Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Things You Should Know Before Starting An Internet Business
- 5 Benefits Of Starting an Online Business
- How to Validate your Niche by Researching your Competition
- How To Create A Business Plan Outline
- Treat your Business like a Business, Not a Hobby
- So What Is Next? How To Get Started…
- (1) Wealthy Affiliate.
- (2) Builderall Marketing Platform.
- Here is a list of the features and tools that you get access to as a member:
- Do you see how the two platforms complement one another? There are tools on one that you do not have on the other, but when you have both, you have 99% of what you will ever need for your online business!
- These two platforms belong together!
- (3) Dave’s Business Startup Training Package.
- Here is what you get…
- (1) Entrepreneur Basics.
- (2) Business Planning and Strategies 101.
- (3) Learn Legalese.
- (4) Goal Planning Strategies.
- (5) Smart Marketing.
- (6) Small Business Mastery.
- (7) Freedom Online Video Training Course.
- (8) Getting Things Done
- (9) Tapping Into Emotional Intelligence
- P.S. Bonuses
Hi, Everyone…
I get a lot of questions from people that are thinking of starting their own online business. They may have heard how easy it is to make money, or they want to get away from a regular 9-5 job, or they may want to work from home,i.e. they are a Mom or retired.
There are a thousand reasons that are all valid to start your own online business. Luckily, it is quite easy to get one up and running, but to have a SUCCESSFUL online business it takes a bit of work and planning. It is one thing to say I want to start a business, but to take action, you need to know what action to take!
This is why I am going to cover some of the main considerations for starting your online business, then cover three suggested and proven options to help get you started quickly and properly. If you already are aware of the points, you may want to skip to the bottom portion to see my suggested options…
Let’s get started…
Things You Should Know Before Starting An Internet Business
If you decide to start an internet business you can have a lot of fun with it. There are so many options that are ethical and offer you a huge opportunity. Unfortunately, if you try to get in without doing at least a little research, you could very well find that you will waste time, money, and effort.
Not only that, there are so many offers out there to get started, you will find yourself becoming overwhelmed very quickly. There are some people that will try to make it look very easy. Push button profits, 30-minute work weeks, instant thousands, are all sales pages will promise you.
The truth is that these people often just want to get to your credit card and cash. These are people that know what emotional buttons to push to cause you to take action and spend your money. They may or may not have your interests in mind.
There are other people who have really made it online, and they make it look easy. I will tell you that they more than likely did a lot of research beforehand. Using that research, they understood exactly to a detailed degree that they were able to avoid some of the common pitfalls of starting an Internet business.
Note that by reading through this post, you likely can avoid those pitfalls, as well…
Steps To Take Before You Start An Internet Business
Remember, one of the best things about the concept of creating and building an internet business is the wide variety of online market segments you can enter. Your business can also be as big or minimal as you may want or need it to be. It is all up to you, your circumstance, your desire and drive, and planning.
Here are a few things that any internet business entrepreneur should keep in mind before they do something like run out and buy a domain:
- Have a plan: This plan can be just for you, so it does not need to be a formal presentation that you are providing a bank or finance company. Still, while you don’t need to have that detailed of a formal business plan, you will still need to put together some sort of plan, preferably written. This way you know your plan of attack for the business. Preparing this may include researching your potential competitors, determining their needs or wants, evaluate what you can provide to solve their issues, and then develop a sense of what you will market to your selected group of people.
- Establish a budget. Any business costs money. You have startup costs, ongoing operational costs, and perhaps HR and accounting costs. Therefore planning will also require some sort of a budget forecast. When budgeting for an internet business, it is no different than any other business (although the overall costs are typically much less than for a regular brick and mortar business). You do want your budget to be realistic. Also, realize up front that most likely you’re going to lose money before you make money.
- Branding. Customers will want to meet you…Online is no different from offline businesses. Standing out from the crowd of internet businesses can be really challenging these days. Sometimes, it may seem to be impossible. One good way to do this naturally is to inject your personality into the business. Filter your own personality into everything that defines your internet business. Everything. From logo to copy, sales pages to products, from the social accounts to the blog pages include your unique take on the business.
- Pursue Your Passion. This is not an absolute must, but I can tell you it sure makes the business easier to invest in. If you are doing something you’re actually going to enjoy, you will be more likely to stick with it. Operating an internet business is a lot of work. If you are doing something you will be able to enjoy, you will make it through the challenging times.
5 Benefits Of Starting an Online Business
There are offline businesses that conduct online business. Look at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and many others out there that have stores that people can shop from, while another major (and increasing) piece of the business they have comes from online sales.
Technically, an online business is not a digital or virtual extension of an existing traditional business as I described above. A pure online business is a totally digital enterprise (at least on the backend) where the primary strength of the company is in the virtual world. Think e-commerce stores such as Ali-Express or eBay, or training websites such as Udemy, or membership sites such as DealFuel (they sell digital products from their website pages).
However, for the purpose of inclusivity, we shall include the digital or online extensions of existing traditional businesses as well. You can do either and use the guidance found herein. In fact, I would say that if you have a bric k and mortar operation and are not tapping into the online market, you need to right now! You are missing out on huge chunks of the market.
Here are five benefits of starting an online business.
(1) Reasonable Investment
Remember that a pure digital online business will cost you a fraction of what a traditional or conventional business requires. To see what I mean, do just a little research and see what the cost is for launching an online store or e-commerce site versus opening an actual retail store.
I can assure you the difference will be a small fortune, perhaps a large fortune, depending on the niche and the competition. There are ways to go half-way with a digital presence and business. You can sell on larger platforms like eBay and Amazon or Etsy and still have an online business. You can create your own mini-site that costs much less, or you can enter into affiliate marketing (generally the cheapest method of all).
(2) Easy Startup
Note that an online business can be launched very quickly, in a matter of weeks, if not days even. Once the business plan is in place, all the products or services are ready to be launched, it literally takes days at most to start selling as an online business. If you use a WordPress frame and a ready-made theme, sales can start in less than a week.
(3) High Returns on Investments
Your investment is low starting out. Because of this, your ROI will be high when you compare them with a typical offline business, and you will have less work as you have no physical space to organize nor employees to pay. You can also scale the online business up quickly, and as your costs go up, gain even more return for your investment.
