Hi, Everyone…
I just wanted to make a quick post on my new SMART IM Tools brand. The intent is to give you a little background on how it came about, where it is going, and how you as an online entrepreneur can tap into all the resources that it will offer you.
I believe that after almost 4 years of being involved in one way or another, I have seen what is lacking across the niche. The intent is to fill in the gaps that are out there and help as many people as possible start having success (meaning making income) from their online efforts.
Most tools, products, services, or training you will find as you start a search for resources to tap into as you get started with trying to make money online will give you a small piece of the overall picture. This is by design, as marketers can sell you one piece, then another, and yet another over time.
Why do they do it like this? Simply stated, they make more money this way. If you look at the many products out there, many will promise you the moon, without any work, and done through pushing a button! Maybe it is not that bad ALL the time, but often the products you see are not worth anywhere near what they are asking.
What I have decided is that rather than trying to buy a piece here and a piece there, I would try to bring the tools and sites together under one umbrella where you can trust that what you are being offered is of true value, will help you make money, and is complementary with everything you see so you are working in an organized manner towards a goal that you have determined you want to achieve.
So let’s drill down on the SMART brand…
What Is SMART and Why Include It In The Brand?
Table of Contents
- What Is SMART and Why Include It In The Brand?
- So What Does SMART Stand For Exactly?
- How Will People Benefit From the SMART IM Tools program?
- When Are You Starting To Sell These SMART IM Tool Products?
- What Products Are You Selling Now?
- (1) SMART IM Checklists – Volumes 1-12
- (2) SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits
- What Are The Next SMART IM Tools Product To Be Rolled Out?
- Other Notes Regarding The SMART IM Tools brand/program…
- Bottom Line…
This is an acronym that has a special meaning to me and it will for you as well once you see the method behind my madness. I come from a military background, and we did a LOT of planning for everything we did, always.
Here is how that applies to the SMART acronym and to online marketers:
Firstly, you do not know where you are going nor if you get there if you do not have a plan. I believe that to have success with any endeavor you must plan for that success. What will it look like, how will you know when you have success, and how will you maintain and grow that success?
Secondly, once you HAVE a plan you need to have the resources available to you to be able to implement the plan. No matter HOW great your plan may be, without the proper resources, you will not achieve the goals of your plan. I realized this early on in my online marketing adventure – more or less what you have is a huge opportunity to make money online but it does take some legwork to pull it together.
Thirdly, you have to be able to shut out distractions that keep you from achieving your plan, No matter how great something looks and you think you could use it at some point, it is important to evaluate whatever it may be to see if it fits and is complementary to your plan.
Too many times in the quest to make money, you are confronted with promises of short-cuts that will help you make money with no work involved or promises of millions in a month, etc. These are simply not factual and can cost you delays in accomplishing your plan.
Lastly, it helps to have a central point (or a few) that you can head to when you run into problems as you execute your plan. This can be other like-minded people, ones that have more experience, or perhaps training sites where open and active discussions are taking place.
You can get answers to your questions, add to the discussion, and as a group, all will be positively affected. The online marketing business can be a lonely business. Many people operate from home (cool), beaches (cooler), or even from foreign countries on a beach (REALLY cool). But…they too have issues and could use a central point for support and discussion at times.
Although the latter two locations sound great, it can be problems at times too. Better to have a set of people that you know and trust who know what you are going through to get some feedback from so you stay moving forward in your quest to achieve your plan’s goals.
Knowing all of this has led me to create the SMART brand. The intent is twofold. It will include a set of training materials, tools, products, and a forum where people tapping into the resources available can get the support they need, and it will help those people stay focused on their plan, whatever that may be.
So What Does SMART Stand For Exactly?
This particular acronym provides the fundamental set of traits, attributes, or characteristics that I want everything that the SMART IM Tools brand is tagged with to have. These are what I look for as I build and add new training, new products or services, or recommend products outside the SMART IM Tools family of tool to people.
So let’s list out what each letter stands for and how each tie into what we are building for online marketers:
S – Specific. By this, I mean that the purpose of the tool, training, product, or service has to state clearly what it is intended to do, and how. Too often wild claims are made, or no information is provided. People are expected to buy a dream without knowing what they are buying. You will never see that from us.
M – Measurable. The results claimed must be measurable in some manner whenever possible. This will not always be the case, but there are still certain parameters that we can see (i.e. customer feedback) that the tool is working as intended.
A – Achievable. We do not want to sell something with a promise of some end result that most people will not be able to do. We want simple effective products that people can buy at a fair price and use to leverage their current business.
R – Relevant. We will not sell tools that people do not need. Every product on our planning board ios something that will help the online marketer, whether they are brand new to the business or have been around for years. I do not want to sell something that is a waste of time or money for people. That is not who we are nor does that align with the SMART culture.
T – Time Specific. Lastly, we want to provide products that will get you results in a specific period of time. Often it depends on the amount of effort YOU put in, but our purpose is to look at the average user to see how long it takes to see results. This is not a 4-year college course, it is a set of tools that will get you sales and traffic and ideas on how to increase both!
Altogether, you see we now have the SMART acronym that personifies what we are trying to achieve. It permeates everything we design, build, create, and offer to people and members of the SMART IM Tools Academy Site. It is more a set of ideas than any particular identifiable trait or feature.
It is a cultural thing. By this I mean the brand helps identify who we are, why we exist, and what we do every day and with every product. It denotes a standard that we must meet or exceed daily in our actions, our outputs, with our customers, and with results.
How Will People Benefit From the SMART IM Tools program?
This is something that you will judge for yourself as you see the various offers that we bring on a regular basis, and as the program grows you will have more and more to select from and use in your own online business.
We aim to make sure you are getting things that follow the SMART ideal, every time. I have lined up a pretty good set of tools, products, training, and etc. already, and we will be rolling them out as quickly as they are ready. You will be able to get in and use these tools on a one-off basis, or soon via our membership site that we are working on right at this moment.
When Are You Starting To Sell These SMART IM Tool Products?
Right now. Yes, you read that right. I have a series of products that are at the roll-out stage and they will be launched on a soft basis (as in no big marketing splash, rather using WooCommerce and other product and sales pages and not on the major affiliate platforms like JVZoo or Warrior Forum, etc.).
I would rather grow this brand little by little, and let it naturally develop and spread through word of mouth along with some support from the social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. We want to get some success stories under our belt, help as many people as possible on a more personal level, and over time bring in more that can benefit from what we have built with our founders.
What Products Are You Selling Now?
Glad you asked! So far we have launched the SMART IM Checklists, 12 volumes of checklists covering many of the tasks that you must carry out as an online (or offline in some cases) marketer and a second called SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits.
The checklists help you stay focused on what is important, you can use them as you progress in that particular task, and you can make copious notes that you can refer to later if needed. The lead magnet kits come with the eBook in various unique formats, a sales page, and an email swipe campaign. You can quickly edit these and start them working for your business…
Let’s dive a little deeper with each so you understand the direction that we are taking the SMART IM Tools brand…
(1) SMART IM Checklists – Volumes 1-12
You can see my review on these by checking out REVIEW OF SMART IM CHECKLISTS …
These will help a lot and in total there are over 240 checklists in the 12 volumes! If you print all of them out you will need a LOT of paper! But no worries, they come in a variety of formats sio you can access and use them right online without printing them
Personally, I am still old school…I use journals, planning calendars (printed), whiteboards, etc daily. The checklists are more valuable and useful printed out, but I know these days many do not want to deal with a lot of paper.
Next, we have…
(2) SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits
The second SMART IM Tools product that you will find a review on is called our SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits. These are eBooks that have been specially designed to be used on your opt in or squeeze pages, in a pop-up on your website, or on a page on your website.
The neat thing about these is that they are ground-breaking, as in they have unique features and professional, fresh design and fresh content that you will not see anywhere else. To top that off, you also will have true scarcity, as these are all limited edition publications.
You can read more about these at MY REVIEW OF SMART IM LEAD MAGNET KITS
These two products are actually many products, as you can buy the set of checklists, a set of 3 or 6, or even one individual volume of the 12 checklists, while with the lead magnet kits, you have several options depending on your needs.
What Are The Next SMART IM Tools Product To Be Rolled Out?
Going forward it looks like we will introduce the following to the market:
- A sales funnel course.
- A content management course.
- A set of video creation and editing tools (4), and then
- Some social content tools…
All of these tie into the SMART IM Checklists in that you will be able to do more things faster you have to get done based on real things included in the tested checklists. The checklists are the cornerstone for everything else we will build. As time goes on, we will add to the body of work on the checklists as well.
To add to these tools, we are also standing up an Academy membership site…
There you will be able to commiserate with other like-minded online entrepreneurs both on our Facebook private group site as well as directly on the SMART IM Tools Academy site. We are adding in a chat tool where you will be able to chat with one another privately, pass files, make video calls, etc.
I am very excited to see that come together, and look forward to adding founding members! if you decide to join when it opens, and you will be able to grow your business as we grow our set of supporting products that you will have access to. As a founder, you will get in at rock bottom prices too!
Other Notes Regarding The SMART IM Tools brand/program…
Our membership site is being worked on now by designers, and the link is SMART IM TOOLS ACADEMY…I will update this post as we get closer to the grand opening, and send you the link to get in at the cheapest price it will ever be offered at…\
But there is STILL more coming! Read on…
We have an affiliate program that is also being completed as I write this post. You will be able to offer the tools and membership site to others and make a good amount of commission on a recurring basis for those leads that select the membership monthly option (they will save money and have access to varying levels of the tools, and you will make a commission every month as they pay us!) and yet more money for individual product sales.
We are looking at new ideas and new products to bring in under the SMART IM Tools umbrella daily. But most do not pass muster, unfortunately. As we find them, believe me, we are securing them for you! If you have some suggestions, please be sure to add them in the comment section below.
Bottom Line…
I have presented to you in this short post the SMART IM Tools concept. The idea is that you will better understand what you are seeing and being offered on this and other websites as you navigate around the pages of the sites that are associated with the brand (we have 5 websites currently tied into the SMART IM Tools brand).
