actions.
Of course, while that is the meat and potatoes of the chatbot, you also can build in some human-like banter to make the experience more realistic. In some cases adding audio can be helpful as well. I am adding in a chatbot here so you get an idea on how they act on a website like this one, but again, they can work for any site.
Please ask any further questions you may have and if you look at some of the demos (these are just demos, they have not been edited to any degree) you will also get an idea how ours work. We work with 4 platforms having various features, so the chatbot we build can be shaped to what the client needs as much as possible.
Dave : )
hallo mr Dave..
Your site is very interesting and informativeI think all online entrepreneurs need a tool like SMART IM chatbot to handle every consumer need and smart IM chatbot as the solutionthe explanation about Smart im is very complete and helpfulI like chatting on Google AssistantThank you for the explanation I will recommend to all my friends
Hi, Fauzan…
Glad to have you stop by and for sure have your friends stop by the website. There is a ton of good advice and tips that I have gathered over the years and likely they can use some of that for their own online marketing business. That is why I have added it over the past 4 years!
These latest chatbot tools that we have opened to the public is just one more example of us creating or looking for tools that will help the online marketer, whether they are a one-person operation or a major or small business. These can work for all size operations.
What is the game-changer is the personalized service we are offering and the low entry price compared to some of the major agencies offering such chatbot service…I have seen quotes that 4-5x higher than what we are asking for the same service!
Quite naturally, this is often out of the range for smaller businesses, so they just forego adding such a service to their website. We aim to level the playing field with our prices, and our target audience is huge and across the globe.
Please stop by again yourself and have a look at some of the other tools and products we are offering with our SMART IM Tools branded products. We have checklists, training, lead magnet kits, and much more coming!
Dave : )
Great!!! this is one good solution to the long struggle people has been dealing with in getting helpful answer about the platform and their tools as a starter. I joined SMART IM of recent and I love to invite more people to join, as am already doing but I have been finding it difficult to give those new starter the full detailed answers to those questions about some tools that seems difficult for them to use on the platform. As they will always come to me as their referral, but with the launching of this SMART IM Chatbot Service, I will be relieve of some questions and save me time. The SMART IM Chatbot Service should be easy for us members of the platform to use, as most of us had using it on some of the social media like telegram before. I really love how the chatbot are categorise on different area of choice, I really appreciate that Offline and Online Niche Businesses Chatbot is included. It’s a wonderful idea as I also anticipates more of SMART IM Tools. Kudos to the brain behind this great idea.
Hi, Topazdude…
Yes, the chatbots are indeed handy and useful for online marketers, offline businesses, and e-commerce site owners, or almost anyone offering a product, service, or even a blog via a website. They automate many functions and if set up properly will enhance the user experience over having nothing or having to contact support and wait for a reply.
The demos I included are just a few, we have over 100 already that can be edited and shaped for any niche or any job that the website owner wants to automate. These templates allow us to quickly design the chatbots that clients want, and then they can check them prior to deploying them to make sure they are acting as they need.
We also provide ongoing follow-on maintenance and reporting for the chatbots. The monthly plans are offered at a very low cost and in that plan, you can also make a couple of changes per month to the chatbots (minor, not major editing). The bottom line for us is that we wanted to make chatbots affordable and practical for everyone.
They are easy to use in that the client does not have to do anything, we set things up, we provide the code to add the chatbot to their websites, we maintain them, etc. It not only is painless, but it’s also easy. When I look at the platforms such as ManyChat or similar, we are far ahead in the services we offer.
Please do stop by and have a look as we get more testimonials from happy customers!
Dave : )
Sounds like the chatbot will do anything a human can do or say online and offline. The services that the chatbot will perform is like You say, fills the need for human conversation with the human side of conversation still available. For people who want to talk to or need to talk to another person in same language.
I have no constructive input on this topic that I can share. I will just have to revisit your website to learn more about the workings and features of chatbot.
I do find this to be of interest in that one is able to focus on another area of ones business while the chatbot can be programed to take care of so many features that deal with peoples needs to their questions relative to their business needs.
Hi Doug…
The chatbots will not o everything but they will take over the many mundane tasks that can actually be done more efficiently by such an application, freeing up your real life support and etc. for doing other things. This is the power of the chatbots I think.
That is the true value of them for me, and I see them as a force multiplier for a small business operation. There are chatbots that operate independently and ones that work with Facebook Messenger too. I have platforms for creating bots on Messenger as well.