The returns on your investments are exponentially higher than conventional or traditional businesses. I have done both, and prefer the online business hands down. Remember that with traditional business, you need actual people visiting your store to make sales.
You can reach out to an immediate audience in the area, but no further. Your potential audience is global with an online business. You can transcend geographical boundaries, cultural and social barriers to emerge as a global phenomenon. It has happened to many thousands of companies
(4) Automation
The beauty of online businesses too is that they can be automated to a large degree, in fact almost completely. Once you have the automation set up and working for you, much less hands-on is required and instead, you conduct reviews, assess performance, adjust as may be required and when needed.
Due to the power of the internet, you don’t need to personally or physically intervene at every stage. Everything from compliance to sales, customer service to upgrades, content creation, customer service, marketing, can be automated. It is a fact that digital entrepreneurs will have more time on their hands. They can diversify, expand their business, venture into new endeavors, and indulge in their hobbies or families.
(5) A Myriad of Freedoms
Remember too that owners of online businesses can work from anywhere, can work at any time, and can work for as long as they want. They only need an internet connection and tools to conduct their business. Another freedom possible is building financial freedom. Having an online business can be truly empowering for the owner. They will be able to carve their own lifestyle as they envision, and live a more fulfilling life compared to those that stick with a normal 9-5 job and the drudgery associated with that sort of job and lifestyle.
So now that you know some of the advantages that starting your own online business offers, there are some other details to think about before quitting your day job (don’t do that, at least not until you are ready!)…
How to Validate your Niche by Researching your Competition
Remember that digital online enterprises or online businesses are not bound by geography nor by as many stringent local regulations as offline businesses are. Even though this is true, there are still guidelines and regulations that you have to comply with depending on where you operate from. So although it is easier, it is not easy. you want to comply with these so you do not get into any legal or tax trouble.
On top of that, the area of business you will focus on is of concern. You will approach a niche market, meaning a group of people that are interested in a subject, hobby, or profession and create solutions to their needs and wants. Before spending a lot of time, money, or effort, it will pay to see that there is a market for what you want to sell.
This is also where having a passion for something, while important, is not the deciding factor. Using research, you need to find out if there is a chance to sell enough of what you have. If not, it does no good to get a ton of traffic that brings you no income. Your business will lose money but be popular.
Competitive niches are not a bad thing. This means there is business out there to be had, and if you offer a better mouse-trap, a portion of the business can be yours. Remember too, that we are not talking about a finite audience in a geographic region, your marketplace is global (or it can be).
Two main areas that you will want to look at:
(1) Demand First, Then Supply!
As with most businesses, you are looking first for demand, then for ways to supply that demand. If there is enough demand then you can likely cater to the supply and make a living. However, if there isn’t enough of a demand for products or what you have, then entering the niche makes no sense.
There is no hard and fast rule, you will need to calculate and see if based on the data you gather when analyzed indicates you can make a go of it in the niche. Try to remember the offline example or analogy that if there is only one diner in a locality, it is likely to be able to do well. But if there are too many diners plus a limited potential set of people to fill up all those diners, over time most of them will go out of business.
This is exactly what we look for in a niche. A digital enterprise or online niche must have the demand for there to be a space for it to exist (as a business owner, this is true. If a hobby niche, perhaps this may not hold water). The pool of potential customers is huge across the internet, but still, you must see if there is enough for you and the competition to make a living.
There will be times when the competition is too stiff, and the pool of customers too small to make it worth your while. You want to know this up front. You can move to another niche that also you can have passion with and succeed in. It all comes down to conducting effective detailed research then seeing what the opportunities may be.
So as you research, study the competition, find out how large the market is, and what solutions your competitors are already providing to meet the needs of the audience. Unless you can provide a better solution, you likely will have a hard time beating that competition. It becomes hard to gain a foothold, let aside being a roaring success.
Do you see how this process will save you time, money, and effort? You will have a good idea of what you are facing before you ever spend a dime!
(2) A Niche Within A Niche!
These days, it is highly unlikely that you will find a niche you have a passion for that is completely void of competition. You may be lucky to find one that has very little competition, That is not the norm nor even necessarily desired. They are just too hard to find.
If the players are covering a huge broad niche, there is another way to leverage that niche that will work if the numbers work. If there is a niche that is popular such as weight loss, there is likely humongous market shares and dedicated customers or audiences for that niche. Because it is so big, you can find a niche within that niche that will work.
There is a subset that will likely have a large enough audience that makes entering it worthwhile. For instance, losing belly fat might be a good sub-niche that would work in the weight loss niche. There are plenty of people interested (me included). It is all about the value you can offer to your audience and how you help, change or enrich their lives.
Okay, now you have a niche or perhaps a couple that will work. What is next? Read on to find out…
How To Create A Business Plan Outline
Once you have a niche or niches that you know will work, where you have a large interested audience and plenty of products you can sell to them, the next thing is to plan just how you will approach the niche. There are a number of angles that might work.
For brevity, we will call this a business plan, although as stated, it will not require a full-blown fancy report of presentation. This is a crucial step, as is determining the niche. It will be the foundation of your company. Regardless of how big or small your company is going to be, you still need some sort of plan for starting and for your future.
The plan is essentially the road map that you will follow to establish, grow, and make money from your online business. Having one will accomplish two things for you:
- It’s going to be broad in scope but will be specific enough that it helps you define exactly what needs to be done over the next year, two years, or even 3-5 years.
- It’s going to be open-ended so that you can make adjustments as real-life events may require, and from there you can again forecast out one, two, or even 5 years ahead.
This is not a difficult process, but it will force you to think through all the requirements, the impact each will have, and what you expect to be able to get in place, and how you will do that. It really helps to create a picture in your mind of how the business should progress.
Creating A Viable Business Plan Outline
Remember, this is not a professional outcome you are looking for. Usability is more important. This is your personal road map. Add in the basic elements and anything else that you consider important, and organize it so you can follow along easily.
A good but simple business plan outline is going to offer the following:
- Executive Summary: This element (a paragraph) is going to summarize the plan as a whole.