Our goal with this massive and growing project is nothing short of becoming a disruptive leap in the industry. There have been others that have offered similar programs, but I do not believe that any will match what we are building!
If you have any further questions, please add them below. We aim to make this Academy site and the SMART IM Tools brand as big as some of the others that are out there and make it relevant like Wealthy Affiliate and other sites are for the online marketer.
We have lofty goals and ambition that will lift us to new heights by us enabling YOU to attain new heights too. Together we can. Join with us and let’s set the standard! I am excited, can you tell? See you on the inside…
Dave : )
Thank you for this informative post, well detailed and mind blowing, I was able to comprehend easily everything you talked about, I love the acronyms ,it truly represents what the SMART IM stand for, I can’t wait to try the tools out and I am surely anticipating the membership academy so I can easy communicate with like minds.
Hi, Clement!
Thanks for stopping by, I just published this so was surprised that I already received a comment on the post…This is a manifest so to speak for what is in place and what is to come for my online marketing business. By helping others achieve more success with their own online marketing business, I think it will be reciprocated in the additional business I do.
These products are designed to be effective and in some cases will save IM people a lot of time. The time saved will come from a more efficient online operation, organization and having an orderly process, plus being able to commiserate with other like-minded entrepreneurs who are in various stages of success with their online business.
The nice thing is that no matter what the niche you may be working in, these are tools that can potentially help you leverage your efforts. No matter is you are selling cat doors or publishing training courses for others, there are things we have that will help.
Have a great day and be sure to stop by from time to time – we are adding a whole series of products under the SMART IM Tools label, and there are likely some that may be of interest and help you in your own online business!
Dave : )
Im not going to lie this sounds very interesting. It sounds like something myself and a lot of others will be very interested in. I read every word on the page and understood most but there are some parts I am a bit confused about.
When exactly is this going out to the public and how much will it cost? One other thing is if I understand you are going to compete against Wealthy Affiliate?
This is just all curious to me. Anything else you can explain would be awesome.
Hi, Dale…
No I am not going to compete against Wealthy Affiliate hehe. There are a number of other sites out there similar to Wealthy Affiliate however that offer training and some have features in addition to the training, as does Wealthy Affiliate.
The focus of our membership site is different. I have video tools that help speed the process of creating sales videos, for instance, and ones that work specifically to quickly create Instagram stories posts. These are things that any marketer promoting their products either as an affiliate or perhaps their own with will want to use, as they save time and the templates are very professional. They simply look great!
This is a different angle and different offer from any other site out there that I have found to date. It is essentially a center where as a member you will have access to the array of tools, training, and other resources that we are constantly adding to.
The membership site is a way to save money from buying the SMART IM Tools individually (people can buy them here) or they will be able to sign on as a member of the SMART IM Tools Academy site and get them all for a monthly fee.
Depending on the level of membership, more or less tools will be available to members. The founding rate will be low, and the members will be grandfathered. Tentatively we will cap the number of founding members at 1000. This is up in the air. The monthly cost is also being discussed at the moment.
This post was intended to provide a 10,000-foot level perspective of where the SMART IM Tools brand is going. I will let everyone know when we open the figurative doors here. It will be sometime after the New Year, we are close.
I have to test everything and make sure links are working, all tools are working, etc.
On the individual products mentioned, the soft launch is imminent. I am switching PayPal accounts at the moment and the bank accounts associated with the brand to make it completely separate from other online and offline activities…
Hope this clarifies things for you…I would not have a chance of competing with such a huge and successful site like Wealtthy Affiliate, but I can offer some complementary features and tools that will entice users of such sites to have a look at what we have.
Dave : )
The Smart Im Tool concept really sounds like a promising one that i personally will be looking forward to. As i’m personally interested in the Smart IM Checklist and the smart IM lead magnet kit.
Aside that i will also be looking forward to commiserate with other like-minded online entrepreneurs both on the Facebook private group site as well as directly on the SMART IM Tools Academy site.
When should we expect the website to be launched?
Hello, Rahye…
Thanks for the positive feedback, it is good to know that we are on the right track. The SMART IM Tools program has been designed by marketers for marketers. The intent is to fill in the gaps that you may experience from other training sites or tools that you may be using.
Over time, the body of work and products that SMART IM Tool users will have will be enough on their own to provide much of the needs for online marketers, and be available at a fair and reasonable price too. That is the whole concept behind the SMART in the brand, as you likely read about in the article.
Please do stop back and see what other exciting tools, products, services, and associated complementary training that we add over time. I have not been this excited in a long time, and as this brand and concept comes together, I can see it has a bright future.
Dave : )
I like the meaning you gave of each word in SMART, it is really interesting the link to what we are building as online marketers. Your project SMART IM is a very good and helpful project. I will try it as soon as possible. Thank you for your help in the online marketing.
Good Day, Maria…
Thanks and the acronym SMART really embodies what the intent is for my own online marketing efforts and I would like to pass tihis on to others as well through the brand and supporting tools that we create or procure and roll out for supporters of the brand.
The proof will be in the products we launch and the testimonials and new subscribers over time, I think. The heart and mind is in the right place in any case, and I have a team of like-minded people that are all working in tandem to do the best we can for all of our partners in the SMART IM Tools program.
There are a lot of exciting things in the works, like the affiliate program, the membership site, and the tools that are at this moment being worked to get them ready to roll out and get in the hands of all who could use them. You are more than welcome and any questions you may have, please add them here and I will get back to you asap!
Dave : )
First of all I must congratulate Dave for a well done job.
The site is full of information that is not only interestting but useful and that is very important thing.
I aprecciate the care with text appearence. The result is good to see and ease t understand.
Congratulations and keep developing content because the idea and the execution has been very bright.
Hello, Carlos…
Thanks for the comments on the appearance of the site, and hiopefully the content in this SMART IM Tools post will have touched you as well. We have worked hard to bring a plan together and start getting tools out to marketers like you who need to get some clear guidance and get tools in their hands that will help them grow their business faster and easier.
The SMART brand is a solid concept whose time has come, I think. Build it and they will come is what I have heard in the past, and in this case it is the same. I have heard what people are looking for, and what we have built answers their needs.
More to come, and hopefully presented in a manner that people can understand and take action with. The more people get started taking positive and definite actions without wasting their time and efforts, the more success stories I am sure we will hear about!
It’s good to have a great plan when going into any endeavor.Dave’s SMART IM tool has been able to carefully analyze this, “No matter HOW great your plan may be, without the proper resources, you will not achieve the goals of your plan.”One thing I love about this was the way SMART was broken down to:SpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevantTime specific.Dave has been able to create a platform with resources to enable us achieve goals attached to our plans.Thanks Dave.
Hi, Dhayours!
Thanks for stopping by and having a look at our new SMART IM Tools program. As you have seen, this program will expand over time as we add already planned additional tools and resources for online marketers and add in services and training.
These are all designed to support the S.M.A.R.T concept I describe. They will help the marketer do more with the time they have to dedicate to their business OR they will allow the marketer to have more personal time to do the things they have an interest in.
As the brand recognition grows, I have no doubt that we will continue to refine what we offer and how we offer it to people. We do have a good idea what people are looking for at this moment. But I am sure that with feedback and changing dynamics in the marketplace will mean us changing and improving as we go along so we stay relevant and useful for marketers.
Please do stop by again and have a look at the new additions as they are scheduled and in the queue for deployment. The training, planning, video, and other tools will be useful and reasonably priced for marketers. Our commitment is that we will always keep the SMART concept in mind as we grow our stable of products.
Dave : )
Hi Dave,
This all sounds very interesting. I would love to have a more thorough look at what you’re offering so I signed up to your newsletter. I noticed there aren’t working links for the Affiliate Program just yet, though there was mention of the program. How much longer before your affiliate program will be ready?
Hi, Kris…
Thanks for stopping by, and yes you are right…The affiliate program final touches are being completed and we will have a grand opening when that is clear to take on affiliates. That is an important part of our marketing plan, and as with many programs out there, we are being quite generous with the commissions.
Please do check in again soon, as the program will go live (I will do a review post as well). As it is planned now, there will be a 50% commission for all of the SMART IM Tools products – that will include training, a membership site, checklists, planning journals, etc.
Over time, there will be a whole line of products that the affiliate marketer will be able to promote using one account, and payments for sales will be as per most such programs (i.e. monthly at the start))…We are working to get all the final checks done so we know everything is working properly and will open for business.
To get into the weeds on these final steps, we are opening a new LLC in North Dakota and separate accounts so we have good visibility on the SMART IM program. I also have e-commerce sites and training sites that are not dealing with SMART IM Tools, so we want to separate these activities.
Dave : )
Hi Dave,
After reading your straightforward review, I must say that, if I’m smart, I should be a part of the SMART IM Tools brand.
With all that you are offering, it looks like just about any question that I might ask about marketing – be it online on my website – or through email – will be answered in your material – in detail!
I bet there are a lot of answers in there, too, for questions I haven’t yet even thought of to ask!
What a great package of information. I think this should be in the toolkit of all online business entrepreneurs!
Hi There, Jim!
Thanks for the kind words. We have worked these from the perspective of an online marketer, as that is what we do, so I am glad that you think these will work for marketers. The SMART IM Tools brand is going to include many more products and training materials, plus a membership site.
We certainly will not compete directly with some of the big platforms out there, but we will offer a small and significant set of tools that will not be available elsewhere from one location. The idea is to create a lot of value for people that need what we have to offer and do this at a fair price.
Hence the use of the SMART acronym when we were thinking of our brand and what we were focusing on. The tools and etc. will all have to pass this internal test before they make it to the public under that brand. Please do stop by and check out things as we get started in earnest, we are just waiting on completion of the new company registration now!
Dave : )
I’m convinced this tool will be of something of great value. You know why? I’ve seen your avatar before, I don’t remember exactly where and when, but it was something associated with top earners in the Internet marketing field. You are a military veteran, am I right? Military veterans are known for their good work ethic and business acumen.