It really depends on what the client wants to use them for in their business. The Facebook Messenger chatbots are more expensive because there is more work involved setting the scripts and sequences up, and also more to maintain them. This is why I have focused on solutions that are more cost effective with the SMART IM Chatbots we offer (we do both).
It is a case by case basis, and after we have a chat with the potential client, then we settle on what may be best. Then our team goes to work and writes the copy and sets up the chatbot. We show the demo and let the client look over the chatbot, and final editing is done.
Overall, unless it is a complicated use, these do not take that much time to set up, because we have so many templates completed already. This helps us get them done fast, but has no effect for the client, as they have what they want faster too, without the work.
These templates have been tested too and are shown to be effective in use for any number of websites and clients. The testing has been done already. That saves a lot of time as well. Since we also track stats, the client will also be able to see just what they are doing for their business.
Please do stop by and see what else is new and how our clients are using these and also add in your feedback as you may like. We are always open to suggestion with all of our SMART IM Tools products, that is what the program is all about!
Dave : )
I have noticed chat boxes recently while reading articles on blogs. Although I’ve never used them before, because of the small amount of knowledge I have about them.
But, your article on them, has so sold them to me that I can say, ”I’m buying”.
So, from what I’ve learned, chat boxes are like customer care services, that are neither human nor robots. I think it’s an innovation worthy of applause!
Yeah, chat boxes are win, win, win. From what I’ve learned so far from your article, everybody wins with chat boxes. There might be cons, but they are so little that we can say that they are inconsequential.
Hi Again, Peace…
The chatbot revolution is here and even those that were initially a bit skeptical about them have been convinced, in large part because of how effective they have proven to be. The big companies are all using them, and many are not using the Facebook Messenger platform either.
There are some advantages to using the Facebook platform, but also some disadvantages. The chatbots you see on this page are not associated with our Facebook business pages, but they could be through the script if we so choose.
There is more flexibility and features using chatbots that are independent of the social platforms. At SMART IM Chatbots and Soaring Eagle LLC (owner of the chatbot systems and services offered), we offer a variety of tools that we have available to the perfect solution is possible for the client.
That is also why we do an onboarding process as opposed to just offering generic chatbots that really are not exact fits with the client’s needs. It gives us a chance to get to know the customer and their business, plus they also get to know us.
Dave : )
Dear Dave,
Thanks for the article I enjoyed it and I must say I found your article highly uplifting and educational.
I got great insights from your article and its an eye-opener. After reading your article I realized the important role Chatbot can play in getting new leads. Lead generation chatbot is the one I am more interested with and I tried the lead generation demo its awesome. When I said no to sign up to the list it’s offering a freebie to sign up which is amazing and I am impressed.
Being a full-time blogger this article means a lot to me. One thing I learned from successful people is… They automate their tasks. We can do anything but we can’t do everything on our own so this type of tools are really a time saver and as you said we can utilize those time in the tasks which we can only do.
Surely this is on my list and I am book marking your article for future reference.
Much Success!
Good Day, Paul…
Thanks for popping through, your input and feedback are always welcomed and valuable to all the readers on this website! The chatbots are ideal for lead generation operations. They automate the process, give you a chance to present the offer in a different manner from just a pop-up, and they will keep the traffic on your page longer.
That is just one of many areas where the chatbots are powerful. I have 20 e-stores and they also work well for welcoming the customers (almost like Wal Mart does), you can add gamification (spin for prizes, etc.), discounts, flash sales, and coupons, to name just a few things…
I can go on and on, but I think you get the idea. The SMART IM Chatbots Team and Services have been built with this in mind and we know there is no one type of solution for a client. Each has its own set of requirements, and that is why we find this out through onboarding using a chat meeting after they apply.
This all takes longer than simply selling and moving on, but our purpose is to build a loyal following of business owners that will use our services again and again over the years. That is a long term perspective for the business and one that we nurture and pass to all of our team members.
Dave : )
What a concise and thorough review!
This is a great and simple to follow guide on smart IM chatbox services. You laid it all out clearly and showed series of examples that helped emphasize your various points. This guide will be very useful for me because I am setting up my website anytime soon
I have heard about this service before now but I have never tasted its benefits this much. This is the most comprehensive review I have ever read and I can attest to the fact that its an eye opener for me.
Thanks for sharing
Hi, Wealthfather!
Thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated. The chatbots can be a definite integral cog in the business location that is your website. It can provide extra manpower at a one-time cost and be programmed to take care of any number of tasks.
The automation frees you up to take care of the many other things that have to be done as an online marketer, and indeed there are many, so this is an easy yes for most business owners. They know that this chatbot thing is going to help their business.
Our SMART Chatbot Services are intended to take the burden off of website owners and do the heavy lifting when it comes to designing, installing, maintaining, and tracking results of their chatbot. Buyers have the option of getting a one-time project from us, but they also can leverage chatbots even more by using our agency services to keep their chatbot up and running, etc.
Dave : )
This is really great.every affiliates marketer should understand this smart chatbot and make use of it. Smart IM chatbot helps company or individual blog owner to collect information and give answers to visitors questions. its an interesting software that stays online to deliver information and accept information from visitors.its a user’s friendly and a good choice for any website.
I will bookmark this page for further information .best regards
Hello, Adam…
This is a supporting post for our new website that we are using for our SMART Chatbot Services agency team. It is really an exciting time as we get things rolling. We already have some happy customers and are looking forward to building a strong and capable team that can scale up as much as needed to support the client’s every need.
Please do check in again and follow us as we grow this business out and of course, we will also be adding new tech as it becomes available for our clients. Our team is very motivated to be the best in the industry and to outperform every competitor in the market.
Dave : )
Chatbots are a very effective tool for every affiliate marketer to have. With the use of chatbots, affiliate marketers can get more conversation going with their audience. Every online business would really profit from having a chatbot.
For prospective clients, it would be appreciated if you can give us an idea of how much a SMART IM chatbot will cost.
Hi, Louis…
you have nailed the useful nature that chatbots offer for every person that operates a website for any reason. Having the engagement there 24/7 means so much in many ways for the business owner. Short of hiring someone to man the Messenger widget they can place on their website, they simply cannot do what they can using the SMART Chatbot Service.
The costs will vary based on the services and the type or chatbot that you are looking for. We will have some standard packages and add-on services that clients can select from, right now you can see what these are offered at using our pricing page.
Note that we are offering a launch discount from these prices and will keep that in place until we have the first 1000 happy customers. After that point, we will revert to regular prices outside of sales and holiday specials, etc. The cost is well within the budgets of small business owners from what we have seen.
Dave : )
Wonderful post and great content. It’s awesome what these chatbots can do, from customer service, referral of user to FAQ, connecting to live contact and even offering of discount and flash sale. I think this is one of the greatest inventions in blogging and the Internet generally. Great thing is, it is available for 24 hours and 7 days. A great future await the usage of chatbots when Internet technologies are involved. Great work putting this up for your readers, putting one on my websites sounds like a great idea.
Hi, Ayodeji…
Thanks for the kind words and it sounds like you see the same bright future for chatbots that we do. Our SMART IM Chatbots Service Team is already working hard getting projects launched after only one day rolling out to the public (we have been doing beta testing for a while already to work out the kinks)…
Please do stop in again and try to catch the launch prices that will save you hundreds of dollars over the coming months and years!
Dave : )
Wow,that’s a rich option for Smart IM chatbot services. Chatbots have really become very popular. I see them on a good number of websites and they are quite interactive. Its good to see an article detailing what the service is all about. As I had no idea on how they really work. And it is a very helpful tool in cutting out cost while still ensuring great customer care and interaction. My question, though is when the botbis down,doesn’t it affect the efficiency of the back office in sending out timely interaction with visitors on the site?
Hi, Vapz…
Good question on what happens when the chatbot goes down for one reason or another (this may happen, but so far we have not experienced any of this kind of problem, but it surely might happen at one point. The answer is to maintain your support information on your website as most website owners already have and users can use this.
The back office would then likely have to go back to the old way of offering support short term while whatever os the issue is resolved. There are times when it could be a hosting issue or perhaps even a WordPress theme issue. So far we have the chatbots installed on over 30 sites and no issues at all.
These are using a variety of themes and hosting services, and they all are using embedded code from us to operate the chatbots. This seems to work well, although we do have a version of chatbot where we can install a plugin too.
The SMART Chatbot Service Team is working very hard to get as many of the chatbots out as they can and have fine-tuned the process, but will continue to do that so we get even better. It takes a team to make this happen, and we have a good one!