- Company Description: With this part of the plan, you’ll focus on what your company is going to do and also point out how your company is different from similar businesses.
- Market Analysis: You have researched your niche. Here is where you will add your marketing plans (broad statement) and your competitors.
- Organization/Management: Once you know what kind of business you will build, then you can plan for how you will set up the organization of it. Then from there, you can add in how it will be managed.
- Service/Product Line: Here is where you describe your product or services. Name benefits and lifecycles.
- Marketing/Sales: In broad brush strokes mention your planned sales strategies and marketing plans.
- Funding: This is a key area. How much cash are you going to need? How will that money be spent? Transparency and thought are key issues in this segment. You want to be honest with yourself and others.
- Financial Projections: Again on this segment, if you do need funding, thought through projections are going to be important. People will want to know how you came up with your figures.
- Appendix: In this last section, you can add in resumes, permits, leases, and anything else that might be pertinent to your business.
Note that you may need only some of the areas above. It really depends on what your execution will look like and if you will self-finance or have investors. This is something you will discover for yourself as you plan your business.
You are close to getting started. You have a niche, you have worked hard to create a plan that will work that you can follow as you start off on your entrepreneurial journey. As you prepare to get started, your mindset will have a great effect on how things go for you. Let me explain below…Please read on…
Treat your Business like a Business, Not a Hobby
There is a difference between the two. many people think their online business is like a hobby, and they handle it this way. Remember that a hobby can be turned into a business but it does not work the other way around. If you are a person of means you may be able to work at this as a hobby, but for the 99% of the rest of us, nope. For us regular people business and leisure don’t mix well. You are going to be investing time, effort, and money into this, so you need to be serious about it.
Here are some of the many reasons why you should treat your business like a business and not a hobby.
- A hobby is something that you do in your off time from work and for which you may have substantial passion. On the other hand, a business can’t be a pastime as there are serious consequences, such as losing money if you do not pay proper attention to the business. If you have other people that are counting on you as the business owner, these employees have jobs that are at stake.
- Remember too that you have customers they are buying products or services from you and they depend on you too. If you do not provide a good service, they will not be happy and that can have all kinds of negative repercussions. A hobby is absolutely personal, while a business is not at all personal, although you must act personally. So you see that your business will have direct and indirect impacts on the lives of many people that are close to you, those that work for you, and those that buy from you.
- A hobby has a lot more to do with emotion rather than pragmatism or getting results. Both can develop out of sheer love for something, but with a hobby, there is little or no aspiration to monetize the hobby. The purpose is to give form to your feelings or the skills you possess. Essentially, a hobby is all about emotions at the end of the day. A business too can stem from a particular or cluster of emotions, and that will help provide drive to make it be successful, but it can never be managed or run emotionally.
- A hobby can also have periods of procrastination. This is okay, as you are not hurting anyone but yourself. But you cannot allow any procrastination to seep into your work habits when you are running a business. In real life there are deadlines, there are bottom lines, there are people counting on you. Therefore you cannot take your own sweet time developing or delivering something. If you do treat your business as a hobby sooner or later your enterprise will cease to exist.
Now you have an idea of the steps to go through to get started: (1) What research is required; (2) the steps to developing a business plan for your online business; and (3) You know how you must approach the business (mindset).
What tool or resources should you use to get your business off the ground? There are almost limitless products out there you could start with. I want to suggest three tools that I know will help you. The first two are robust platforms that offer many features and tools you will need, while the third provides training for you if you choose another route outside the two I suggest.
The idea is to get you started quickly and have you attain success as fast as possible while spending as little as possible. If you do decide to use some other tool outside the two suggested, then please take advantage of the training package, as it will give you the knowledge to judge the tool that you do decide to go with.
I use the two tools I recommend, and 95% of my current business is using one or the other tools, and they have worked so well for me that I have confidence in recommending them to others. Together, they cost much less than many ‘guru’ mastermind courses, they have all the features you will not get likely with the guru programs, and there have been thousands of success stories from those that use the platforms.
Let’s dig in…
So What Is Next? How To Get Started…
I have three solutions for you today. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but all will work for you. Have a look at what you get with each, and then decide if one, two, or all three are for you. If so, you can get started quickly by signing up for the free trials and get going fast. You also will get the third training package for free when you sign up for one or both of the platforms! See the details below…
I have added in some details of each of the platforms and also added in the various training, ebooks, and checklists that you will get in the third option.
Note that these are not done for you businesses nor are they promising you $1000 a day. Rather, these are tools that will give access to the tools and training you need to flesh out your online business using a solid and tested platform. It is easy and fast to get started – just click on the buttons to get started!
(1) Wealthy Affiliate.
The first is to join a platform called Wealthy Affiliate for a 7-day free trial where you will learn how to get an online affiliate marketing business started fast. They have excellent training and tools that will help you create a website, add a professional theme, and teach you how to add content that will attract people to your website.
Rather than add in a complete review (you can read one HERE – this is my ‘No BS Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2019’) I will just provide a quick synopsis of features and tools you get within the Wealthy Affiliate platform:
Wealthy Affiliate is:
(1) Community. Over 10,000 active members who support and help one another daily.
(2) Websites. A place to start with two business websites for FREE.
(3) Business Package. A complete system to learn how to make money online in a short span of time.
(4) Training. Latest training on internet marketing.
(5) Advanced Training. Additional training from members on specific subjects.
(6) Webinars. Weekly live webinars on various subjects for your online business (recorded and in the training library).
(7) Features. Too many to list, but they include comment sharing, content creation tool, hosting, premium WordPress themes, domain purchase, blog account, training, affiliate program, keyword research tool, and more.
(8) Bottom Line. You are going to learn to take your passion, niche research, marketing plan, and mindset to create a business online.
Wealthy Affiliate is not…
(1) A ‘Get Rich Quick’ Scheme. You will have to put in the work to create the fundamental base of your business using the tools and training provided.
(2) Some MLM Fly By Night Business. It is a straightforward training and business platform that offers the best features and tools in the marketplace and top-notch training and support to get you started.
Who Will Wealthy Affiliate Work For? This is a marketing platform that has been designed to help people of all skill levels and personalities. It will work for the newbie and the seasoned marketer.
