Hi, Everyone…
As we are about a third of the way through 2019 already, I know that many people are looking for ways to get things rolling for their online business as the first three months of the year may or may not have been as successful as they want.
Whether it has been or not, it always is good to look at the many options that are out there to grow your business using organic (free) methods that are available. One way that many people talk about but few really know that much about is online viral marketing.
This is no wonder as using this traffic method is not as easy as it at first appears. There are things to watch for and things you must do to have this method work. Many ‘gurus’ will teach you a small piece but not the whole process.
This makes sense as they can then sell you another course, and another, and so on. So for them, this viral marketing is a great way to make money, but for the multitudes, not so much.
In that light, I am going to break this cycle by covering a couple of things, recommend a course (of course), and also mention a couple of great tools that can help you get started or improve your online viral marketing campaigns.
Let’s get started!
Viral Marketing Success Depends on Influence Networks
Table of Contents
- Viral Marketing Success Depends on Influence Networks
- What Is The Alternative?
- Call Your Viral Content Readers to Action the Right Way
- Here’s What I Say About This…
- Okay, What’s The Secret?
- How Do I Add A Call To Action?
- Do You Want To Learn More?
- Last Tip:
- Bottom Line…
First of all, there have been and still are, many misconceptions marketers have regarding the subject of viral marketing. Most people still have the idea that all they have to do is publish “great content”, whatever that means, and they will automatically start getting amazing numbers of traffic.
This is kind of what has been sold by many articles, many gurus, and even some of the top-dollar training that you find in the market. It is no wonder people still believe that idea.
However, these days it seems like a pretty dated false narrative, as in reality it takes a lot more planning and thought than just having good content. Marketing really boils down to a lot more than just great content.
If you are one of these people…
Unfortunately, I’ve got some bad news for you. The news is that even if you have put in a huge amount of time polishing your content, using great SEO practices, and found just the right videos and other graphics, it’s still not good enough for it to go viral most times.
Bottom line, I can tell you from experience that even if a lot of people you know will tell you that the content that you produce is top-notch, it is a winner, you’re not there yet. There is much more to think about and do…That is the reality.
Why can I say this? Well, it is easy because I have seen this. It all boils down to the promotion of that content. Remember that even if you have worked hard to come up with some kick-butt content, but you can’t get anyone to read it and take action on it, you might as well have not written that material.
It really is that basic.
If you have not planned how to promote it, to get it shared among a targeted audience that will join your mailing list so you can cultivate them and eventually sell them something, you’re going to get a whole lot of nothing.
So yes, it does all boil down to your promotion plan. With viral marketing, it’s much more than the content itself, rather it is where you plug that content into that is imperative. This truly is the core of viral marketing.
There are a couple of ways you can do this. Either you can build an influence network yourself (this takes time and work) or you can plug into an existing one (this takes time and planning too, but generally can be faster).
Now let’s be completely transparent here: If you don’t know how this works or if you’re completely clueless as to how great content interacts with distribution networks, you need professional help. You really do.
Perhaps you have tried it once or twice and not had any success. You may have been told by ‘experts’ what to do and you did it. You failed. Now you think it is just not for you.
Here is what I suggest:
You need to click here right now and get the most practical blueprint that you can ever get your hands on so you can get some straight advice and guidance and finally achieve the success you’re looking for.
I have put together a no holds barred course on the exact steps to take, explain what works, how to put a successful online viral marketing plan together and make it work. I also let you know what does NOT work. Plus things to watch for and things to do to keep yourself out of legal trouble.
What Is The Alternative?
If you do not get some straight training that is going to lay out the process for you clearly and succinctly, you’re going to continue to take shots in the dark, and it’s only a matter of time until you run out of cash, out of focus, or out of luck.
Remember, it doesn’t really matter how big your budget is, how much you can afford to lose. It also doesn’t really matter how great and talented of a team you have or maybe you are.
It just is the reality that if you do not have a clear idea of how to identify and then how to tap into the influence networks with the right type of content, you’re going to be wasting a lot of time.
This has nothing to do with how awesome your content is. Believe it or not, even mediocre content can go viral, or minimally produce some impressive results – IF they are marketed properly into the right influence networks.