Dave : )
Amazing! I always thought chatbots were only available for big budget companies that have deep pockets to pay developers and marketing companies to create and manage. Now you’re telling me about the SMART IM chatbot services is really getting my imagination flowing. If I understand correctly, all I have to do is give some information on what we are looking for in a chatbot and SMART IM Chatbot will create it specifically for my website?
Thanks for sharing this information. Always nice to see that services once only available for big companies can now be used by independent bloggers.
Good Day, Paul…
The chatbots have come to the masses. You are right that in the recent past, only the big companies could tap into the AI and processes that chatbots use. The technology has become much more reasonably priced these days, so the rest of us can also start using these.
Things are advancing very fast in this field, so it is important that whoever you work with to get your chatbot up and running is keeping up. SMART Chatbot Services is doing that in spades! Some of the features that we offer are cutting edge and only available to services like Sirius, Google Assistant, etc.
Our avatars that sync with the voices and have 3D animation are also cutting edge. These can be programmed to say anything, and they sound human. Much better than the old voices that you could find and still find today in the market.
Most certainly the mission of the SMART Chatbot Services Team is to bring our chatbots to the masses of businesses out there that really can use and need what we offer. That was our mantra from the start and will remain so!
Dave : )
Chats bots are very essential in almost every website nowadays just like how a receptionist is important to a hotel. I am greatly impressed by the features that SMART IM CHATBOTS can provide to a website. As a blogger, affiliate marketer, the use of chat bots is very important because your viewers do not have to wait for your reply in the comment section for some frequently asked questions.
Hi, Mikay…
Yes, they are going from an expensive novelty to a necessary tool for business owners that have a website (and most do these days). The advantage that we have over the really big companies or agencies that are offering similar is that we offer personal service and also a much lower cost.
I have been looking at what the competition is offering, and for features similar to ours (but not as many) the monthly costs are really up there. Starting service packages run at between $49 to $149 or more. It really depends on how complex and the features the client wants.
Dave : )
Interesting product! I didn’t have any experience with chatbot but it seems like businesses will be saving lots of money from the human resource perspective and I’m sure customers will be happy with no wait time and not having have to pick up the phone (which I hate to do). But I wonder how the chatbot will help when a customer is asking about very specific question that chatbot is not familiar with or the questions are not grammatically correct and not understandable to the machine…..
Hello, Saori…
For every chatbot that has a sequence and scripted actions based on user input, there is an end stage where the user will be referred to a support ticket [age or a live support person. The 90% of questions that are asked again and again can be referred to a FAQ section…
This will not eliminate completely the need for live staff but will greatly minimize the need for them. I think that this will always be the case, but automation and artificial intelligence means there will be far fewer people needed than has been the case.
Some are worried about this actually. As more and more tasks are automated and artificial intelligence comes to the fore, there will be fewer jobs and this can cause chaos on a grand scale if the concept is carried out to extremes.
In our case, we are not dealing at that level, but it could very well be that one to two jobs or more will go away as the chatbots can handle the tasks better (more consistently) and cheaper. The SMART Chatbot Service Team aims to help the small businesses that need this to remain competitive.
Dave : )
I have been reading more reviews lately on Smart IM chatbot services. This is really useful for business owners in getting record of all clients and customers and getting feedback from them. Some companies are already using it to answer questions forwarded by customer and visitors on their site. It is obvious that in few years to come Smart chatbot would have taken over all companies and business organizations. Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Achievers!
Yes indeed, the chatbot revolution is reminding me of a similar revolution that took place a short while ago. Remember when smartphone apps were all the rage and thousands upon thousands were being introduced daily to the app stores?
That is pretty much past now, and the net number of apps that are being installed daily has dropped dramatically. The reason is that there is a fatigue level now and people are pretty happy for the most part with the apps they already have.
SMART Chatbots is a bit different. There are sequences and a logic they are designed to provide for users for issues that they need immediate assistance with, and they offer the chance to have a more human-like interaction with the chatbot (to include audio and animated avatars in some cases).
Depending on how deep the client wants their chatbot to go, and what platforms they want to support (there are multiple chatbot channels these days, i.e. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, etc.) they can use the power of chatbots to save time and create a better user experience.
Dave : )
Thank you for sharing this great information about Chatbots, Is really great how you guys categorize all the different ways how these Chatbots can help us on our business, I personally started to create an e- commerce website and really interested on this Chatbot.