With regard to these tools, these are exactly what I need. Funnels, and some social tools. I’m also into Internet affiliate marketing and quite heavily invested in social media marketing. I’m excited to see more out of your creations.
Hello, Gomer…
Great to have you stop by at the site, and these tools have been designed by marketers for marketers, for sure. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for a number of years, and perhaps you may have seen me on some of the social platforms, as I am active on a few…
Good to hear that we are on the right track with the SMART IM Tools brand. This is the kind of feedback we need as we progress with our roll-outs of products and services, so please do stop in and see what new items are added over the coming months.
We are experiencing a slight delay as we get the new LLC opened, but the issues should be resolved soon. This is one of the reasons I chose to do a soft launch with all these products, so all the kinks are worked out and things run smoothly when we start marketing plus add the affiliate program…
Dave : )
This is really interesting. This is a great plan that I will be looking forward to . It will really be helpful and immediately it is launched I will try it as as soon as possible. My question is when will this site be launched?. There are lot of exiting tools this site will be offering us , can’t wait for it to be launched.
Hey, Lok…
Good to hear that these tools and program are things that you can use for your online business. The whole concept behind the SMART IM Tools brand is that you will have tools and resources that will complement the other tools and training, etc. you may have in hand.
We intend to listen to the people using the tools to get ideas on how we can improve them plus get ideas on new directions we will take the program and brand. Right now we are waiting to hear that out LLC registration is complete so we can then add in the payment gateways. It should happen this week…
The membership site will open up when this is complete. People will be able to tap into a whole set of tools right away for their online business and at a cheaper price than for buying them individually. The whole point is that we add more tools and resources regularly too, so the value remains for members…
Please check back so you see when we are open and signing up members! I will be making a special announcement on this website and a few others. Please get the word out to others as well, we want to have this kick-off with as much fanfare as possible…
Dave : )
Hi Dave
Your SMART IM Tool sounds like something that would be extremely useful to all online marketers.
I very much like the acronym, and the way in which you have explained the meaning of it.
I am really looking forward to finding out more about SMART, and the availability of it, and I would also be interested in finding out more about your Affiliate program when you launch it.
I will be bookmarking your site so that I may check back to watch your progress.
Very many thanks
Chrissie 🙂
Hi, Chrissie!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to have a look at this new brand and tools we are developing to roll out. We are actually very close to a hard launch now, just waiting for the LLC paperwork to be completed. This is going to be organized as a separate entity from the rest of my online business, hence the delay.
The affiliate program will also be a great way to get some extra income from tools we offer that all online marketers need. The pricing is also fair, and the 50% payout means that your sales efforts will be rewarded nicely. We are counting on the affiliate program to help us grow and get the tools into more people’s online programs.
Please do check back, as it should not be long now before the SMART IM Tools program is completely live for all to use/take advantage of for their online business!
Dave : )
This is quite a package deal! I guess, you`ve done your research well!
You`ve included all what it takes to be an online enterpreneur – a pro! You have covered websites, emails, funnels, lead magnets.. everything that is necessary to keep your business rolling online.
I haven`t checked how much though.. i hope it`s not that pricey.
But then again, thanks for sharing this post – i will surely take note of it.
Hello, Hanna…
Yes, the array of tools and services will grow over time as I add more SMART IM Tools to the stable of products…They likely will never cover everything or every task, but the ones we have will work and be effective.
Our prices are competitive on the low side, and there’s an affiliate program as well that will help get the word out about the site and products. That will pay out very handsome commissions as well..
Please do stop by again, more info to follow as soon as we are able to add in a new payment gateway for this brand. Coming ASAP!
Dave : )
Hi Dave,
A clear, well-written article with good explanations of the SMART programme.
SMART is used by all the leading brands across the world, it is certainly a worthy pursuit for a fledgling business. Like you stated in your explanation, you can never do too much planning (just don’t forget to implement the plans) and SMART princables facilitates that ideally.
Its good to see you are putting all of your SMART IM resources into one place, there is nothing more frustrating than having to troll the internet looking for answers, sometimes it is a total waste of time that could be put to better use.
Once you have finished the membership site I will certainly be checking it out, however, do you have an idea yet when you’ll be rolling the site out for the affiliates to see?
Keep up the good work.
Good Day, Matt!
Thanks for your comments and thoughts regarding the SMART acronym and the tools we are developing around it. So far, there has been a tremendous amount of interest shown by people, and I am confident that they will not be disappointed once they start using the tools.
Right now, we have a whole line-up scheduled for release and more that are being evaluated. The idea is that I will build the arsenal of tools that people have, add in training on how they can best be incorporated into online or offline businesses, and offer them individually or in bundles, or via a membership site that will save people even more.
The affiliate program will launch as soon as we have the LLC registration completed. The paperwork is in awaiting approval, and we have an office already, so once the LLC is officially existing, we can add the business banking accounts and payment gateways.
It is funny how I went from offline business to online business, and once again, the offline mixed with the online business is at hand. We felt this was a wise move to make now, as over time there will be a considerable line of products and tools we are offering.
This all does not mix well with the other online business we are doing, namely e-commerce and drop-shipping. We have 20 online stores in various niches that keep us busy too. The two business opportunities do have overlap, but to keep things cleaner, we decided to separate them.
I will let you and everyone know when we are ready to open the doors, the affiliate program and products will be an excellent chance to promote something ethical that offers huge value to others and make a decent commission while doing so.
Dave : )
Hi Dave, awesome work here! I’m very familiar with the SMART acronym as I’m involved in lots of business planning and individual performance planning. It’s a great concept. To incorporate into your tools is a smart idea (pardon the pun)!
Your tools sound great. As an online marketer I’m very keen to test out your tools to help me systematise what I do, and get much better at measuring. The idea of checklists is very appealing as I’m usually very organised, but in my online marketing pursuits I’m finding myself regularly distracted. So I’m looking forward to using these tools. Thank you
Good Evening, Melissa…
Thanks for popping through and taking the time to drop a comment! Yes, one of the reasons I included this SMART concept is that it really fits for what we are looking for in our team as we develop tools and resources for online marketers…
The tools are exactly designed for people like you and me (I am like you, I work better when I have a solid outline that keeps me on track). Another design factor was having them available in the mediums that people may want to use them, hence the many ways they can be accessed (i.e. PDF, etc.)…
I like to use them in a digital format that I can add in my own notes to, and will even keep the old versions as I use them, sort of like a record. This way I can refer back to them if needed, and it sometimes saves time as I add in notes on tips, etc.
Please do stop by again, we are adding more and more of the SMART tools on a regular basis!
Dave : )
Great article Dave. The SMART goals can be extensively used in our daily planning. I’m really curious about how looks like your check list for “product creation” in the volume 1 from the SMART IM tools, Really cool offering these concepts and in my opinion are shortcuts to a successful planning in any business or personal environment.
Good Day, Marcos!
Thanks for stopping by and also for the kind words. We have worked really hard putting these together from our resources and the volume you mention (product creation) includes all the tasks that are normally associated with getting a product launch together.
That particular SMART IM Checklist volume includes 18 different checklists. It covers everything from the idea to a payment gateway. Pre-launch planning, sales page preparation, how to get affiliates to promote the product, etc. is included. It is quite extensive.
So far the response has been very positive for these checklists. I will be opening them up for sale today via a soft launch. Please stop by and have a look, the launch price will be discounted from the regular price for a period of time (how long is yet to be determined)..
Dave : )
This sounds like something that is going to provide tons of value to aspiring internet marketers. I am curious to know if you have a waitlist where we can leave our emails for future updates and course releases as you release new courses?
I’d figure it would make sense to leave an email just in case we forget and we can also have a reminder as well.
Good Day, Jessie!
Thanks for popping through and also for leaving some feedback! You can get updates by subscribing to the newsletter I send out periodically for people signing up, please use the form found on the right side of this page to get that in…
Alternately, you can sign up for some of the free training I offer on a number of subjects that may interest you or that you may need. If you look at my recent post on 12 sources of passive income for 2019, you will see some links at the resource section near the end of the post…
There you can sign up to one, three, or all the free training sites I have available and get started. I will then be able to send you updates as well, as the subscribing means that you will be on one or more of my lists I maintain. If you have any problems, drop me a line here!
I would also recommend stopping by every once in a while (or every day!) to see what is new because there are a number of exciting things that are happening this year with our online business and products, tools, and services we are putting on offer throughout this year!
Dave : )
Wow. Love this post and your enthusiasm for what you do. It seems that you are putting in a ton of work to create something that wil really help people take their IM skills to the next level.
What will your AM program offer that existing AM programs don’t already offer?
Hi, Nate!
Thanks for popping through, I do appreciate you taking the time to comment on our SMART IM Tool brand post. The SMART IM Tools will offer an array of products to include tools, training, and services that will complement the online marketer’s efforts in whatever niche they may be working.
Right now, at roll-out, we have video creation tools (for promoting or selling), social posting tools (for growing the user’s social footprint and pulling in traffic from the platforms), and training (lots of subjects and growing weekly). Add to this a lively community (planned), a mix of seasoned and newer marketers, and much more.
We will be opening up for business shortly, the LLC is now officially opened and we are now opening bank accounts and payment gateways so we can pay commissions (there is an affiliate program) and take payments from subscribers.
Over time, more and more will be added, and our hope is that we become a must-have set of tools for online marketers. The way we will do this is by continuing to bring valuable tools to the members at a reasonable cost. They will be able to tap into this ever-growing set of resources as they may need for their business.
Best of luck to you for 2019! I have a feeling it is going to be a great year!
Dave : )
This is a nice way of arranging our online and offline work and this will help in keeping tabs what we need to do or what we are yet to do let me say I would into this system and see how it will work for me and I know it will do it very well if i stick to manual of smart IM.