(2) Builderall Marketing Platform.
This is the other main platform that I use for most of my online businesses. This platform has features that Wealthy Affiliate does not, and when you add in the two together, the way they complement one another allows for a complete solution with no need to go outside for any other tools unless you decide you want to.
Builderall also has a 7-day free trial. so you can sign up, create your account, and kick around the platform to see how it can work for you. This is really a great way to get started, and the confidence that the owners have to offer the free trial shows just how good they know these platforms are.
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Here is a list of the features and tools that you get access to as a member:
- Builderall tools and applications
- Unlimited Professional Email Marketing
- Unlimited professional e-commerce
- Webinar and streaming platform
- Facebook Messenger Chat Bot
- Autopost manager tools
- Affiliate Marketplace
- Leveraged affiliate system
- Builderall Business community
- Unlimited pages and subdomains
- Connect up to 15 domains
- Bandwidth unlimited and unlimited visitors
- Third party integrations
- SSTP included
- Premium Local and CDN Hosting
- Ticketing Support System
Here are the tools and applications:
- Autoresponder (AR) advanced with WYSIWYG campaign feature
- Unlimited subscribers for AR
- Webinar hosting
- Messenger Chat Bot
- Video Creation Tool
- Instagram Connectivity
- Http based websites (fast)
- Browser notification tool
- A market place to sell your own products and services
- Mobile app tool for your hosted websites
- Site creation tools (3) to get a website up quickly
- DFY sales funnels for many niches
- Super generous affiliate program
- A very responsive support team
- An active owner as with Wealthy Affiliate owners (important!)
- Support groups on Facebook
- Tons of training on using the site
- Ability to add floating videos to your sites
- Coupon and gaming add-ons available at no charge
- Scarcity tools at no charge
- e-Commerce ready
- Connect to many popular external platforms
- Ability to create 3-D images for products you are selling
- Training membership site templates (to sell your training) and control access
- Facebook and other tracking pixels easily added
- On-site tracking of site visitor actions
- Share locker to gain traction for your social posts
- Content creation tool (fast content creation)
…and more!
Do you see how the two platforms complement one another? There are tools on one that you do not have on the other, but when you have both, you have 99% of what you will ever need for your online business!
These two platforms belong together!
Lastly, if you decide to use another tool other than Wealthy Affiliate or Builderall, I urge you to take advantage of the training below so you at least know what you can expect and need from that tool. Spending a little on this may save you a lot of time, money, and wasted effort. It can also be used as a further research source for deciding what approach to take as you stand up your online business…
(3) Dave’s Business Startup Training Package.
Take me up on my training package that includes a few key areas of interest that will help you be ready to start your business on any platform. I would urge you to perhaps start with this one if you are not ready to try the free 7-day trials above for the two platforms that you can take advantage of.
There are 10 books, training courses, and two SMART IM Checklist Volumes in this deluxe package, and spending some time going through this material will get you better prepared to start your business. They will be good additions to your personal library of online business training too…
Note that if you purchased these individually through me, you would pay almost $150, as the three video training courses are $19.95 each and the two SMART IM Checklist Volumes at full price are $22 each. I sell the ebooks for 7.95 (or at $6 if you buy three) so you can see that I am offering lots of value for you.
My idea is to get you started. These materials will provide a lot more guidance and also a lot of ideas, and once you are ready, will help in getting your business plans together. They will help you get organized and most important of all perhaps, get you moved from reading and learning to take action.
Here is what you get…
(1) Entrepreneur Basics.
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Syllabus: An introduction to entrepreneurship. It will cover a number of areas that will help the would-be business owner get a solid start. Quick read, lots of good content.
Next, we have…
(2) Business Planning and Strategies 101.
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Syllabus: This book goes into more detail on some of the tasks and strategies that the entrepreneur will have to address as they get started with their online business. Good solid advice, that will help you get started properly…
Next comes this book…
(3) Learn Legalese.
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Syllabus: If you are new to the business world, this book will be valuable to you. It explains a lot of the legal terms that you will be expected to know about once you start your own business. NOTE: This book is not included as a bonus for signing up to the 7-day free trials of Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall.
There is more! Next…
(4) Goal Planning Strategies.
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Syllabus: Every goal is achievable if you have a solid plan to make sure that you attain it. This book will provide lots of ideas and suggestions on steps you can take to reach your goals. Whether it involves personal or business goals, this book will help!
Next, we have the following…
(5) Smart Marketing.
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Syllabus: A quick read, this report offers you some valuable tips on marketing that will help you get attention to your website, your offers, and your social accounts.
Wait, there is STILL more…
(6) Small Business Mastery.
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Syllabus: Plenty of solid advice on getting your small business started the right way. It will add to your overall knowledge about small business and help you from making foundational mistakes as you get started.
Next, we have…
(7) Freedom Online Video Training Course.
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Syllabus: This is a complete training course that includes many supporting materials such as a mind map, ebook, videos, resource list, and more. It is an expansion on what I have included in this post, and will open your mind as to what is available to you when you get into an online business. This training course alone is worth MORE than the $19.95 price for this package!
I STILL am not done, there is more in this package offer…
(8) Getting Things Done
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Syllabus: This is a great course to help you determine what might be stopping you from achieving your dreams and goals. It is quite comprehensive and includes an ebook, videos, mind map, resource list, and much more. It will really be useful. This course alone is priced at the total for the entire bundle price I am offering today!
Nope, I am still not done with what I am offering in this package! Here is one more excellent training course you can use for self-development below…
(9) Tapping Into Emotional Intelligence
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Syllabus: Whether you realize it or not, how you use emotional intelligence will have a big impact on how you get on with your business and indeed, also how things may go in your personal life. This training teaches you just what emotional intelligence is and how you can best leverage it to have more success in your life. This course alone I sell for $19.95, and it is worth a lot more.
Lastly, I have something very special for you…Two of my SMART IM Checklist volumes, that at retail cost $22 each! See these below…
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Syllabus: Each of these checklist volumes contain a number of different checklists that cover every facet of the subject volume. They work for you in a number of ways and there is even a support forum for them in our SMART IM Tools Academy membership site that you will get access to!