Seems that with this Chatbots I could save a lot of time. How much the monthly fees will be for this Chatbot?.
Hi, GV…
Right now we are offering a launch special (this will be announced today) so the cost for founders will be very low compared to the regular price. We want to get the word out to the masses and of course to the many businesses out there that are not using them now (only about 5% are using them).
Especially for the businesses that are paying money for ads and placements on websites, our prices will be attractive. They will see their costs actually drop because the chatbot will allow them to have fewer employees to take care of customers, plus they will get more engagement on their websites.
For e-commerce these chatbots using the avatar and audio are ideal. We can build a deep sequence that will allow for customer service, coupons, gaming, welcoming to the store, flash sales, and contests, etc. Our company has 20 e-stores and we are adding these chatbots to every one of them.
Hope this helps, please drop us a line and we will contact you for an appointment to get you started!
Dave : )
Hi, Dave. The chatbot application seems to be very useful for websites dealing with customers. Thank you for such great detailed information. At the same time, I’m curious how much is the cost for one-time plan and monthly plans. Are there special deal packages and what is available within one time and monthly plans? Thank you!
Hi, RM!
Yes indeed, there are some special launch prices for the chatbot services and also for fellow online affiliate marketers who are members of either the Wealthy Affiliate or Builderall Platforms. Also for members of the son opening SMART IM Tools Academy, there will be special prices available (comes as part of membership).
The prices for offline and online businesses will be offered at $300 for one chatbot, which is on the low end for the market, but if they want ongoing support that is available at a monthly subscription price. These clients will likely have a couple of changes a month, so there will be ongoing work plus stats that we will provide.
The nice thing is that they just tell our assigned team member what they need, and that member gets it done if they do want changes. We also provide statistics on what number of goals have been achieved (we can set this up for them) and they can adjust the chatbot sequences and script as needed.
There is also hosting costs plus real humans on our team that have to be paid, not to mention the updating of the chatbot backend to keep improving it that all add up to some monthly fee being required to offer top notch service to our clients.
Drop us a line and let’s see what we can do for you! We have several options depending on what your requirements may be, let’s discuss!
Dave : )
I learn something new almost every day. I like how you provide examples of what a chatbot can do. I think they had this back when AIM was a thing and it is cool that they are becoming much more advanced now. Do you remember if you ever had a problem that was solved by chatbots and if so do you think they can replace real people on some businesses?
Hi, Jon…
The SMART Chatbots can and do replace real people right now. They can lead the client to solutions, they can offer special deals, they help make the client feel more welcomed, etc. They are like having an extra person to take care of the many frequently asked questions so your real customer service technician does not have to.
If you are a solo operation, they can be like an extra hand for you. They help keep people on the page longer, they can promote your offers easily and handily deliver bonuses, coupons, videos, etc. Yes, they are the future I think. Our SMART Chatbots are also the cutting edge versions of chatbots that are available these days.
We feel strongly that a great deal of our business going forward will include creating and deploying chatbots that are affordable and useful for online and offline clients, no matter their niche or market segment. We can design these to fit for each client.
Dave : )
Hi, I must say that this article is very helpful and interesting. Honestly, I did not hear about this smart chatbot but I would like to give it a chance. I think that it is very important to use this service as it would help in increasing trust between customers and company (website). Thanks a lot for sharing such a great service.
Good Day, Daniel…
Glad you enjoyed the article, I really want to get online marketers up to speed with what is out there and what their competition is doing. This will help them stay abreast and maybe even stay ahead of the rest of the crowd. These days it is about offering a better user experience. The SMART IM Chatbots really do that well.
Thanks for stopping by and do so again, please. We are always offering new content on things that will help you make more money faster using automation and other tools for your online or offline business. I think we love this as real people do respond and take action, and that is nice to see!
Dave : )
Wow! These chatbots have amazing potential and I’ve used a few through Facebook messanger and certain apps. They’re awfully handy! That said, some website versions are super annoying to me and I am uncertain about putting one on my site. Is there ways to make them feel less intrusive but available? Perhaps just a button on the lower right hand corner of the screen? That kind would be excellent for me.
Hi, Selenity…
Yes, there sure is a way to make them less annoying…Right now I have the one on this page set to be very annoying because I am trying to get the attention of the readers that stop by! I agree with you that a less intrusive approach will be more effective for the average website.
That is the beauty of the tools that we offer clients. If they want only a popup upon exit with a button in one of the corners of the website we can set it to work that way. We can also make other adjustments as the client may wish too.
