WELCOME! PLEASE WATCH EPISODE 19: Avoid Overwhelm For Your Reference: Here are the main links referenced throughout the introduction and overview sessions in this series: SMARTER BUSINESS ACADEMY: https://smarterbizacademy.com SMARTER MONTHLY RECRUITING CONTEST: https://smarterbizacademy.com/smarter-academy-ai-staff-recruiting-contest/ SMARTER AFFILIATE REQUEST PAGE/LOGIN PAGE: https://smarterbizacademy.com/affiliate-area/ SMARTER BUSINESS RESOURCE SHOP (FOR MEMBERS): https://resourceshop.smarterbizacademy.com/ SMARTER BUSINESS COMMUNITY: https://smartbiz.tribeplatform.com Now for a word from our fearless leader! : ) — FROM COACH DAVE “Welcome, SMART(ER) Business Network members! We understand that navigating a vast array of features and resources can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created this series of videos to […]
SMART(ER) Academy Opens It’s Doors for Members
Unlock the Power of the SMART(ER) Business Network: Your Ticket to Success! ****HOT! HOT! HOT!**** Right now we are giving away 20 free 1-year accounts for the SMART(ER) Platinum Membership level access! How do you get this? Simple…Go to the home page of the academy at https://smarterbizacademy.com, click on the banner at the bottom for the recruiting contest, and sign up! The next 20 entrants Dave will upgrade once they have enrolled in the contest and registered for a free 7-day account to the Premium level membership. Even if you are not one of the lucky 20, there are […]
10 Reasons To Promote The SMART $1k+ Project As An Affiliate
Welcome to my blog and post, please have a careful look at what is on offer here for you as an affiliate and also with the program itself. We are moving from the beta phase to the launching phase (an evergreen sort of launch, not a glitzy, full of fake cars and houses, etc.). … Who Is The SMART $1k+ Project For? This is a serious program for serious would-be entrepreneurs, moms, dads, and all sorts of people that want to change their lives for the better. What many such people have in common is that they want to work […]
Review of the SMART Affiliate Program – A NEW Way To “Learn to Earn” From Home
Hi Everyone… Today I am going to be reviewing the new platform I have built that is called the SMART Affiliate Program. It is just being launched and it definitely is a product that many people can use in these days of enforced quarantines and the huge loss of employment that are outcomes of the fight to slow the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic. What This Program Is All About Are you stuck at home, have you lost your job, are you looking for ways to earn from home and build up a secondary or main source of income fast? […]
SMART Training – Membership Marketers Club – 4 Simple Steps To Membership Profits
Hi Everyone… Today we are going to talk about membership sites. These are popular and with good reason. They have replaced the old forums that you used to see people interacting on (with some exceptions like Reddit) and they are a viable alternative to Facebook Groups, for which you do not own the platform and are have restricted features. It’s no secret that membership models are crazy profitable. That’s why so many big companies (like Sam’s Club, Amazon and Apple) are setting up membership clubs and sites. It’s a great model because members pay you over and over […]