Did you ever see lower quality versions of an existing viral meme end up getting more eyeballs than the meme it is based on? You know why? It is because the ‘right people’ decided to share it or retweet it.
This phenomenon is especially true of the ‘floating’ political memes you see, which seem to have been around for what feels like forever. For no reason and all of a sudden, they either get a new lease on life or they truly gain some traction when a big political personality retweets or shares them.
Why is this the case? It is because they are getting in front of the right eyeballs. In other words, target the right influence networks, and even long-life content can go viral, again and again.
What networks am I talking about? Of course social media, which has made it easier to identify and engage people in the varying influence networks that you can tap into with a little planning and knowledge on how to do it.
Call Your Viral Content Readers to Action the Right Way
Have you noticed that a lot of the viral content that you may see on the social media platforms don’t even have a call to action? In fact, many of the people who are sharing this material simply do so on a large-scale and wholesale basis. They have no plan on how to leverage it.
Rather, they think that it’s all a numbers game so as long as they can pump hundreds of millions of views to some piece of viral content on social media, over time enough of that tumult will translate to some actual website visitors.
Their mindset is that more is good and all that is needed, as when they increase the numbers (volume), there will be enough of that action that will somehow translate to actual conversions.
This is certainly an easy way to approach the marketing method, but guess what, it is not that successful. Huge amounts of work and time, plus perhaps money is being wasted using this ‘easy’ if unsuccessful method.
Why do people still do this? I think people use this method (shotgun approach) because this is the easiest way to do things. It is the path of least resistance. You really don’t have to try all that much to get this going. Gurus teach this too.
Here’s What I Say About This…
You really just have to know what you’re doing as far as marketing content is concerned. If you have enough influence networks and viral content going on at the same time, you can indeed rack the traffic an interest numbers up so high that raw minimal conversions will put some food on the table day after day.
But that is not a wise use of resources and efforts, in my mind…There is a better way…
I say this because that massive traffic where minimal people are taking action and getting you more leads and conversions represents a waste of effort. If you knew what tweaks to make you could easily get double or triple the number of conversions for the same work.
I am all about automation and leveraging time and money to get the maximum return on investment, and so should you be. If using the shotgun approach is how you expect to play the game, you are really selling yourself short.
Did you know that each and every person who engages with your viral content can easily be a direct visitor to your offers and promotions, or minimally a subscriber to your newsletter you send them via email?
It often just takes one small modification or one small additional action for this set of eyeballs to transform into a click, a subscriber, a buyer, and a life-long customer for you.
Okay, What’s The Secret?
I had a feeling this might be the question you have right now. So what’s the secret? Well, truly it’s not such a secret at all because I have seen people do it since forever, both online and offline.
The secret that is not one (it is overlooked though too much) that I am talking is talking about is calling people to take some action. As the old saying goes, if you want to receive, you have to ask. It is HOW you do that to make huge differences in your campaigns.
Although not everyone is going to take you up on your invitation, for sure, enough will. In fact, you will be surprised at what a difference in conversions that you can get with that simple step. It definitely is worth your time to make the invitation in the first place.
How Do I Add A Call To Action?
You have to do this the right way, of course. You need to tie the call to action with the actual content that you’re sharing. It has to be congruent. Let me give you an example…
If you are sharing funny dog videos, call the people to action to visit your conversion page by saying, “Sign up for our mailing list to get even more crazy feline comedy and hijinks.”
Can you see, the logical connection between the content they’re consuming and sharing with the content that you’re promising when they take action to look at your offer, your article, or sign up for your mailing list.
Really that’s pretty much how it works. It is not rocket science. You also don’t have to be some sort of Brainiac Nobel Prize-winning pundit to pull this off, but it does take some attention to detail, forethought plus a bit of extra effort.
The most effective calls to action will really help boost conversions as they are very appropriate and targeted to the audience and the content. Also, if you are thinking I am talking clickbait, I am not.
There is no need to engage in such gimmicks. People see through this and your reputation and business will suffer if you try to use this tactic. It is a lazy way to go and is a cheap trick.
The best calls to action get to the point and they are clear. There is no mystery to them. Their value is also clear. If you get the people in the audience to take action, you want to deliver as promised.
From my own experience at being fooled, let me tell you, the last thing you want to do is to trick people into believing they will be getting something that is very different from the page they actually end up on.