If you would like to read a review of these checklist volumes, here is a link for you: SMART IM Checklists Review
Following going through all this training and tools you have with this super package I am offering you today, you might be more ready to try one or both of the platforms. Remember, I use both and have been a member of both for years, I use them every day for one thing or another, so I am very sure that they will work for 99% of the marketers out there.
In any case, I do hope that if you are considering starting an online business, you will find this post useful. Let me know in the comments below what you think, ask any questions you may have, and let’s get started on your journey! I would like nothing more than to be there with you as things get started for you!
Dave : )
P.S. Bonuses
Q: Would You Like To Get My Training Package for Free?
A: If you decide to sign up for either or both of the Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall platforms, I will give you the training package free. How is that for a deal?
Note: Once you have set up your account(s) in the platforms, send me a mail or let me know here in the comment section, and I will send you links to all the training, ebooks, and SMART IM Checklists in the business package.
Thanks and best of luck in 2019!
You listed then write.
When I wanted to start my business I first of all layer down the plan and confirmed that all was right and I had the necessary skills and funds to start it up.
Its better to be sure you have the necessary funds than starting the business and stopping half way ending up collapsing the business that was going to be a great one.
Hi, Nsikakabasi…
You bring up a good point. Part of the process of planning is to evaluate just how much money you will need to get started, plus what additional money you may need to sustain the business and any other obligations you may have outside the business.
The two platforms I recommend are not free, but they do offer the best value for the money, and if you do not have to spend money on other tools and products, you will save a lot of money over time. But the cost of the two memberships has to be calculated.
It is also true that in normal circumstances if you follow the training provided, you soon will be able to start earning some money, even if it is minimal. You can get a couple of others to sign up for the platforms, collect the commissions, and voila, the platforms are now available to you at no cost out of pocket.
This is the angle I would take if starting out again, and indeed was the course of action I took when I signed up for them, It has worked and will work. Because these are legitimate and offer so much value, they are easy to promote and recommend.
There are likely some readers that stop by this post who may not be convinced to try the two platforms, even though it is free to try for 7-days (both Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall have this offer), so as an interim step, I have put together the training package you see.
That package is offered at a huge discount to the regular selling price, and the value is high and will help those that select it to get a solid business plan in place. They can determine how to proceed, then select the two platforms for a free trial.
Most definitely there is some money required to get started with a business online. That cost is a fraction of what it would take for regular business and you can more quickly start making a profit compared to the brick and mortar operation,
In my case, I have had a brick and mortar businesses, migrated to online businesses, and at this point have a hybrid type of business, in that I have an office, a registered company, etc. This is something that you can do at the start, or you can do it later, as I have.
The important thing is to have a good plan and access to the resources to support that plan. That includes available time too, by the way. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You have to take this online business on with a business attitude, not as a hobby.
Dave : )
Dear Dave,
Thanks for your online business review. I particularly like the part of Business Plan. I started my online business some while ago and thought about business plan, but never put efforts to write it down. You are right that I should write the business plan as detail as possible, the organization/management, service/product line, marketing plan, funding, and financial projections, all of them should have pre-defined and I still missed them. I guess it is not late and I am going to do something on this now.
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and feel that Wealthy Affiliate provides all tools to build a website, but in areas such as video marketing and email marketing etc are not sufficient enough. I are struggling in fields like those. You recommend Builderall Marketing Platform. Does it contain video and email marketing tools?
Hi, Anthony!
Thanks so much for stopping by, I really appreciate you taking the time to add in your thoughts regarding this post on starting an online business in 2019. As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you already know about the many tools and features you have.
These are sufficient to start out with but at some point, as you get the basic things in place, as you can with Wealthy Affiliate, you will need to gain access to some additional tools. Things like the video editing tool, an autoresponder, Messenger bots, browser notifications, done for you sales funnels are not available on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
When you combine the two, you really have almost everything you need to scale up the business as much as you may want or need to. I have also added in the planning piece as I think many people do not have a plan, they just start. Later they realize they might have approached it differently were they starting again.
if the research and planning are done ahead of time, there is less chance this will happen, plus the effort people put into building their business will be directed towards reaching the goals they know they want to achieve. I would like to help as many people get into the business with their eyes wide open.
Have a look at the builderall platform, it is free for 7-days. I think you will be pleasantly surprised! I really appreciate your feedback, I have no doubt it will be helpful for many who stop by, Anthony, thanks again!
Dave : )
As a newbie to the online business systems, this is very valuable analysis and I am thankful to have come across it, I have taken note of the important and vital points or steps that should be taken before starting an online business, having a plan, establishing a budget, branding etc. I hope to see much more of these posts, as these are the tools of encouragement that would steer me and other newbies towards the right direction.
Good Day, Oneal!
Happy to have helped you out, and most certainly if you give Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall a try using the free 7-day trial (not even a credit card is required!) you will see what I am talking about in this article. Many people want to get started with an online business but get caught up in some less than helpful traps that are out there.
From what I have seen, there are just too many products that promise so much but deliver much less. Often they address a small section of what you need to really create a solid online business, and what such sellers are hoping for is that you buy again and again from them, looking for the package you need.
Both of these platforms are different. Their goal in both cases is to give you the tools you need, all of them, so you can design your business using the features, tools, and training they provide. The overall cost is minimal when compared to a brick and mortar operation too.
Also, if you can tap into just a bit of the affiliate marketing side of things, you will be able to essentially have access to all the features and tools at no cost to you. That is a pretty good deal. I want to help people get started properly, and it is with this in mind I published this post!
Dave : )
Great post and good info.
You would think that in the day of today the internet is already full of businesses but that isn’t true.
I read ‘n article about it and there is lots of space to put yours in, so don’t let that stop you.
Now, to start an online business, it doesn’t have to be really hard, I started mine almost a year ago and it was pretty easy, even when I choose a niche that is full of competition, which is the supplement niche.
You give good tips how to start it, and I think you will help people with this.
Many thanks for that, and to share it!
Hi, Emmanuel…
Yes, there is certainly plenty of room for more online business. There are a couple of dynamics working to make this possible:
– First, there is still a growing population of people that are accessing the internet. As more and more of the world comes online, more people are buying online.