They are really effective…I just published an article on another website about how much they have been helping retail marketers with their sales pages and their websites. It has become the norm for the big companies and now we are bringing it to everyone at a much lower cost than has been the norm.
We can set up the chatbot as the client would like, for customer service, i.e. for appointments, for announcing flash sales, instant discounts, or gaming options, and even change it out as often as they would like (for a fee of course).
The data on interactions is also helpful that the clients get with these. They can see how they may want to adjust them based on customers reactions, and of course, saving money on employees is a factor as well. The chatbots today that use AI are getting smarter and smarter, and the company that wants to stay ahead of the competition needs to start using them now.
Thanks for popping through, and I do appreciate your feedback!
Dave : )
If I can use this for a blog, it might be something to look into. If the bots can hold seemingly natural conversations into getting people to sign up for my email list that would be amazing.
Hello, Ty…
Yes, the SMART Chatbots can be useful for the blog sites as well. It is a unique way to present your lead magnets, gather information on what your readers may want, or to deliver bonuses for purchases perhaps. There is any number of ways to use these.
So far our clients have all had different things they want to focus on that address their particular needs for the business they are operating. We have a team of people that create the scripts and voiceovers based on what they are requesting.
Think out of the box and ask if we can do it. I am betting we can, as long as it is within the wheelhouse of the technical capabilities we have ready to go. You might be surprised! Thanks for stopping through…
Dave : )
Very informative article, Dave. I’ve seen many leading websites are using chat bots for their business these days. I’m also planning to implement them in my website, but I perceive them to be too complicated for me. It’s after reading your post, I came to realize it’s true usefulness and simplicity.
Your analysis is very well detailed and comprehensive. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and found it educational. My only question is, when should we consider to install them in our website? As soon as we start our online business, or sometime after a year!
Thanksa lot for sharing this useful information.
Hey Akshay…
Thanks for the kind words…The SMART Chatbots can be useful at any stage of the website building process, and I think they are so easy to build these days that almost anyone can do it. The value that the SMART Chatbot team brings to the table is we can do it faster and more effectively.
Thanks to the many niches that we have built them for, we know already what works and what may not work. Of course, the customer is king and we will build them as they request, but we do try to steer the customer in the right direction so they will get maximum effectiveness with their chatbot and AI Avatar set up.
If you need any advice, please do stop by and drop me a note. I also have a page where we can do a video call and I can share some of the chatbots in action through sharing my screen. This is the same system we use to confer with clients as we get them onboard with our SMART Chatbots!
Dave : )
With this comprehensive guide on chatbots, I just got excited with the opportunities for using the technology in my online business. And seeing all types of chatbots in the list, I could probably make full use of the Lead Generation Chatbot. For the time being, I’m gonna’ bookmark this page so I could study your chatbot guide closely.
Anyways, I just wanna’ tell you that the 3D avatars look like people from Runescape (lol)
Hey There, Dominic…
Glad that you stopped by and had a look at our SMART Chatbot services. They are taking off in the market and we are quite excited to see that. You are the first to mention that the avatars look like people in Runescape but you are right!
The lead generation niche is a great use for SMART Chatbots. People are tired of the same old pop-ups or banners and the avatars really capture people’s attention. I have the one on this page set to open maybe a bit too often, but it is intentional to bring attention to our services.
Please do come back and if you have any questions drop them here in the comments and I will get you an answer. All the best for your online business! Our SMART Chatbots will be there when you are ready…
Dave : )
Hi Dave,
I have used ChatBot on my website and it does wonder. My leads and sales have increased two-fold after installing it. But Smart IM ChatBot Service has many great features than those others in the market. There’s a huge potential to earn an income from providing ChatBot services, does Smart IM Chatbot has an affiliate program? I would like to introduce this service to my associate, as well.
Thank you.
Hello, Zayn…
Those are some fantastic statistics that you have for results after adding in a chatbot! I love to hear this, as it confirms everything that I have been told and experienced. I have a bunch of websites, and we are adding versions of our SMART Chatbots on each.
Yes, we are opening the affiliate program up soon. I need to make sure that everything is working and also that we have enough marketing materials for affiliates. The program is going to be quite lucrative as well. It will be in line with commissions that you typically get for IM tools (much higher than say for Amazon).