Hello, Charles…
Yes, the whole intent of the SMART IM Tools program is to help online marketers organize themselves and do more with the same amount of time they are dedicating now to their business. The tools all are focused on that. There may be some you do not need at the moment, but when you do, they will be there for you. We will be adding additional training for all them as well, plus a forum where users can trade tips on how to make them work better for their business. Please stop by again and keep up with the many launches coming!
Dave : )
Thanks for this informative post and explanation on smart IM, this tool has been around for quite some time now and didn’t know much about it until today it seem to be genuine and can’t go wrong I guess the best way to find out is to get involved. I’m just hopping it will be worth it. Thanks sharing this great info
Hi, Seun…
Although similar tools and sites have been available for quite some time, there are wide variances in the quality of the content and the tools from what I have seen and experienced first-hand. Our goal with the SMART IM Tools brand is to create a site that maximizes the value-added tools and products at a price that is very fair for members.
We are selling these as individual products for those people that may only want one or more of the tools, but with all the added features and access to training and content, our hope is that lots of people will see that they are getting much more for less money.
Thanks for popping through and having a look at our SMART IM Tools brand and please do stop by again as we are adding more to the brand all the time. There may be something that can help you be more successful as an online marketer!
Dave : )
This article is an eye opener, making money on line is not a one click to success as most writers make us to believe. When people jump into online business with the hope of making money with little or no efforts, they are likely to be disappointed. Making money through online business requires good plan, consistency, endurance among others. It is good to have it in mind that there are no short cuts to success in online business.
Hello, Abiodun…
You are exactly right with your analysis. Rather than selling false hope, I would rather be up-front yet positive about what it takes. Most certainly if you practice the same work routine and disciplined approach that is used for any business, you will have success over time.
It is hard to determine at what level you will succeed because there are so many factors that are involved. Sometimes it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time and also being ready to jump on the opportunities as they arise.
We used to say in the Army preparation meets opportunity. This means that there are thousands of opportunities out there, but unless you have prepared yourself to take advantage of them, that is what they will remain – just opportunities that any other person has.
Our mission is to help people get ready and have the tools that will help leverage their work to do more, be more, and succeed more than they otherwise could. In other words, we are preparing them and adding to their resources as they conduct online business.
SMART IM Tools is all about this, and it is in our mantra and guiding principles as a brand and company.
Dave : )
That`s why they say if you fail to plan you plan to fail.
Excellent article Dave, reading your post today I feel like i`m in the right place at the right time it comes in a time where all information out there are not helping the mindset some promise 50 thousand per mouth without doing anything but thank god people like you exist to make it easier for beginner.
Hi, Michael…
You are so right about not planning as a big error. How do you know if you are accomplishing your goals if you do not have some sort of map to guide you to that goal. That is what planning is all about.
Most definitely you will not make a lot of money starting out with online marketing. This happens, but that is the exception, not the rule.
More often, you must build your business over time, and the key is to plan your work, do it consistently, and do it over an extended period of time. That is the reality for most businesses, by the way.
Our SMART IM Tools are intended to help online marketers automate or provide planning tools for areas of their online business. This means using them you can get more done in the same amount of time.
Your activity is focused and directed, and you waste less time on distractors that get in the way of you completing your daily tasks.
Please stop on by again and check out our products as they are launched. We are quite excited and already we have a lot of interest generated. People are waiting for us to open the doors!
Dave : )
Thanks for reviewing the Dave’s SMART IM Tool Brand And Resources. Your articles sounds really good and I’m going to give it a shot. I must tell you now how good you are at describing the stuff your at. I have to admit I find it insightful to read your blogging. Keep up the good work.
Hi, Ayodeji!
Thanks for popping through and adding your thoughts. We really use these comments and feedback to improve our creations for online marketers. Your kind words are appreciated and I am glad that the essence of what I am trying to present is coming through in my writing.
The SMART IM Tools brand is designed by marketers for marketers and it will remain so as long as we are in the business. We intend on hanging around for a few more decades, so that means the long haul! Please do stop back again, we are adding new content and products regularly!
Dave : )
The third one applies to me. I get distracted easily over my tasks. It is the challenge that I always talk myself out of it and telling myself that I am not ready enough. I usually ended up watching YouTube over the topic that I do not understand. Of course they all promise that a click away and follow the link below, I can earn “Easy Passive Income”. It is basically false claims like you mentioned. Lately I realized that I spent too much time thinking and getting myself ready while what I should really do is just to get my hands dirty.
Will check out your SMART IM checklist 🙂
Hey There, Nuttanee!
Nice to see you here, I hope you are doing well. The SMART IM Tools brand is really designed for all of us, and no matter which area that applies to people, we want to help. I am no different, and the tools I am developing or getting access to are ones that will help me too.
Of course, if I only focus on what I need that is not good maybe for 90% of the other online marketers out there, and this is where the feedback I get is so helpful. Between the post comments, the facebook comments I get, and from other sources, I have a rich look into what marketers are thinking and needing.
Action is so important in any business. You can overthink and overanalyze to the point where nothing gets done. Sometimes it is best just to get some knowledge about something, then start doing rather than learning. This has been my experience. You will learn a lot be doing.
Please do stop by again, we are adding new content and products quite frequently these days!
Dave : )
Hey Dave such a wonderful concept, Never knew your smart was an acronym. Also what i have noticed in the affiliate market is that any product or platform offering you profit in a very short amount of time is scam and most of them are not always time specific. It is highly commendable that there is someone out there ready to put out great and honest stuff. I will surely be back to purchase your products. Thanks
Good Day, Aweda!
Thanks, we love the SMART concept and thought long and hard before going with it for our IM tools. Our affiliate program is straight up and fair. We want to operate ethically with the people who are promoting for us just as much as we want to offer high quality and be fair to the customers that buy from us…
Yes, be sure to stop by again soon. Right now we are trying to finish getting the financial side of things in place. I am not sure if you have heard, but PayPal, the payment gateway that so many have been using, is tightening up on their users.
It appears that they are not interested in keeping this online business in their purview, as they are shutting online marketers down left and right. In our case, we have had to move from Malaysia to the USA jurisdiction, as the new company is registered there.
In any case, we will be up soon, so do stop by and get started with the SMART IM Tools, as the stable will grow, and you can add in more and more to promote. These are also tools that already we have researched and know there is a market for. See you on the inside!
Dave : )
Wow this is an amazing tool.
I have been using a tool like this before but DAVE’S SMART IM TOOL comes with a whole lot of features.
With such a tool I don’t need to go out there again looking for other tools to combine and build my business.
Thanks a lot for this post. Am getting this tool for my business.
Hello Nsikakabasi…
The SMART IM Tools brand is a set of tools that is growing monthly as we add to them. We have quite a few in the pipeline and will plan on rolling them out as soon as they are ready. Right now you are seeing the tip of the iceberg when you look through the reviews I have here.
As soon as we have the new business accounts open for merchant account use, we will open the doors. Also, the affiliate program will start in earnest. This means that people will have the chance to earn through promoting these tools, and the commissions are really good.
Please do stop by again and catch up on the new releases, and consider signing up to the affiliate program too. It could very well be that you can earn some side income from your other online income efforts. We would love to see that!
Dave : )
Yet another awesome piece from Dave, I’m becoming a fan already. I wish I found a proper guide like this few years ago, I wouldn’t struggle to get the little knowledge I’ve got. If you are a beginner, trust me Dave’s guide is the best for you. I have already bookmarked this page. Thanks
Hi, Faftop!
Thanks for the kind words…The SMART IM Checklists will help the beginner all the way up to the advanced online marketer. I consider myself a mid-range marketer and still use them every day. I can imagine that this will continue, as it seems they help me stay on track and waste less time…
Dave 🙂
SMART – Specific, Measureable, Achievable,Relevant, Time Specific Wow! i learned from this. This is a superb and carefully crafted out article. Nice write up, i have been able to get some sort of inspiration from this. The SMART IM Tools concept you have presented by aiming to make us understand what we are seeing and being offered on this and other websites as we navigate around the pages of the sites are wonderful. Thanks a lot for this educative post. Hope to get more similar posts from you subsequently.
Hi, Dapoach!
Thanks for the kind words, we thought a lot about what we were building when we decided to go with that acronym for the brand. It needed to epitomize what our focus was and how the products were designed, plus offer some focus for the users of the products too. The SMART name just fit.
Please do stop by as we are working furiously to get the program up and running full on at the moment. The new company is up and running and we will be connecting the final pieces over the weekend so we can activate the product payment gateways, etc.
Most certainly we’d love to have you stop by again, as we are adding a lot of new content that will help you with your online business. As you can see, our intent is to help people who are interested in making money online get ahead as fast as possible.
You will see reviews for tools that we use ourselves on a daily basis, and we also have content to help with mindset and options for making money. It helps when we get feedback from other marketers like yourself, and we appreciate you taking the time to contribute.
Dave : )
Thank you very much for sharing with us such an important blog. If I did not read this blog I can not find the details about online income. This blog will be very helpful for online marketers. The most important thing I just learn from here is once we have a plan we need to have the resources available to us to be able to implement the plan. I will definitely share this blog with my friends.
Hi, Farhan…
This introductory post on the SMART IM Tools brand and the reason for its existence hopefully has added to your motivation for continuing down your path of online marketing. It is a great area of business to get into, and there are ethical ways to make it succeed for everyone.
It most certainly is true that you need a good plan. Then the work comes in, as online marketing is not pushing button profits or instant profits, or done in 5 minutes a day. It takes a solid foundation and over time lots of work, just as with any business.
On top of that, as you mention, having the right resources at your disposal helps you get things done in the least amount of time. That is where the SMART IM Tools come in. We are focusing on getting what online marketers really need with their business into their hands.
Please do share and also stop back in again, as we are always adding new content and products that will help you, and our community is getting stronger by the day. There is strength in numbers, as we all move forward together with our businesses!
Dave : )
Hi Dave! Your SMART Im tools brand looks quite promising. When it comes to making money online, one has to research well before plunging in, in order not to get involved with worthless programs. I am glad to see that your brand/intent is to help people become successful in making money online, that is quite commendable. I love the acronym SMART and what they truly represent. I can’t wait for you to introduce sales funnel course and the rest like you said, it will be a great starting point for me.