Instead of a fan, they are developing a hater. You would have just wasted my time and effort plus your own in this viral marketing method. Just don’t do it, as there are no winners in that scenario.
Do You Want To Learn More?
I have a course that I have just opened up that will tell you the down and dirty of how to get a successful online viral marketing campaign together. There are videos, resource materials, and a clear step-by-step path that you can emulate.
It is called SMART IM Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets and it is open for members right now. The course goes for $19.95, but I am offering a launch discount of $10, so you will pay only $9.95!
There are 10 video modules plus some bonus materials that cover the real things you need to know about viral marketing…Not just half, not buying a bunch more courses or a mastermind expensive coaching program, rather just the facts that you need to know and follow to have success!
Here are a few screenshots of the course from the inside:
(Click To Enlarge Images)
There is a bonus inside too that normally retails for $22 – It is a related product that we offer under the SMART IM Tools brand. It is a checklist volume that complements the course! Read my review of these checklists HERE.
So really you are getting the training for nothing, and the checklist volume for less than half price! Is that a deal? See my product page for more details! After the launch period, we will be opening this up for the affiliate program too, so even if the training does not interest you, you can promote it to your tribe and make some good commissions!
Pay With PayPal…
Last Tip:
I use a great tool that is especially suited for viral campaigns that’s called PerkZilla. It is useful for many tactics for online marketing to include viral marketing. Read my review about that tool HERE. I have used this tool for quite a while and it has helped me a whole lot with viral marketing. I highly recommend having a look at it if you are serious about trying out online viral marketing.
Bottom Line…
Okay, we have covered a lot today with this post on online viral marketing, so I do hope that you are excited about this method for ramping up your business in a way that requires thought and works on the front side, but can take over on its own and give you a boost in conversions at no or little additional cost.
Online Viral Marketing is still a thing in 2019, and you can tap into the stream of traffic, leads, and conversions it can provide if you heed the advice and guidance that’s found in our latest SMART IM Training Course – Online Viral Marketing Secrets.
Get started today, and no matter whether you sign up or not, drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts on the subject of online viral marketing. Have you experienced success, do you think it is a dead marketing method, is it too hard?
Dave : )
thanks for providing us with all these wonderful tips on how to use online viral market. Even though I’ve heard about it lately I haven’t been able to have a full glimpse on how it operates but I believe going by the smart IM tool. I’ll be able to have a good training about it. Which will be quite helpful. Thanks
Hi, Salim…
I am glad that this post has helped you, and there is no doubt that the SMART IM Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets will help marketers out. Unfortunately, most people do not understand or perhaps they are not willing to do all the work needed to set a viral campaign up.
Instead, they take shortcuts and then complain when they do not produce results, will say that it doesn’t work or perhaps will say that it is a dead method of marketing. It never fails that new viral campaigns are started every day, however, and many ARE successful.
So rather a case of the method not working, it is more a matter of not doing the proper preparation and effort to make sure what you create will be shared and that people will also take action on your calls to action. That is where our training comes in…
We have created a course that cuts to the chase to provide just what you need, not more or less to have a successful viral marketing campaign. There are some things that most people do not know or understand that make the difference between success or frustration.
Add in the great bonus and resources we are including, and you see that this is a training course that is worth far more than the small cost. That is what we like to do: overdeliver!
Dave : )
Sounds like an amazing tool to use especially at that price. I agree that it’s all in the promotion. You can create something great but no one will ever know about it if the advertising and promoting doesn’t stay afloat. With the competition in today’s marketplace, great content is not enough. Being someone who writes and sells e-books and print books, I should know. Sales always go up with promotional material and without promotion, sail south.
Hi, Todd…
You are definitely speaking to the choir on the increased sales from promotions and without this, low sales and no activity. It is hard to get attention unless you have something compelling and not having a call to action when you try out the viral marketing just is a waste of time and effort.
This is why we put together the course, as it will help the student understand how to set a viral marketing campaign up properly. The lessons and chapters are easy to follow along with, and the videos plus materials add to the ways students can learn about the material.
The bonuses that we have added will also help, the many checklists you get guide the user through the maze that is social media today. It is easy to get overwhelmed, and the checklists will help a lot. They really drill down. That is why we felt they would be such a good complementary tool for the training.