– Second, the people already online are also shifting more of their purchases to buying online.
With the likes of Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and other big players out there, you might think there is no room for more such platforms, but that is not the case. There are many regional big platforms, plus there are smaller Shopify and similar platforms full of stores selling niche products.
I personally have 28 websites where I sell training, products, services, and information. They each have their set of targeted audiences that I cater to, and between them all, you can make a good chunk of money on a regular basis. The market is huge.
I want to help people get started the right way, and I see too many scams or less than stellar programs and platforms out there that really are a waste of time and money. This is why I put this post together. People just entering the business or researching the business need some straight information.
This article presents a clear picture of what it takes to get started and using the two platforms recommended, virtually all the training and tools are there for you at your fingertips. The additional training and tools I offer is an intermediate step for those that may want to learn more.
Both Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall are great places to plant a solid foundation for an online business, and essentially can be free with a little work to get a couple of others signed up using your affiliate link. This means your already low costs drop even more.
Long run, I can think of no better place to join for your online business. They have worked for me for many years now, and I would not consider moving anywhere. Thanks for stopping by and all the best for 2019 with your online business!
Dave : )
You are right when you say that it is easy to start an online business, but it is a lot of work you need to put in before you start seeing returns.
Your post was very informative and even broke down the steps to take before buying a domain name. By not doing some research, you could end up wasting time and money, so it is important to get yourself some training before you just jump in blindfolded.
Its wonderful that we can choose just about any niche within to work, we just need to choose the keywords within that niche that people are looking for online and aim to help them. The joy of this is that you can choose a niche that you know a lot about, and if you enjoy your niche, you will enjoy the work and you won’t mind working hard.
Hi, Michel…
Yes, indeed, I say that it is difficult through my own experiences. Anyone thinking they will be able to make boatloads of money fast and easy is just plain wrong. They may not know, or they may have been fooled by some of the bad tools out there into thinking this.
That is why I posted this. I do get a lot of questions, and I like to be straight. The online marketing business is a good segment to get into, and there are considerable amounts of money to be made. It does not happen overnight nor is it done without planning and work.
On your other point, I agree with you. It sure is easier if you really enjoy what you are developing in regards to a niche, website, content, and being able to contribute to the niche through adding value to the audience and also offering solutions to the problems the members may be having.
I have been teaching in a traditional college setting for a number of years, and although recently I have not been as active, there is a real thirst for knowledge out there. The thing that I have noticed is that the best students are the ones that wanted to be there.
There were those that wanted to do the minimum just to get a grade and those that really had no idea why they were there (at the start) but the key is those that did have the interest went on to do great things in a lot of cases. The passion was what made that possible.
Thanks for stopping by, and I do hope that others will too so they get a solid start with an online marketing business using the platforms Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall. They have worked so well for me, I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone.
Dave : )
Hi David,
So much great information here, I found myself taking notes during it LOL. I have been trying to make money for about two years online through a few various methods and was met with a lot of frustration. I wish I had this article when I first started out as it would’ve saved me so much time. Luckily, I stumbled onto Wealthy Affiliate a few months ago and haven’t looked back. It was exactly what I was looking for. Like you said, it’s not get rich fast but it does work and you can build your business up to any level that you want. I have never heard of Builderall but I am going to give it a look after seeing how many features it has. I have to spend more time here, looks like you have a lot of great material. Thanks again.
Hey There, Dan…
Yes, so many people toy with the idea of starting their own online business and when they start doing some searches using Google, end up on sales pages that really cater to their wants rather than their needs. I decided to answer everyone at once using this post! This will cut down on the numbers asking, plus get then started properly (I hope).
The Builderall platform is unique like Wealthy Affiliate, in that, you have so many features that online marketers piece-meal together as they start to grow their business. The many tools found within Buidlerall cost so much more and other more well-known platforms like ClickFunnels charge more and offer less.
This is why I suggest combining the two together for any online business. Starting out, if the idea is to save money, I would start with Wealthy Affiliate then move to add the Builderall membership as soon as you see you need more. Wealthy Affiliate really centers around creating content that people are looking for using the search engines, then leveraging the traffic to make sales and commissions.
That is a wonderful business model and works well. Once you start to scale up and getting more traffic from all the great content, you find that you want to add in additional streams of traffic by posting videos you create, autoresponders services so you can run email marketing campaigns, etc.
That is where the Builderall platform shines. Instead of having to go to the many tools, services, and training sites, you can get that on the platform included. As with Wealthy Affiliate, you also have the ability to connect them all within the site to make getting things done easier and more organized.
Thanks for stopping by, and be on the lookout for my No BS review of Builderall for 2019 (working this review now!)… Best of luck for 2019 with your online business. If you are using the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you are in the right place to create success for yourself!
Dave : )
I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. From my point of view, starting an online business is a great thing as just like you said, ROI is awesome. Hard work is definitely needed but rewards are priceless. I have an online business and what I like the most is freedom, I can work from anywhere in the world. I encourage all people who want to start earning online to give a chance and create their own brand.
Hello, Daniel…
I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Starting an online business has worked out well for you it sounds like, and I am sure that you have done some planning along the way to make it successful. Most certainly you have huge advantages for working online as you mention.
I have seen ROI that is three times what I have earned with an offline business, and I am sure that with tweaks I can improve that figure even more. For sure you need to have a good base from which to start. This is why I suggested the two main platforms I use.
Both have training, tools, and great affiliate programs. They are relatively cheap for what you get, and they really support the platforms well too. I have been very satisfied and could not imagine going elsewhere for such services. This is why I offered the recommendation for Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall.
The training package I put together will also help, but the two platforms or some alternative will still be required. It is nice to have everything I need at my fingertips without having to go to 10 or 15 different websites to get things done. Also, only two sets of support teams to work with.
I wish you the best with your online business for 2019!
Dave : )
This is an insightful article. I bookmarked in order to check back because there are so many tips here. Thanks for putting this lovely post together.
I also resigned from my 9-5 job recently and i am hopeful i will make it online soon; I will make use of the lovely tips and come back to your blog to share my testimonies.