Have a great day and I am glad to hear that our SMART Chatbot concept is working for you. It really can make a difference in leads, sales, commissions, and the user experience for people that are just stopping by your website.
Dave : )
I had come across this page before. It seems to have evolved to do more functions. You have shown the benefits of using Chatbots very clearly. It made me realize that the purpose of Chatbots is not to totally replace the human interaction. By taking care of the simpler tasks, it frees up real people to devote more time to customers who have mote complicated issues.
Knowing that there is a service to configure the Chatbot to meet the needs of the customer’s needs, smooths out the decision making process.
As good as NLP and AI have evolved, are there situations where the system misunderstands speakers request and provides incorrect advice? If that happens, what is the typical outcome?
Also, there are people who hate interacting with a machine, no matter how smart it is. Are there any stats to show that this occurrence is so small to not become a liability to the business owner?
Cost estimates were not provided. The closest to this was a statement that said there are many plans available. I assume these will be at different price point. The reason I ask, is there a way the company can filter out those who cannot afford the service, before too much time has been utilized before finding out?
I wonder if this can be adapted for an online Affiliate Marketing business? In this instance there will be no humans to intervene if things go wrong. Overall, I like this concept.
Hi, Edwin…
The AI and NLP have advanced by leaps and bounds over just the past couple of years and this means that they are that much more effective and no longer novelty items you can add to your websites. They can pick up part of the load for you as a business owner, or expand your reach from where you are at now.
The SMART Chatbot Services we offer come at various price points, and at the moment, we have a sales page that explains each level thoroughly. You bring up a good point that perhaps I should add in a quick synopsis of the prie points and what you get for each.
I do agree that there are those people that do not like to deal with robots or AI support channels. They will always have the option to put in a customer support ticket and be able to talk to a real person. That will likely take longer when many of their questions can be answered immediately using a chatbot.
Yesterday I posted an article on the effect that AI and chatbots are having on the retail sales market segment, and they were very positive for chatbots. In fact, they were SO positive that it seems that soon you will see chatbots and AI on almost every site.
It seems that people are getting used to these chatbots and the advantages that they offer. There is even a growing segment of shoppers that would rather deal with a chatbot over waiting to talk to a real person. I think it comes down to immediacy that chatbots offer for customers.
Most certainly there are ways to adapt SMART Chatbots for affiliate marketing. Think of them as having a person on hand to answer questions or present offers whenever a person visiting your website stops by. It is like having a WalMart greeter at your “door” (home page).
Thanks for some good points and thoughts…I will have a look at adding in the pricing for the levels of SMART Chatbot services that we offer…If you are asking about this, I am sure others may be too!
Dave : )
Personally, when I clicked on this website, I was just really trying to spend some time bored as hell because I was procrastination.
But my oh my, it is such a big opportunity that landed on my lap when I found out about this site! Just when I was thinking of automation and leverage for my website. Recently, started blogging lately, but instead of doing so I am wasting my time away around the internet.
It is such an opportune time that I have stumbled upon on this site! What can I say I think I am already hooked and is willing to ride on with the service because I have been mulling over to build on an email list and make my time and readers save some time by using a chatbot instead.
Not to mention there are so many training available which will be undoubtedly important to the growth of my online business. Would definitely go back again to try your training.
Hello, Rizza…
No matter how you got here, we are glad to have you stop by, and want to invite you to come anytime! We add new content all the time, sometimes related to our own offers, at other times reviews of products that we think will help the online marketer, and we also add content about some good advice on things that are working right now for online marketers.
Do have a look around, there is a lot of articles on different subjects. This post is about our SMART Chatbot Service and team. We are quite busy building chatbots and sequences for clients that are using our proprietary SMART Chatbots for their websites.
Some are asking only for the avatar, while others are wanting both the chatbot and avatar. Right now we have a launch special that is going on where you get a niche video and a chatbot that are congruent in regards to the message and look for website owners. You can check that out on our davesvideoproshop.com website!
Dave : )
I am wondering if chatbots is the way things are heading to. I cannot say that I am extremely excited about this although I understand the benefits these have compared to real people. But I can think of some very obvious disadvantages also. Of course the most obvious question is how complex conversations these bots can have and what happens when they cannot solve your problem in any meaningful way because they cannot understand your problem.
Hello, Stratos…
You have some valid questions and let me try to answer them for you. The limitations of chatbots are there, but as they get more advanced and capable, they can do more and more. You can set them up to hand the user off to a real person when there is any question or solution they cannot understand.