The tool I mention, called PerkZilla, is one we have used for a number of campaigns and it has worked out wonderfully. It helps with getting content to go viral and has a lot of features that make it flexible in regards to how it can be used.
So viral campaigns are still alive and the SMART Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets will help make them work for any online marketer that wants to use more organic methods to get traffic and conversions. Please do stop by and have a look again at the website, we have a number of other useful tools and services for online marketers!
Dave : )
I’d just love it if something I post went viral! Wouldn’t you too?
I do agree a call to action strategy is a great one. I am one to always forget. I just create, post and on to the next one. It is important to tell people what you want them to do next. Some don’t even realize there is another option beyond. Valuable information, thank you. A point to remember.
Hi, Marlene…
Yes, the call to action is missing in a lot of the viral posts I see. Just getting traffic isn’t helping, rather getting access to continued communication is key to making these campaigns worthwhile. Only then can you build a relationship and make a one time like or share into much more.
Glad to be of help, and thanks for stopping by! The training and tools we are offering (Online Viral Marketing Secrets) and the tool we use ourselves (PerkZilla) really will help online marketers that are interested to learn how to get started properly so they do not waste time and money.
Dave : )
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into writing your page but I feel your site would benefit from a table of contents section. If this site is created in wordpress there is a plugin called “easy table of contents” the reason why I mention this is because some people aren’t going to read the content and want to cut to the chase
I feel that the content is a little long as some of the top marketing guys I have seen like Alex Becker and Neil Patel usually have content that is quick to read and digest and not only that Google has an index where they gauge how your content works on mobile phones and people on phones want quick content
These are just a few suggestions that hope will help because you seem to know what you’re talking about and probably have a good product too
Hello, Garry…
This comment has really little to do with the content itself, which is what I am looking for, but your points are well taken, thanks. I have had this site up for almost 4 years now, and I am more interested in getting info out to people and sometimes that means longer posts and sometimes shorter.
It is about engagement and providing content that has value. Perhaps Alex and Neil also have said that too. The plugin for adding a content section is one point that I could have a look at. The site is mobile responsive, not sure what you are talking about there…
So what about the content? What are your thoughts on viral marketing? Is it something that interests you or that you have tried before. Do Alex and Neil talk about that at all? I imagine they must, as it is a topic that falls under their areas of interest…
Please do stop by again and leave some thoughts about the content when you do, as I really would like to know what you think. I am sure you have something to contribute to the readers! It sounds like you have been banging around the internet for more than a day. I love picking up new information.
Dave : )
This was a great read great post and it really opened my eyes about online viral marketing and looks like your corse smart Im training could be really promising and easy to follow and i like the fact that you offer the bonus starter pack it is a good touch
Hi, Anthony…
Yes, we have priced the course at rock-bottom prices so more people can take advantage of the tips, training, and advice you can find in it. The bonuses were also carefully selected to maximize the value for the student and provide materials and actionable steps to enjoy success with online viral marketing.
The SMART IM Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets is just one course of an ever-growing list of courses that we are offering as we get them completed. They do have to go through a beta testing process as well prior to releasing them to the public.
This is why we added in the bonus of the SMART IM Checklist Volume on Social Media. Feedback from the testers indicated that this was something that would add so much more to make it a steal at the price we are offering the course for.
Thanks for stopping through, and please so check out the sales page for this training and others that we have scattered throughout this website! We appreciate your feedback!
Dave : )
This is a good topic for online marketers. Everyone wants their content to go viral. The program seems doable and not very expensive. Your site is very well put together. It is very eye-catching. The ads seem well placed and not overwhelming. A very informative and helpful article about Viral Marketing which is something I have heard of but never really looked into. This article has peaked my interest.
Hi There, Scole…
Glad to hear that you gained some value from the information that we included in the post, most certainly viral marketing is a method to grow your business faster. This is true only if it is done properly, however, and I have heard from many marketers that they have not had success and this doesn’t work.
The thing is that these online marketers either do not know what to do or they take shortcuts that result in a less than desirable outcome for their effort and money. If you know what you need to do, and then do it, you will be far more likely to succeed.
This is where the course comes in. It teaches you exactly what is needed, how to go about getting things in place, and then provides additional resources (bonuses) that will help the online marketer have success. No guru stuff, just valuable information that is actionable.