Hi There, Grace!
Thanks for popping through today and taking the time to add in your thoughts. This SMART program is intended to complement some of the other platforms that are truly effective and help people leverage their time they spend on completing business tasks.
Most definitely there are a lot of worthless or almost worthless programs that suck your time, money, and even inspiration when they don’t perform as expected. I have been there and I sure want to avoid this happening to others.
The online marketing segment is a viable one that can earn you a full-time income that will give you more freedom but you must have the right tools and mindset to make it all work. Our SMART program is focusing on the things people need to have success.
It will grow over time and as we determine what other kinds of tools that people may need to get their businesses operating on steroids. I am looking forward to the journey and having a large group of like-minded people to share in that journey as they forge their own…
All the best for 2019!
Dave : )
Dave, you are dealing with one of the major problems that people face when they decide to start an online business. There are so many get rich quick offers that a person new to the internet can easily get lost, lose a lot of money and become discouraged.On a personal note, I was one of those people for several years. I jumped from one program to another and spent over $25,000 of my hard earned money. It took a lot of effort for me to get focused.Your SMART IM Tools brand is certainly a place to start. You have to have a plan to keep you focused on what you are doing and how it relates to reaching your goals.The SMART acronym will keep a person focused: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Tim Specific. Everything we do in this industry needs to deal with each of these points.Success is not something that just happens. There has to be a plan, and you have to follow it. In other words, you have to be SMART.
Hi, Bruce…
Thanks for stopping by and adding in your thoughts to this article. Most certainly I agree with what you are saying and it is clear that you have a similar understanding to mine when it comes to getting a viable online business off the ground.
The acronym will help keep everyone focused on all sides of the brand. For us, we will make sure the products meet these standards, and for the users, they will know what they can expect from the tools as they buy them and begin to deploy them.
I wish you all the best for 2019, and if you have needs of any SMART IM Tool products, stop by and grab them here! We are also adding to the items over the coming months, so you will have new products to review when you do stop in!
Dave : )
Thanks for sharing this lovely post with us once again, I haven’t heard about SMART IM Tools brand. One of the qualities an online marketers needs to posses is to be smart, I never knew smart is an acronyms in online world.. I dont believe in platforms that promises quick riches and later get me scammed. everything is slow and steady. Thanks for sharing
Hi, Ola…
Thanks for popping through and taking the time to drop off a comment as well. Yes indeed, there are no shortcuts when it comes to business in general, and with online marketing, this is especially the case. It takes a plan, work, perseverance, and time.
The SMART acronym is very appropriate and useful for what we are doing online. It really does take all these elements to have success. That is what we believe in and practice throughout our business from top to bottom. It makes it easy to do the right thing.
Please do stop in and learn more about what we are all about. I think there is likely a tip or three that can help you with your own online business! Best of luck for your business in 2019!
Dave : )
Thanks for sharing this wonderful information on how to make money online using the SMAET rule. This is a great article with emphasis on Procedure outline to become a successful entrepreneur. I really love this. Most people fail to succeed online without following procedures and using the right channel. A great informative article you really took your time to put all these together. Thanks once more for sharing this. Cheer’s
Hello, Tony…
Yes, we believe that we have a winning formula with the SMART acronym and using the principles that are behind it will help us and all the people we work with to have more success and faster success using the tools, services, and training that we create.
SMART IM Tools represents what works for us, how we approach the business, and what we expect from any products that we offer in the market. This is also what clients can expect from us. We will maintain this standard throughout all aspects of our operations.
Please do stop in again and check out the exciting products that are being launched in the coming days, weeks, and months under the SMART IM Tool brand! I am sure that there may be a few things that will help you grow faster and grow using the SMART concept we prescribe to.
Dave : )
Nice article there on smart im tools.with the way you list the concept of the book .it really a smart tools as online marketer
240 checklists in the 12 volumes,this is really much and will require a lot of papers.i do like printing out information for future reference and save them in my personal save. Please can I buy them in each volume. Or two volumes at a time depending
Good Day, Ajibola…
Yes indeed, that is a lot of checklists for sure! There needs to be with the many tasks that are required to be covered in each volume. Online marketing is a complex business, in spite of what some people will have you believe from their sales pages that promise ‘instant cash’ or ‘push button’ profits.
That simply is not the reality of the business. We focus on what it really takes, lay each volume out by tasks, and then further break down these tasks into sub-tasks for the task. It is like a road map. you know where you want to go, and you have the exact route on how to get there.
These are also multi-functional. They can be used to do final checks, for building what you need, for tracking progress, for historical notes (since they come in various formats you can keep a checklist or a set of checklists by project), etc.
The idea behind these is not new. Rather it is the content and subjects that are oriented to the online marketer that is key for these SMART IM Checklists. Used with some of the other SMART IM Tools we are rolling out or on their own, they can help build your business faster.
That is the whole concept behind the SMART IM Tools brand. We develop products that can be really useful and save the online marketer time and money. Only products that pass our own rigorous guidelines and standards make the cut to get launched to the public!
Dave : )
Hi Dave. This is a great service you’re launching. And it indeed will fill in a gap in the Make money online niche. I personally find your idea great. To serve as an umbrella were you recommend, based on your experience, what a person that’s starting as an Affiliate marketer really needs. Nothing hyped or misleading. Only the stuff that really works.
I wish you success in this great endevor. And I’ll be following closely. Thank you very much!
Good day, Henry…
Thanks so much for popping through and also taking the time to leave some feedback. It is good to hear that you also think this SMART IM Tools brand will help make a positive difference in the market segment. Please do stop in again as we get this thing off the ground. Nowhere to go but up!
Dave : )
Dave, as I was reading through, I could feel the genuineness of the product that you are about to offer. Like you rightly said, there are so many products online that promise so much but end up not being worth the price or even offer what they have said they offer. And having been with the Wealthy Affiliate brand, I am happy that you mentioned it as a brand that you aim to be like. This Smart IM tool brand and resources will surely be one that I want to be a part of. I’m now looking forward to becoming a founding member and benefiting from all the SMART tools. Good job you are on Dave.
Hi, Vapz…
Thanks so much for the kind words, I do believe in what we all are doing, and only by operating ethically can we make a difference. It is good to hear that this came through in my post, and I will look forward to working with you to help both of us succeed faster and perhaps a little easier…
I really am excited to be able to work in a complementary role to the bigger platforms that are also operating in this manner, and I also am excited to have people like yourself join us! There is so much to accomplish, I guess I better get busy!
Dave : )
Hi Dave, this is just another good solution to a, long term people has been dealing with making money online, there many get rich quick website, programs and platforms out there that are just there to scam people of their hard earned money. You have just created a wonderful tool for a newbie into an online business, the acronym of the SMART specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Tim Specific. Cut across every areas of life and without planning, we planned to fail.
Hi, Yormith…
You are preaching to the choir, and I fully agree with your points regarding the online marketing business. It really takes a planned effort to make a go of it with online business, and the SMART acronym we are using envelopes all that our little company is about.
My aim and the aim of my team is to have these concepts permeate throughout our business. We want to be able to further incorporate this into our products and services to clients. It is a tested and trustworthy set of objectives to follow that is encapsulated in an easy to remember acronym.
Please do check back from time to time as we launch more of our SMART IM Tools and the SMART IM Tool Academy. They both are growing by leaps and bounds, and there has been a huge amount of interest from other online marketers.
Dave : )
I really struggle with distractions online. I log in to do something specific and then I get distracted by other things that crop up in my inboxes. So any tools that keep me on track, I would gladly welcome! I am particularly drawn to the time-specific products you have. If they are time-sensitive, with specific timeframes in mind, I am more likely to be focussed – then I’m more likely to succeed at my goals despite my distraction tendencies. That would be working SMART, no? 🙂 I’m keen to learn of those tools.
Hi, Cath…
I feel your pain when it comes to distractions. If it is not something I start exploring on the internet, it is interruptions within the villa from things going on around me. The SMART IM Checklists will help to keep you on track for the various tasks they cover, and in regards to external distractions I find just walling myself off from people (as in working in a room with the door closed) works (sometimes).
A lot of the tools we are developing and testing are intended to save you time as an online marketer. These may include the mundane tasks that we all have to do that suck up our hours. The checklists keep the focus and show you the main steps, no need to do more.
On the other hand, the SMART Unique Lead Magnet Kits save you time from having to build the simple funnel you will want to have to capture leads. Every online marketer still needs leads and email marketing, it is still the number one way people sell online.
In support of that, these kits will offer a DFY set of elements that you otherwise would have to create yourself. Time is money, and the time you save will come at a price, but I would venture to say that for many their time is worth more than the cost of the kits.
Another tool we have is a SMART Deals App. This is a simple to use site where you can add in your offers all on one page, similar to what you see when you go to the Deal Counts page. There are a series of offers laid out in a nice grid, and you can highlight features of each, and add in links to the sales pages.
Training-wise, we are rolling out some great courses that will help people manage their time, organize their day, and other subjects. Other areas we have training being developed for is content creation, blogging mastery, and one for hiring and managing VAs.
A lot of this training is based on our own experiences e have gathered over the years. It is not something that we are looking through the internet to gather information to prepare a course we know nothing about. I was in a senior leadership position for a number of years in the military, taught classes while serving, and have walked the walk, hehe.
In any case, please stop back and have a look. We are just waiting on the banking payment gateways to be approved for the new business we have registered in the USA so we can start selling and promoting these various offers. I am excited, can you tell?
Dave : )
An interesting article indeed! One of the mistakes that people make is participating in programs that are expensive to pay only to end up dropping out of the program. One should research on what program they are spending above everything else. The Smart Tools Acronym is just a reminder that you have to work hard to be successful. Thanks for sharing!
Good Day, Carmeta…
Thanks, this is something that was a planned yet unplanned initially program as I got started with online marketing. As you know, there are so many tools, products, and services that simply do not perform up to their promises on their sales pages.
