Affiliate Programs That Work – Follow This Advice and Earn More Commissions

woman holds ipad 4460x4460 - Affiliate Programs That Work - Follow This Advice and Earn More Commissions

Hi, Everyone… I don’t care what you’re selling, if you’re an affiliate then you have a whole boatload of competition. There may be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of other affiliates all selling the exact same thing as you. There are some great affiliate marketing programs out there and even with the competition, you can earn some good cash on a regular basis if you tap into the right ones. This post is intended to help you select which of the affiliate marketing programs may be worth your attention and which to leave to others to fight over. The tips […]

12 Passive Online Streams of Income You Can Quickly Implement for 2019

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Hi, Everyone… Happy New Year! It is not too late to wish this, BUT time is marching on, so it  IS time to get busy for this New Year and beyond… Today, while I wait for my LLC paperwork to be completed so we can completely open the SMART IM Tool program to fellow online marketers, I wanted to add a post on ideas to create a variety of streams of passive for your online business in 2019. As stated, this is a new year, an excellent time to evaluate where you are with your online business and to start […]

Review Of SMART IM Checklists

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INTRODUCTION This is a different kind of review today. How so? The product I am reviewing is my own! As such, I will try to inform readers what I am offering in detail and explain why I think they should consider using this tool(s) for their online businesses. The product is called SMART IM Checklists, and they consist of 12 volumes of lists by subject, and some training to go along with the one (Canva). Right now for a limited period of time, you can get a low introductory price for this set of tools that will help you make […]

Review Of Profit Reign – A Unique Cash Generation System

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Introduction One of the hardest things when starting with affiliate marketing or any online marketing business is finding a method to make money that actually works. As time goes on, making money becomes a bigger and bigger issue. You want to see results for your efforts. There are many fake offers out there that claim they will help you start making money and many others that simply do not live up to their hype. I have come to look at most offers for quick money using the ‘X’ program (can be one of a hundred titles for X) as ones […]

Making Quick Money Online – A Look At Adsense & Blogging

Image of Google Adsense Training

INTRODUCTION Adsense is what new online affiliate marketers will hear about very shortly after they enter the niche. It is and has been a good way to monetize your content efforts on your website(s). Of course, to be able to show your ads using AdSense, you need to establish and build a website with content. The content drives the traffic, and the ads you show make money for you when your visitors take action. This whole process sounds simple enough, and indeed, it is not rocket science. BUT there are some things that you must consider to make this simple […]