Hi, Abioye…
Thanks for the kind words, and since you have taken the plunge to start your own business it sounds like, I am sure that you are committed! No worries, many others have done the same and done very well with their own online marketing business.
The training and tools that you have available to you with Wealthy Affiliate and Buidlerall will most certainly help you make that transition to the online business world. They have literally everything you will need, to include the training, the tools, and even great affiliate programs where you can start to earn from.
Please do stop by again and ask any questions that you may have regarding the online marketing world. This is a site made for us and i love to be able to discuss online marketing with other marketers. Best of luck for youe business in 2019!
Dave : )
Your post is well -encompassing, as you really gave a detailed orientation into what and what to know before diving into on-line business. Thumbs up to you for that. I really agree with the four pin-pointed steps you made mention to consider before starting. If i had read this before delving into Internet business i wouldn’t have lost much as i have lost.Also i agree with the benefits you listed, just that i think you should have talked elaborately also on the disadvantages or risks involved in the Internet online business. Though am already into Wealthy Affiliates, never knew there are also similar good platforms like Wealthy Affiliates, such as Dave’s Business Startup Training Package and Builderall Marketing Platform which you mentioned. Thanks for this educational piece, it was really helpful
Good Day, Dapoach!
Yes, there are most certainly risks associated with starting a business online, no doubt of that. This is why I recommend doing the planning so you know exactly what you are getting into, how you will attack the business, and how to measure the progress so you can adjust as necessary. These are all key points of starting a business.
This online marketing is most definitely a business too, just like any other. This means that you have to put the work in (no 5 minute work weeks) and you want to have the tools that will allow you to get things done in the most efficient manner.
This also led me to the two platforms that I recommend and use myself in the post. There are so many that cost more but do less, and that is not the way to get a solid start. Consolidating your resources in a couple of products means that you can be more organized.
Really the Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall platforms are very reasonable in costs and do the job!
Dave : )
Many thanks David, for sharing these ethical options with all.
I’m quite new in the online world of business, and this is an eye opener for me, you’ve saved me from the loss of time, money and effort
A friend introduced me to the Wealthy Affiliate, and i’m learning pretty fast.
I had a great time reading through, i have bookmarked your site, and will definitely come around some more
Good Day, Festus…
Glad to be there to help you and yes, please do stop back again. We are adding lots of content regularly, and also have a couple of other websites that may be of interest to you. These all work in tandem with the Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall platforms, of course.
Our intent is not to replace what you can get using these two platforms, rather we want to offer products, training, and services that complement them. This way people that work with us and our products will get the biggest bang for their bucks.
Best of luck to you in 2019!
Dave : )
When I started out and was confronted with choosing a niche to write about, I was quickly stuck by panic because I knew nothing of niches or even where to start. I found first by writing down some of the things I like to do in my free time was the first step in narrowing down the search. After I had a list of 10 then I applied your Demand First principle as written in your post. That helped me eliminate the non-viable ones from the more attractive options.
In my opinion, do not expect to get rich over time and consistent effort and a realistic timeline will keep a person motivated and positive about this new experience. The learning curve is steep so hold onto your seats.
Hi, Richard…
It sounds like you went through something very similar to what I recommend and follow for my own business. I am glad that it has worked out for you. So many just jump in without this research and later have to start over when they realize there is no market for what they are offering.
Your other point is also very valid, I think. This business takes time. Some people will move quickly depending on a lot of factors, but it really amounts to sticking it out even when it takes a bit longer, as success will come if you have a plan and make use and apply the training you find within the Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall platforms.
Best of luck to you for 2019!
Dave : )
I’ve actually been doing some research into the Builderall Marketing Platform and the Wealthy Affiliate education over the last several days, as I’m looking to start a football gear blog.
What I gather so far is that the Wealthy Affiliate would be a safer bet due to my limited knowledge in online business. Do you feel it’s the best bet for newbies to this subject?
Hi, Chris…
If I had to pick one or the other, I likely would go with the Wealthy Affiliate platform initially, then later add the Builderall platform to my services for building my online business. This way rather than trying to do too much at one time, you build on a solid base you get at Wealthy Affiliate.
It is likely that more experienced marketers will be able to take full advantage of the tools offered through the Builderall platform, although newbies can also make that work. What I like about Wealthy Affiliate is that they provide training for newbies all the way to advanced training.
Builderall has a number of tools that you will learn about in the advanced stages of training on Wealthy Affiliate. Examples I can think of off the top of my head include using an Autoresponder, video creation and editing tools, FB Messenger chatbot, push notifications, sales funnels, webinars, etc. These are some of the tools you have with Builderall.
I am an Ambassador for Builderall, meaning that I was part of the initial adopters when they started doing business in North America. I have seen how they have evolved to meet the demands of members, and it has been incredible, Note the same can be said of Wealthy Affiliate.
Both platforms have owners that really care about helping people to make money online in an ethical manner and they provide training and tools to get people to that stage. This is why I cannot say enough about both. You are on the right track with starting out using the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
Dave : )
There are so many benefits attached to starting your own online work from home business and this is amazing when one who used to feed from hand to mouth now become his or her own self boss. Honestly it is a thing of joy to have financial freedom but it requires hard work and strategies. This is why I am on wealthy affiliates platform where success is guaranteed.
Hey There, Kenechi!
Yes indeed, having some kind of solid place to start building out your online business can make the difference between having success and losing interest because no money is made. The Wealthy Affiliate is a very strong platform in regards to training, tools, and people.
All will help you get a solid start with your business. You are in the right place. The other platform is also a strong and solid platform to help you scale up your business once you have the base in place. There you will find a bunch of tools and features that when combines with Wealthy Affiliate, make you unstoppable.
Check out Builderall and see for yourself, and tap into my free training package to boot. But do wait until you are ready, as it can be overwhelming if you try to do too much at a time. Builderall will be there when you are ready!
Dave : )
Hello David, when it comes to starting online business, it is often easy to get one running like you rightly said, however, being successful in that online business takes a lot of hard work and people often give up in this stage. You did great with the factors you listed to be considered before starting online business. The last step, pursue your passion, makes a lot of sense, it is the passion that keeps one going. Choosing a niche you are not passionate about might work for sometime but if it is what you enjoyed doing, you wont be bored writing contents in that niche.