I get tired of seeing these and wanted to offer products and services that are in line with our business and ethics. I would not sell something that I created that I do not use myself for the business. This means that the products are battle-tested and work.
Operating this way from top to bottom in our business helps also to build trust and credibility over time. We want that, of course, and will work hard as a team to make that a reality. The SMART acronym sums up very well our ‘why’ of the business.
Dave : )
Hello Dave,
It’s quite promising the idea of yours . There are many thoughts which come up to the mind before getting into the earning money online . As they try to not get into any valueless project or work . I’m glad with the work of yours i.e SMART Im tool brand . It is going to be great start for me .
Thank you
Thanks for popping through and the SMART IM Tools are designed for online marketers for online marketers. We are creating tools and products that we use ourselves and see that have application in the broader market for other online business owners.
Note that we are also opening the program up for affiliates at a very handsome commission so do stop by and see if you might be interested in promoting some of these tools. It can help get you a boost for your own business, and these are tools that do what they promise.
Dave : )
I love your approach to the SMART brand here Dave. Too many people don’t have a game plan when they start a business and I think that by aligning them with a simple and easy to understand game plan like S.M.A.R.T, it is going to equate to a much better focus and more consistency in a business.I do have a quick question though. What do you think the most important aspect out of the SMART process is? Are they all equal weighted, or is one of the attributes more important than the others?
Hi, Kyle…
I surely am hoping that the acronym will resonate with many people no matter what niche or type of selling they may be doing. There are certain precepts that really make the mission of the entrepreneur easier to accomplish, which is to create and grow their idea or dream into a viable business.
These concepts will permeate through our products, customer support, and how we interact with ancillary agencies that we work with. Now that we are once again entering the world of the on and offline brick and mortar business, this will be key in our success.
In regards to your question, that is a good one…There has to be a starting point for everything, a base from which to build on. Some things you can teach, others are attributes that are absolute in nature. If I had to boil it down to just one (and teach the rest), it would be relevancy (relevant).
If whatever you undertake or design or offer is not relevant to the target audience, all the other factors will not matter, as there is no need for whatever it is you are doing. This holds true if the intent is to create a thriving business, maybe less so if you are doing something strictly for passion and love.
Thanks for popping through, and your thoughts and feedback is always appreciated. As you can see, the operation is recovering from the untimely passing of Robert, my partner, over a year ago now, and I have some bright young talent that is putting me through my paces!
We are opening new doors to realize more dreams, one product at a time, one office at a time, and even one day at a time, methodically we are setting things in place for the next generation. It is an exciting time and I am experiencing it from the other end of the continuum these days, and the view ain’t that bad!
Dave : )
Hello Dave,An interesting article indeed, It’s quite promising idea of yours. There are many thoughts which came up to the mind before getting into the earning money online. As they try to not get into any valueless project or work. i appreciate you and I’m glad with the work of yours i.e SMART Im tool brand . It is going to be great start for me. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, Tawhid…
Thanks for stopping by first of all, and your feedback is much appreciated. This is exactly what we need to hear as we move forward in our quest to provide solutions that work for fellow online marketers in today’s markets. Any advice we can offer will come as a bonus to these products…
Most certainly I like to surround myself with enterprising marketers that are looking for real solutions, nit half-baked or scammy products that do not work or only work half as well as promised. This has to stop as it is destroying the industry.
Please do stop in again, there are a lot of people with different levels of experience who contribute a lot to the value we offer on this website on how to make money online. Your contribution will be welcomed as well! We also have some exciting product launches coming and affiliate opportunities abound!
Dave : )
How exciting, Dave! I like your focus on presenting things that WORK rather than exploring, reiterating and downing all the stuff that does not work. It will surely cut through the fog considerably.
I do recognize that S.M.A.R.T. basis for your brand. Good one! A SMART plan of action that embraces the SMART goals strategy that has been shown to produce good results is great, I think.
I look forward to seeing how it continues to develop.
Hello, Netta!
Thanks for the positive feedback and it most certainly is an exciting venture for me and one that I think can make a big difference in the marketplace. There are too few products that really do what they say, and that goes from big platforms down to those $9.95 make a million bucks by pushing a button product that really won’t do that.
Rather than focus on what does not work, by focusing on creating things that DO work, we can turn the mindset around of people. They need to look at and use things that work, as a lot of energy goes into online marketing, it is an industry that holds a lot of promise going forward, but you need to have a set of tools that will allow you to maximize your efforts.
Platforms like Wealthy Affiliate are wonderful in that they offer a complete package for the online marketer to get a start from. They can even grow their business to a 4 or 5 figure income using the training, the features, and the tools they have available…
What our focus is with the SMART IM Tools brand is the other useful tools that can help the online marketer grow their business, scaling it up faster, and leverage the new technologies (and some old) for user’s benefits. The joy of seeing people having success with the tools is a big payback for us.
It goes beyond selling a tool, service, or product. As with the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate, we really care, and it will show through our actions and products day after day. This is starting to sound like an obsession I am sure, but if that is the case, it is a good obsession to have!
Dave : )
Dear Dave,
Thanks for the informative post. It is indeed a very useful tools, SMART IM Tools. We are living a ever changing society, particularly for those of us who are actively involving with internet. Change and new technologies are developed daily and implied weekly. Somehow I feel lost and your SMART approach should help me to deal with the rapid change field.
When design our business, we need all SMART, for example, the T – Time Specific, we not only need to complete the business project on time, but also make sure that the business concept could pass time test, that is our business should last as long as possible.
Very nice concept to follow and thanks!
Hi There, Anthony!
Thanks so much for stopping by, it is always great to hear from you, I respect you so much and appreciate that you have a lot on your plate (as several commenters do). I am always humbled when I get feedback from luminaries such as yourself. Of course, I appreciate ALL comments too, no matter the source!
I totally agree with you. If there ever was an important attribute, that is one that can make a huge difference. The old adage “time waits for no one’ holds true in business, not just in life. From that perspective, it would seem to be imperative that the SMART IM Tools brand needs to offer solutions that will work within a limited amount of time.
There are lots of examples where results are hard to measure, they may be intangible. Over time they can manifest themselves in outcomes, but up front, you may not be able to reach out and touch the outcomes (as in more money in your account from sales).
It can be that customer support is better, leading to a better reputation, leading to more referrals, leading to more sales. This is not something that you can easily measure, not can you say exactly how many minutes, hours, days, or months it took.
If you use these principles and create products that comply and meet these standards, you likely will have more success over time. The online business is a cumulative business. The things you do today will pay off a year from now, 5 years from now, etc.
Starting out with a solid base, and building the business from that point on using the attributes mentioned in the SMART acronym will keep the business owner focused and pushing with all their activities and the activities of the employees, and with the products they create in that direction – if I had to use one word: excellence.
Dave : )
I remember using SMART in one of the courses I went to and it was very helpful to determine just how productive you were being. I had almost forgotten about it until I read this article.
Using SMART is a must when setting any goals for the future. All the terms you have explained should be able to be applied to the goal you are making and I find the A for achievable the most relevant. If you can’t achieve the goal then it’s time to reassess or break down the goal into more doable tasks.
Hi, Michel…
Thanks for stopping by and adding in your experiences with that acronym in your life and education. It certainly has been an acronym that I have applied over the years too, both in educational and professional settings. They really help keep you focused.
That is the thrust of what we are building with the SMART IM Tools brand. We are not trying to outshine or beat the competition, rather we are trying to complement the good platforms and programs that are out there while helping marketers stay away from the stuff that is not going to help them advance their business.
The achievable attribute you mention is certainly an important factor, I agree with you on that. Kyle in his comment asked me which I thought was MOST important, and I chose the attribute relevancy. In terms of business, I thought that without this, whatever you create or accomplish will not have a use, so will not advance the business.
Actually, each of the terms are there for a reason, and if you bind them together and take action based on what the indicators may be for each, your chances of success are substantially higher than the poor souls who bounce from shiny object to shiny object.
These people think that they are taking positive action when they buy the next thing that is promising them millions with 5 minutes of work a week. Emotionally, they get that ‘fix’ but it only lasts until they realize that the promised dreamland is not there, so they go out and repeat the process, again and again.
These are also the people that I want to pull away from that endless cycle and get them started with the plan and tools that WILL lead them to success. That is what SMART IM Tools is all about, behind the scenes. Thanks for adding your input, it really added a lot to the post!
Dave : )
Great!!! this is one good solution to the long struggle people has been dealing with in making money online, although there many get rich quick platforms out there with false promises that are just there to scam people.It’s actually takes a planned effort to make a go of it with online business which you had already iron out for us in your ideas and the amazing SMART acronym you adopt really envelopes all that the company is all about. I will love to be part of this wonderful idea as I also anticipates SMART IM Tools. Kudos to the brain behind this great idea.
Hi There, Topaz…
You are so right that the many less than stellar programs out there seem to have the goal of making only one person or set of people money, as opposed to their customers. That is a shame, as it really is short-sighted. Why not offer quality and have a customer for life?
The SMART IM Tools brand and all the products we are working on have the long-term outcomes in mind, and the real goal is to build a sustainable business that focuses on helping others build their sustainable business. If they are successful, we are successful.
It can be and should be a win-win-win situation. I mean that of our clients succeed, that means they are offering products that their clients can use to succeed with, and of course, we succeed in that we also are making some level of profit because we are helping others.
The attributes of our S.M.A.R.T. acronym truly can and should permeate through everything, I truly believe and push this. Right now, we are onboarding some new talent in the company, and these young stars are the future. It is my belief that if they can absorb the mindset I am advocating, the SMART IM Tools brand and products will have a long life well beyond the years I have left in this world!
Dave : )
Hello Dave,
Thank you for the informative post, it is really a nice post. I really learnt great ideas from it, personally. It’s quite promising the idea of yours . I am glad to see that your brand/intent is to help people become successful in making money online, that is quite commendable.I will share this article with my friends.