This is often not the case, and many common questions and problems can be solved using the SMART Chatbots we offer. This is a timesaver for both the user and the business owner. As you grow your business, making small improvements to service can add up to more sales, happier customers, and more business.
The key is understanding the limits and capabilities of the chatbot and then setting the chatbot sequence and script accordingly. It comes down to anticipating what the user is looking for, adding in the links to get them to the areas they need to get to, and knowing when to hand them off to a real person.
This saves time, maybe not much, but every bit counts in the big picture, much as a faster loading site will result in more people staying on your pages longer. Each small incremental improvement can make a huge difference. I think these SMART Chatbots are brilliant and useful for every kind of business. Many business owners agree and are voting with their checkbooks!
Dave : )
Hello Dave. To tell you the truth, I haven’t seen many Chatbots on websites. Most of the times I see the option of live chat. I guess as you mentioned, they are used more on big corporations.
But these days that more and more people becoming aware of methods of making money online, Chatbots can play an important role to those people, especially those who are on their own.
I guess people just don’t know about Chatbots (like me – I didn’t see one until I visited this site even though I browse most of my day).
But as with every useful tool, sooner or later it will be used for more efficiency. I had my fill of Chatbots for today. I think I will sleep good!. Have a nice day.
Hello George…
Yes, chatbots are becoming more prevalent on websites but there are plenty of websites out there that do not have them. That is where our SMART Chatbot Service comes in. We do all the heavy lifting and set them up and also maintain them.
Part of the problem has been the cost. Until recently, getting these installed on your website was costly and to keep them up it involved more money. Only the bigger companies could afford the cost. With the SMART Chatbots, the costs are much less to get them up and running and also to maintain them.
It brings the power to the average small business that they could not tap into prior to a service such as what we offer. They do work in any niche and can take care of many areas of your business. It is almost like having an extra paid worker on your team.
Dave : )
It really is the next level of user interaction. AI is reaching further and further into our everyday lives and interactions. I was impressed at the ‘custom’ element that is available. Currently this would be beyond my needs as the site just doesn’t warrant it but it is something to be more familiar with as the site builds out. I’ve had interaction with them when I’ve had to use some manufacturers sites that are so huge, having a facility to quickly take me where I need to go, has been a great benefit. I agree that the younger population will be more accepting, as they are of most new technologies. Once a particular ‘bot’ has been installed how easy is it to upgrade further down the line if needed, or are they able to intelligently adapt ? They are certainly here to stay and will definitely have a positive impact on our sites moving forward.
Hi There, Twack…
It is easy to upgrade the SMART Chatbots and we can make changes as the client may need. Instances, when that may be needed, is when they run a sale or perhaps want to emphasize a special service package or flash sale perhaps.
Our team members work directly with the clients to make the changes. It does not take long, and our team members are open to helping out as much as possible as fast as possible. As you grow your traffic through more content and rankings from using good SEO practices, the chatbots will become sensible for you.
When that time arrives when you would like to add one to your page, we are there to help. Rather than trying to learn a whole new technology, and spending time and effort on getting a viable chatbot up, our team can get a SMART Chatbot up and deploy it quickly for you.
We also maintain the chatbot on our servers, so we can make the needed changes without access to your website once the code is added to your backend. It is also a friendly code that will not slow down the loading speed of your website, an important consideration when it comes to SEO and traffic.
Dave : )
Hey I like that, really nice representation of the whole product, the graphics is also nicely done and what is important it is really smooth. Looks like chatbot services are also evolving into impresive tools… it is based only on scripts or are you also developing some kind of topic-focused AI?
Hi, Michal…
Yes, these chatbots are based on scripts that you can create depending on what the client may be looking for. They are quite smart these days and can make the website seem more friendly to the visitor. They can be set up to be very unobtrusive or more as is this one.
That is by design on my side as I am trying to get attention to the power of chatbots, I also can build chatbots based on the Facebook Messenger app, but prefer to use these style as they are not dependent on a platform that I do not own or have control over.
There are services such as ManyChat that you can use to build them yourself, but then you will have an ongoing expense plus the trouble of keeping them up and running. With our services, we take care of that for you. We can also make any changes with our SMART Chatbots on a regular basis and provide stats on how they are being used.
So far the reception has been really good, many offline business owners see the value and want to have them added to their websites.
Dave : )