SMART Training – Avoiding Lousy Lead Pages and Copy That Sucks

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Hi, Everyone…   Today we are going to cover some important tips pulled from our SMART training course called “eMarketers Club” for creating a lead page that will get conversions for you. It is not as easy as it may sound. Ask thousands of marketers who have tried and failed what they think…   We will bring up just a few things for you to think about, and offer you a special price for some training that will get you headed in the right direction for creating lead pages that work and for adding copy to those pages that will […]

Starting An Online Business – Three Viable Options for 2019

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Introduction Hi, Everyone… I get a lot of questions from people that are thinking of starting their own online business. They may have heard how easy it is to make money, or they want to get away from a regular 9-5 job, or they may want to work from home,i.e. they are a Mom or retired. There are a thousand reasons that are all valid to start your own online business. Luckily, it is quite easy to get one up and running, but to have a SUCCESSFUL online business it takes a bit of work and planning. It is one thing […]

Review Of SMART IM Checklists

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INTRODUCTION This is a different kind of review today. How so? The product I am reviewing is my own! As such, I will try to inform readers what I am offering in detail and explain why I think they should consider using this tool(s) for their online businesses. The product is called SMART IM Checklists, and they consist of 12 volumes of lists by subject, and some training to go along with the one (Canva). Right now for a limited period of time, you can get a low introductory price for this set of tools that will help you make […]

Review of Dropshipper Elite Training, OTO Upgrades, and Bonuses

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  Introduction Hi, Everyone… Today I am reviewing a training program called ‘Dropshipper Elite’ that is launched today. I was given access to the training, and have recorded a video on my thoughts about the coourse. I was impressed. It is a fact that thousands and thousands of dropshipping stores are opened every day online. Unfortunately, most of them will fail for one reason or another. Either the owners have not planned well, they have not done the requisite research, or they do not know how to build the store using good SEO practices or design practices. This training is […]

Review Of Profit Reign – A Unique Cash Generation System

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Introduction One of the hardest things when starting with affiliate marketing or any online marketing business is finding a method to make money that actually works. As time goes on, making money becomes a bigger and bigger issue. You want to see results for your efforts. There are many fake offers out there that claim they will help you start making money and many others that simply do not live up to their hype. I have come to look at most offers for quick money using the ‘X’ program (can be one of a hundred titles for X) as ones […]