Hi, Usman…
I am glad that the concept of the SMART IM Tools brand is one that you think will help people. No doubt over time the products and the services we offer will grow. Feedback from fellow online marketers that we can take action on to improve what we are doing will see to that!
Please do stop in again from time to time so we can hear from you. Your input is valuable and useful to all of us!
Dave : )
Hi Dave, very good and informative post about Dave`s Smart Im Tools brand. It is very good idea to bring the tools and sites together to offer a help and ideas how to make money online. Your instructions how to apply when doing online business is good and correct, if you follow these steps I`m sure you can`t fail. I really like your idea of instructions and the first letters description of your Smart acronym, it is something unique. Your website is very professional, I need to check it out again, thanks for sharing with us!
Hi, Luke…
Thanks for the positive comments, they are appreciated. The SMART IM Tools brand is the culmination of a lot of years working around upstanding people through a bunch of careers, the last being online marketing. Of all the various pursuits I have been involved in, the last (online marketing) is the most exciting.
I truly believe that many newbies are being misled by some of the so-called gurus out there in the internet marketing niche, and the products they are selling that do not live up to claims or even purposely mislead the traffic that lands on their sites add to the problem of credibility of the people leading the niche.
There are some reputable sites and products out there, but they can be hard to find as you have to sift through the garbage to find them. Add to that the negative press that the less than stellar marketers throw on really good platforms, and you see the state of the market segment is in need of a correction.
Although I cannot change the world on my own, I can certainly bring my own brand (literally) of ethics and products to the market. This small contribution will help turn the tide over time, as platforms such as Wealthy Affiliate, Builderall, ClickFunnels, etc. continue also to lead the way.
I want to reach as many people as possible to get them heading down the right path when it comes to making money online. The SMART IM Tools brand will head the strategy, and the products that work in tandem with the platforms mentioned above will help people establish viable and ethical marketing businesses.
Please do stop by again, we get a lot of comments and ideas floating around via the great feedback and I have learned a lot from them. It all goes to show you that there is no one expert or solution, rather there is a number that will work. It depends on the situation, the resources, and the time and effort one puts into their business.
Dave : )
Hi Dave,I still do not understand the functioning of SMART correctly, and of course, I will have to review your other posts about the checklists. However what I like about what you propose is that it is something utterly systematic from which you can build your efforts to Make money online and not just a pack of books or videos that sound good but in the end do not tell you how to do things step by step. Thanks!
Hi, Tommy…
Thanks for your comment, and let me try to explain it a bit differently. We are developing and launching for sales products, tools, and services that all focus on the attributes mentioned in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym. These are basic functional goals for the things we offer to clients.
This can be with buyers of the products, with customer service, with the content we create and publish, or even the design of our pages and even the phone calls we have with people who interact with us for our business. We are doing this for several reasons.
It shows customers that we care, it shows employees what our standard is, and it shows the industry that we are for real and to be contended with going forward. It sets the level of expectation high throughout. I like to do that, as it can push people to do more and be more than they thought they could ever be.
Getting back to the SMART IM Checklists, these are not just a book with advice. They are lists of actionable steps to take area by area for your online business. They will make it much easier to track what has to be done. Of course, they are only going to be as good as the user makes them.
This is the same approach we are taking with all the tools and training we create. They have to sere a purpose, not just making money for the company. That is a result, not a goal. To make that happen, we will use the attributes mentioned (SMART) in our brand daily!
I do hope this clarifies a bit for you what the SMART IM Tools brand is all about. Please do feel free to add in any further comments or questions you may have, this is a good thread to follow up on and drill down on! Thanks for that!
Dave : )
Wow! this is an informative blog post.I really love the way you outlined the review on the wonderful SMART IM tool. This is a great innovation and thanks for carefully explaining how to perfectly integrate it into websites. The meaning to the acronyms are just so expository and inspiring.Thanks for sharing.
Hi, Michael…
First, let me thank you for stopping by…We always appreciate feedback for our posts…We do feel that the SMART IM Tools acronym will catch on in the industry and of course, it lays out some high goals and aspirations for what we want our tools to offer and also how we want to operate as a company. Please do stop by again as we roll out more products and tools, there may be one or more that will help you…
Dave : )
I just came across this post after reading another of your write-ups, and I’m definitely interested. It seems like quite a bit of work you’ve undertaken to get this enormous amount of info out there to people like me, and I sincerely appreciate it. Would you say that the use of SMART IM techniques is a long-term game rather than for short-term smaller gains? It seems that way to me, which is why I’m utterly fascinated.
I can’t wait to dig into this a bit further, and I really appreciate the time it took for you to lay it out so meticulously.
Hi Again, Buck…
Yes indeed, you are absolutely right that what we are creating is intended to help longer-term although it can affect outcomes immediately as well, depending on the SMART IM Tool we are talking about. For instance, the new chatbot service we just launched is already taking off with our beta testers and on our own websites.
They can help the operations immediately by providing customer support, e-commerce sales, data collection, and etc. The business owners love them, it is like having an extra employee, except without the overhead and they work 24/7!
But some of the other tools like the SMART IM Checklists are tools that will help again and again over time. Each new project you undertake can be recorded using the checklists, and over time, as you look back on the old sheets you can get better and waste less time. They also serve as final checks before launches.
There are some other SMART IM Tools that will help for video creation for Instagram, YouTube, and for video ads and sales pages, etc. These are template type tools that allow you to quickly get a bunch of professional videos up and published.
These we have used with e-commerce a lot and less so with the MMO (make money online) marketing niche, but that is going to change as we continue to grow the business. Exciting times and thanks for stopping by and adding in your feedback!
Dave : )
The S.M.A.R.T IM brand really sounds like a well thought-out program. Reading your post, I can feel your genuine readiness to help entrepreneurs. It’s good that you have a plan and a course to follow in achieving this. I would love to be part of this program because I believe there’s a well thought out plan for the success of this brand. Keep up the good work Dave, I look forward to seeing how successful this becomes.
Hi, Louis…
Yes indeed, we are very serious about offering good solutions that work to fellow entrepreneurs. I know that there are too many products out there that are terrible, and some that work half-way, which is terrible still in my mind. I have been there, so know that the standard we need to meet is higher.
Most definitely I will keep posting updates as we roll things out, just today I added a post on our latest SMART IM Tool product, our chatbot service. That program is going to be a big one I am sure, because so many websites are not using them right now, and they do use the power or AI like never before to help grow businesses at a very reasonable cost.
Dave : )
SMART for me is having a very detailed and concrete strategy towards your business. When make such a plan you need to know the things you need to get your business off the ground even aside your capital. Secondly you need to know who your competitors are and identify them so as to know how best to survive in that business. You also need to know how best to overcome whatever challenges may come your way. Putting this key things into consideration or having this type of planning is what I consider my SMART move
Hi, Seyi…
Yes, you have it right I think with your idea of the SMART acronym and how it fits into your online marketing business. This will keep you focused on what works and is ethical in the business and that will show through to your subscribers and website visitors.
Your employees will also have a good compass to follow as they go about supporting your business and likely they will feel good about what they are building with you (a solid business). This attitude, of course, can and should follow through with your services or products too.
That is the whole essence behind the SMART IM Tools brand and it is how we have worked since day one as a team while developing the tools, services, and products. So far, we have had very positive feedback from our beta testers and have been able to make further refinements to them while getting that feedback.
Thanks for writing out this lovely article and I must say its a must for everyone to read and digest.this is a very good and informative post to help business grows ,your post as always been a helpful tools for me. Every affiliates marketer needs to visit this page for learn process. I love your brand in helping people makeep money online.your post is helpful, thanks for the information
Hello, Adam…
Thanks so much for the positive comment, it does help us all on the team to see that what we are building resonates with other online marketers, that is what we are here to do. The SMART IM Tools brand can be a game-changer for many business owners looking for tools to grow their business faster using automation and other tools we have. Please stop by again, we are adding new stuff all the time…
Dave and the SMART IM Tools brand team…: )
Hello Dave!
It takes having a heart of generosity to inspire and motivate people to be successful on a business either online or offline. You are really a good person. Thanks for this enlightenment with Dave’s SMART IM Tool. It’s a shame that many experienced online business men are only selfish and to scam incoming people rather than assisting them to be successful but you stood out. With this your SMART IM TOOL you have impacted me positively and opened my eyes to what I am not aware of to be successful in online business. Would like you to be my mentor. I have bookmarked your site for easy access. Thanks Dave keep it up.
Hi there, Olalekan…
Thanks for the kind words, and indeed this is a place where online marketers should feel at home at…Over the years I have learned that together we all are stronger and there are things we all can learn from one another, no matter if you are just starting or very experienced in an area or niche of business.
It is with that belief that I decided that to package that into something that is easy to remember (i.e. the SMART acronym) and can encompass the many tools and services that we are working on for fellow marketers. Most definitely we can work together, pop in anytime and you are more than welcome!
Dave : )
I hope and anticipate for something great. Every online business starts somewhere. I hope Smart product will be a product that will not disappoint as you claimed. So many marketers come up to sell crapy products to the people because they want to make money, then leaving the customers frustrated because the product is not worth any penny purchase.
Hi, Kenechi…
Great to have you stop by, and you are right to hope for the best. These products are what they are and deliver what they say they will. The SMART IM Tools brand is a well-thought-out approach to offering products that will help the online marketer leverage their business using automation, training, and services that work.
It sounds like you have been burned in the past, as many have. This has happened to us as well, and we know how that feels. Our intent is to change that for whatever we are selling or promoting. Try and see for yourself, I am sure you will not be disappointed with our SMART IM Tools that we are offering!
Dave : )
That ‘s good idea. Its true being a beginner is not easy especially choosing the niche .Its always difficult. When I smart I have to spend two weeks just sereach on which nihce must if focus and time is going as well. I think should also use to help me with my plans. Does it also help people how to write articles?
Hi, Liyamb…
I do have some training that will help you get organized and writing articles and posts easier using a template and outline that we suggest. This will not write the content for you, but it will help ensure that all the areas are covered, to include the SEO aspect. There is a lot involved with online marketing, more than people think (if you are to do it well and make money). This is where the SMART IM Tools come in..Stop by again when we open the course up for joining….