The SMART IM Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets training has been beta tested by experienced marketers and newbies. All have said that the package should be priced much higher. We are more interested in training people and seeing them have success.
Dave : )
Growing online presence and pooling traffic to your website through organic means has really proven to yield the best results in the online marketing world. Great contents will be absolutely valueless if traffic is not pulled, to know your great content.
I have really learnt how important, call to action is, in becoming a successful marketer. The SMART IM TRAINING looks very promising and I will like to take advantage of it. But my question is, do I necessarily need a website to make viral an affiliate product i’m marketing? Hope to get an answered asap. Thank you
Hi, Chidiking88…
No, you do not need a website to take advantage of viral marketing. Some online marketers will tell you this is the beauty of using this type of marketing over say blogging or creating a niche website. It is faster, and you can generate traffic to your sales pages quickly.
This means you could promote your own products like we are doing, or you could be promoting products as an affiliate and get paid commission on sales that result. Most certainly I would recommend that you add in an opt-in page no matter which you decide to use.
The reason is that having that name and email will allow you to add in the second type of marketing that works rather well still, email (and perhaps even push notifications and FB Messenger options too). The idea is to increase the number of ways that you can approach the potential or current client.
The training we have for viral marketing does not really go into the weeds much on this, but I would suggest that you work the viral campaigns to grow whatever lists you are building as this is like having money in the bank so to speak. You can grow relationships through pushing newsletters with valuable information, gain trust, and eventually sell to these people.
Our SMART IM Traning 0 Online Viral Marketing Secrets course will get you started right and it comes with that $17 bonus (normally $22) SMART IM Checklist for Social Media that can help you understand how to tap into the various social platforms with your viral campaigns.
Add to this the forum where you can interact with other students and online marketers who are creating these viral marketing campaigns, and you will gain access to a pool of knowledge that can help you propel your campaigns to new levels of success.
Dave : )
Wow lots of great content here. Call to action is something I need to work a bit harder on, on my own websites. I know how to do it but I guess it is part of my own programming not wanting to bother anyone. Seeing, that I teach how to get over old programming and I just realized that about me. Just now thanks to you. I guess I should practice what I teach and get on it.
I was wondering does Online viral Marketing Secrets also have an affiliate program? If so what are their compensations like? Do they have a lot of upline help? Thank you for answering my questions.
Hi, Sara…
Thanks for popping through and having a look at this post on Online Viral Marketing. It is still a thing and done properly, can bring your overall costs down for customer acquisition. The problem often is that marketers do not understand what are the requirements to make them work.
Yes, Sara, we are adding this course and all courses to our affiliate program. The compensation will be in line with other platforms out there, likely 50%. Plus lifetime pixels too, meaning that if that customer buys one product or service, anything else they buy you will get paid commission on as well.
We have done some beta testing, and everyone has loved the course. It is a no-nonsense 10 part video series that cuts to the chase on what online marketers need to do to have success with viral marketing. There is also some great supporting materials that will help the students.
We will be adding in a forum area for all the courses, too. That will be found in the SMART IM Tools Academy platform, and all students will have access to that (access by course, not the entire site). The SMART IM Training – Online Viral Marketing Secrets is going to help a lot of people.
Dave : )
Hi David Sweney, thank you very much because this your post have to do with how my business will grow i really love the post and i followed all the information line by line, i am interested in it so much and i will tell your post to my friends also because this is what we need to make money online as the name says Viral, marketing. Thank you for Sharing this vital information.
Hello, Boluwagg!
Viral marketing does work but it can be a bear to figure out just what are the key factors that make it work. This post is a start, and the course we offer completes the picture for the online marketer. The idea behind the SMART IM Training – Onlne Viral Marketing Secrets course is to get the marketer up to speed and have them focus on what counts.
The bonus checklist that we are including (SMART IM Checklists – Social Media) is a complementary tool to the main focus of the training and will help get to a successful viral marketing campaign quicker too. Lastly, the PerkZilla tool that I have included a link for is one that will help get the word out.
The PerkZilla tool can also be used for many other purposes such as contests or polls and surveys. It is versatile and easy to use, I would recommend it to all marketers who are looking for automation tools that work to help them scale their business up.
Dave : )