Review Of SMART IM Checklists

2018 12 19 1229 - Review Of SMART IM Checklists

INTRODUCTION This is a different kind of review today. How so? The product I am reviewing is my own! As such, I will try to inform readers what I am offering in detail and explain why I think they should consider using this tool(s) for their online businesses. The product is called SMART IM Checklists, and they consist of 12 volumes of lists by subject, and some training to go along with the one (Canva). Right now for a limited period of time, you can get a low introductory price for this set of tools that will help you make […]

New JVZoo Member Platform and Bonuses Revew

2018 08 31 0646 - New JVZoo Member Platform and Bonuses Revew

  INTRODUCTION Every once in a while, there is a new tool that makes so much sense and is of such value that you want to shout out to the world about it. This new JVZoo Member platform is such a case. Right now for a limited period of time, you can get a lifetime price for this tool that will help you make many times your investment back. Because it is a launch, and they are trying to grow the user base, for the next 4 days you can pay a one-time fee of $397 (I know this seems […]

Review of Titans of Zoo, OTOs, and Bonuses Included

2018 08 28 1834 - Review of Titans of Zoo, OTOs, and Bonuses Included

INTRODUCTION Hi, Everyone… Today I am reviewing the ‘Titans of Zoo’ training product that is sure to whet your appetite for more affiliate marketing adventures and perhaps entice you to get some product creation activity started as well. This is brilliant training that will give you insights on what you can start doing better as some of the most successful online marketers on JVZoo share their wisdom/experience. You know that I like to focus mainly on reviewing tools or products that will actually work and add to your online marketing business bottom line. This is not a product or a […]

Destiny Chat-Bot and Hands-On Training FE, OTO1, OTO2, OTO3, and Bonus’ Review

2018 07 27 0356 - Destiny Chat-Bot and Hands-On Training FE, OTO1, OTO2, OTO3, and Bonus' Review

  Introduction Hi Everyone… This review is one that I have been looking forward to doing for quite some time. The creator of the training package is a gentleman named JayKay Dowdall and he is a gifted teacher on top of being a seasoned online marketer who likes to develop new and more effective strategies that work to sell more in today’s competitive internet market. This package he is calling ‘Destiny’ is no exception. He has put together an easy to follow training course that will help you start using chat-bots for free with a service called Many-Chat (there is also […]

Review of Dropshipper Elite Training, OTO Upgrades, and Bonuses

Image for training

  Introduction Hi, Everyone… Today I am reviewing a training program called ‘Dropshipper Elite’ that is launched today. I was given access to the training, and have recorded a video on my thoughts about the coourse. I was impressed. It is a fact that thousands and thousands of dropshipping stores are opened every day online. Unfortunately, most of them will fail for one reason or another. Either the owners have not planned well, they have not done the requisite research, or they do not know how to build the store using good SEO practices or design practices. This training is […]