Dave : ).
A very comprehensive blog and well listed and I appreciate the length you took to develop and help young entrepreneurs. SMART to me is quite elaborate , the step by step process is fundamental to good online marketing. Your orientation and background has a huge impact on your present achievement and I salute you for this. I will continue to follow your works because enormous opportunities comes through. My question is how to incorporate all your SMART tools to WA. I think we have to break away from our limitations and make use of viable tools to monetise our online business and I will highly recommend your site.
Hi, Stella…
Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts, and they are right in line with my own. I want to complement and augment the platforms out there such as Wealthy Affiliate, Builderall, and similar. These all have many good features and tools, but there areas where what the SMART IM Tools offers will help the online marketer.
We are looking for the gaps between what members of these platforms use regularly for their online marketing efforts. In some cases, as with the SMART IM Checklists, we are organizing the many tasks into subject areas and series of lists that will help the marketer.
Additionally, we are adding in things like the SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits to help the members get more subscribers that they can then build a relationship with and eventually recommend or sell products to (ones that will help their subscribers).
Two other examples include the SMART IM Deals App, which will allow marketers to place all of their offers onto one page set up in a grid format (similar to deal pages that are so popular these days) as the presentation is everything (along with having good products, of course).
Right now, the next offer that we are launching is chatbot services for online marketers. The new AI technologies mean that today the chat format can be used for so many tasks that can be automated and they work well 24/7. These can be difficult to design and deploy, but we have a team set up to do only these for clients.
Lastly, we have training and other video and social tools that will be rolled out over the coming months. As we get them completed, we will launch. There really seems to be a market for these tools and services, and we look forward to helping as many people as possible.
The biggest thing is that we will follow the SMART acronym in all things we do in our business and in our products. This way, we know we are taking care of online marketers like you, and we know we will be around for many years. We are looking at a long term relationship!
Dave : )
Thanks Dave. I understand the message within your post. First, you explained what led you to ’embark’ on offering this product. I could see genuine reasons to help online marketers. I understand the SMART concepts behind your brand and how online marketers can leverage on it to improve their online experience. The two products you offer; SMART IM Checklist and SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits, are they e-products an Online marketer can access to gain more information on online marketer?
Hi, Tolu…
Thanks for popping through and adding in your thoughts. The SMART IM Tools brand is expanding and since this was published we have two additional products that are open and ready to take on clients. The first is the SMART IM Deals App and the second is the SMART IM Chatbot Service.
The Deas app allows the user to create deal pages that are similar to Deal Fuel and similar sites. These pages look great and good to show your array of products in a grid format that allows you to show a lot on ne or more pages. When clicked on, the link takes you to your full sales page.
The chatbot service we have will open the door to many of the small or home businesses that are all over the world adding these neat and powerful tools to their websites. To date, the cost and time to put these together yourself or through service has been too high for many to consider.
Our service is based on a different business model. We are focusing on bringing the chatbots to all at a reasonable price and then through a reasonable maintenance program make a small profit for our company. The up-front development cost for us means that we will break even on building them for clients.
Getting back to the two products I expand on in this post, the SMART IM Checklists and the SMART IM Lead Magnet Kits, are both digital products. This means that you will get a download link after payment, and of course ongoing support via a forum that we have within the SMART IM Tools Academy Membership Site.
The bottom line for all these tools and others that are being readied at the moment is that we want to be a go-to source for the tools that you need to fill in the gaps that are in some of the bigger platforms that are out there. Our aim is not to replace such sites as Wealthy Affiliate, Builderall, or similar, but to augment them with tools you can use as you grow your business.
Dave : ).
Thank you for the post on Smart IM tools. I’m really excited to have these tools come out. They look like they will be the guide that you need to fill in all the gaps about internet marketing. I was wondering if I read that right that they will all be sold separately so you can pick and choose which ones you need? or is it a whole package? Thank you for the post.
Hi, Geoffrey…
These will be sold per product and some will have options within the products. For instance, the SMART IM Unique Lead Magnet Kits can be ordered in various packages, and the SMART IM Checklists can be purchased by volume (there are 12), by a small package, or a large package (all 12 volumes)l.
We also have added two new SMART IM Tools brand products since I published this: First, we have the SMART IM Deals app, which is to create nice look deal offers in a grid format similar to what you see on Deal Fuel or other similar sites. This app is a nice way to present your offers to prospects,
The next new product line under the SMART IM Tools brand is our SMART IM Chatbot Service. This is a service where we will build and deploy chatbots for the small businesses that are out there that to now have not had access to this cutting edge technology.
There are more coming in the training course arena, as we have been working on a number of things. Our SMART IM Tools Team is very busy! There are video creation tools, forums, training and more available along with access to the other tools mentioned above at a monthly subscription price.
We will be having a launch special until we reach 1000 members in that membership site, so do stay tuned so you can get the latest and perhaps jump in of it fits for your online business when it does open. That launch and a founding member will remain as long as you remain a paying member too.
Lastly, there is an affiliate program for all of these tools in the SMART IM Tool line of products,. The commissions will be on a par that the big platforms offer, so also check back to see how you may be able to get in and profit from this as well.
Lots to tell you, thanks for asking the question, this is good for all people that happen by this post!
Dave : )
This is an amazing tool that will help to solve most of the problems face in internet marketing, I love the strategies of how SMART tool will operate. I can’t wait to get the course when it is up. I will love to follow up on SMART IM Tool brand because am really interested in it. Going to implement it on my websites and see how it works. I already bookmark this page in other to get more of your next posts. Thanks for the beautiful write up, I must commend you for the effort you put in to come up with this points.
Hi, Labulo…
The brand is a solid one, we feel, and of course, it will take some time to spread it far and wide as we envision. The tools, products, and services that we deploy will all have characteristics of working as advertised, being reasonably priced, and backed up by our support team and management.
There are a number of products we have deployed already, to include SMART IM Checklists, SMART Training Courses, SMART Deals App, SMART Lead Magnet Kits, SMART Video Tools (3), and SMART IM Tools Academy. The list will grow as we test and finalize more.
Please do stop back, as we are also opening an affiliate program for these products and there will be some good commissions to be made.
Dave : )
First I must commend your effort in putting this article together on Dave’s Smart IM tool to share with us. Truthly speaking only few people in life are ready to inspire, motivate and push others to be successful like them in life even as far as online business is concerned. It is so disheartening that many experienced online business tycoons are just there for their selfish interests and to rip-off incoming newbies in online business rather than mentoring them to be successful. You have opened my eyes to opportunities to tap from through this Dave’s Smart IM tool to standout in the online business world. You are really a great person. Great job!
Hello, Brent…
Thanks for the kind words and support, they are appreciated. Most definitely there is room for more such like-minded people and businesses as what we are offering with our SMART IM Tools brand. In the meantime, we will just continue to do what we do, and see who wants to follow or emulate what we do.
Dave : )
Thank you for sharing. I like how you shared the information on what SMART means I appreciate that you are creating tools that utilize SMART. I would be interested in the tools that are coming out about video creation and social platforms. I am stuck in my business now, trying to figure out how to utilize YouTube more effectively. Thank you again.
Hi, Lee…
Video marketing represents a great way to reach more people, and it continues to rise in popularity. I do feel your pain when it comes to how to work with video for your online business as I was in the same position not that long ago.
For this reason, I have taken my own experiences and added in training from experts to help people like us understand what it involves and how to go about marketing with video. This includes the kinds of video to make, the tools you can use, the strategy to use (or strategies, better sais), etc.
On top of this, we also have secured the rights to sell under our SMART Tools brands some tools that will help the likes of us do a better job of using video in our businesses. Over the next months, we will be launching these and adding them to our product line.
Please do stop in again and tap into whatever we may add here, and if there is a particular subject that you want us to expand on we will certainly do this. Thanks for adding your input, it is valued and useful for us all.
Dave : )
Thank you for this. It would have been so very useful to me if I had all these resources and tools available to me when I started IM a few years ago. So those who are just starting and come across your website are in for a steal of a deal. You have certainly identified what is lacking in IM and you are doing something about it. Others may have realized what is missing as well but they are not willing to provide the solutions that you are so ably doing now, and have plans to continue doing in the future. I wish you all the best with your website and with your SMART business.
Hi, Coach!
Thanks for the words of encouragement (your name fits!) and most certainly I see the gaps like you have in the tools that are out there now. There are some good ones, and some are free to use, while others are overpriced and do not work that well.
With our focus as an online marketer ourselves, we will not fall into the trap of introducing new products that do not work just because you need to launch something to stay in the business (short term strategy and does not work over the long term).
Rather our focus is on having things that we all need, that others may not be offering, that is also decently priced so the new online marketers can afford to use them. I remember what it was like, as you do, and using this strategy, I am sure that we will have success while helping others have success too.
That is what it is all about I think.
Dave : )
Hi Dave, it’s great to see all of these SMART IM tools designed to help us marketers. To-do and checklist are very effective, because I personally use it for my everyday task. Since there are upcoming IM products, do you have a plan to release all or some of them as a bundle? And do you enable affiliate for your tools? I love to try and promote your tools if they are really satisfy my needs 🙂 Thanks
Hi, AiBlue!
It has been exciting working with our team to get these products up and running over the past months, and we have a bunch more planned. There is a membership site that we have to complete (SMART Chatbot launch got in the way of finishing it), and yes there will be an affiliate and support program for all the tools.
This is where the bundle question comes in. I plan on offering a founder’s special for the membership site and these members will have access to the tools launched and upcoming ones as well at the lowest possible price. Once the founder’s launch period is over, the prices for members will go up, but never for the first members.
I will let everyone know when we open the doors to the membership site, and at the same time, we will open the affiliate portion as well. This will give people the opportunity to promote and make some good commissions from the products, and once the launch period is over, from the membership site as well.
Stay tuned, and thanks for the questions!
Dave : )