Hey there, Grace…
You are so right when it comes to the passion piece. There are some areas that are wide open on the internet, but since I have no interest in these niches, it makes little sense for me to get involved. I would rather spend my time and focus on the things I care about.
Thanks for popping through and your insight and feedback are welcomed at any time. It is obvious that you have an inkling on how to get things done online and it is valuable for all of us when we hear from you. I wish you the best for your online business in 2019!
Dave : )
One word for this post. Awesome! I love the simplicity at which you write. Trying to earn online without a proper guide can be so frustrating. I wish I found a guide like this a year and a half ago, I tried everything I could.I can speak for wealthy affiliate, I loved every bit of the training I got on the platform.
Hello, Faftop!
Thanks for the kind words! Great to have another testimonial for Wealthy Affiliate, so glad that it is working out for you. I truly believe that between the Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall platforms, you will have all you need to get a successful online business scaled up to the 6 figure stage.
It sounds like you are on your way. Keep at it, and do stop by if you need any questions answered or need to have some complementary tools to these two platforms. Our SMART IM Tool brand is adding more and more products and services that may be able to help.
Dave : )
Thanks for posting this article, I find majority of the things you mentioned there helpful in my online business at wealthy affiliate
online business is not a joke as some people see it and it requires alot of work to be successful. At the beginning it may not go smoothly but with time and consistent hard work success is guaranty
have been a member of wealthy affiliate for some months now and I can say it been wonderful with all the training and lessons am going through on a daily basis
Hi, Ajibola…
Nice to have you stop by and add your thoughts about the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It most certainly has worked for many thousands of people over the years, and due to the constant updating and improvement, it stays relevant in a changing business environment.
The Builderall platform is much the same. I have been with them since they started in the USA, and can testify to the responsiveness with which they have provided to users when it comes to the tools you find on the platform. It has helped me so much to scale up my business.
Dave : )
Thank you for this education. I so much going to bookmark this page to read it all over and over again. Luckily for me, I have a friend that introduced me Wealthy Affiliated. I go every every necessary training tools for me to improve over the months. Now, I am enjoying it and have started making money gradually. But with all these tips I got from this post, I am definitely going to be successful. This is really educating for me
Good Day, Kehinde…
Glad that the post will help you out and I am sure that if you stick with the plan you build, you will have success. It has been possible for so many people by tapping into the platforms of Wealthy Affiliate and Builderall. I can say that has been the case for me as well.
Best of luck to you in 2019 with your online business and do stop by again. We add a lot of new and useful content here, and we also offer complementary tools that work well with the two platforms to help you grow your business faster.
Dave : )
Hi David! This post has clarified so many points. And I know that many out there that want to start earning money online have the same questions as I had before reading your post. This post is worth sharing with friends.
I’m encouraged to give this a try after reading about the benefits of starting an online business. And I also appreciate your help concerning how to create a business plan outline.
I want to join Builderall Marketing Platform. So, after joining I’ll send you an email to receive your Training Package. Thank you very much!
G’Day Henry…
Great and I will look forward to welcoming you on the inside. I do not think you will be disappointed at all, but it can be daunting starting out with any new platform, so if you do have any questions regarding Builderall, drop me a note and I will get back to you.
Dave : )
This is some very valuable information, offering tips on how to start online business to running one. I particularly enjoyed the special attention you gave to choosing a niche as it’s one of the most important aspects of starting an internet business. If I could go back in time, I would have chosen a less competitive niche that’s a bit more specific.
Nevertheless, this is a great post. I’ll be coming back for more!
Hello, Brittney…
Thanks for stopping by, and I do hope this post will help would-be online marketers get a solid start with online business. Most definitely they need a plan or their chances of success go down dramatically. Having a little help to plan will help.
This is why I suggest trying the free trials of either Wealthy Affiliate or Builderall and getting the additional free training [ackage from me. It pays to arm yourself when starting any endeavor, and online business is no different in that regard.
One of the reasons I push to have people plan before they start is just for the reason you mention. It can waste time if you have to back-track and it can be frustrating. Having a clear picture of what you are facing saves time later.
I wish you the best with your online marketing business in 2019, and please do stop by again! Everyone is better from reading about your personal experiences.
Dave : )
I have a government job. And after I read the potential of online business I vowed to engage on it. But my biggest challenge is how to start and how to stay motivated. I found it all resolved in wealthy Affiliate community. All you said above is true and I wish to encourage you.
Hi, Paschal…
Yes, the Wealthy Affiliate platform is very good at providing the training and the tools you need to get started. Where I see a small window for improvement is in the planning stage. This is the process that I cover in this post, as it really is so important down the road after starting your business.
Unless you know where you are going you don’t know if you are making progress, and lots of wasted energy and maybe money too is thrown away. I mean that if you start working and put a lot of effort into developing a niche, and later find out you cannot monetize it, you have wasted time.
The other platform, Builderall, is a great complementary platform to Wealthy Affiliate. The tools that you get with the two together represent 99% of everything you will need as you start scaling up your business. I think that starting with Wealthy Affiliate makes a lot of sense, and later adding Builderall when you see you are progressing works.
This is the process I used and it has been good for my online businesses. There are other reputable platforms out there that can be used, but for my money, these two are the best of the best. I know others might recommend these other platforms.
That is why I am so happy that a free trial is offered for both platforms so people can see for themselves how they will work for their online businesses. The training at the end of the post is for those people that may want to learn a bit more prior to jumping into the online business world.
Dave : )
Hi Dave,
There is so much information here about starting an online business. I was taught by Wealthy Affiliate about affiliate marketing and building up my web business, but this the first time l heard about Builderall and l see they have plenty of tools and applications. I will give it a try to see how it can integrate with my website.
Thank you for this brilliant article.
Much success:)
Good Day Shui!
Yes, I am glad to hear that you are with Wealthy Affiliate. They are a great place to get started with your online marketing business. The other platform, Builderall, is also pretty darn good. They have many features and tools that complement the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and when you put the two together, magic can happen!
Give it a shot and see what you think. As with Wealthy Affiliate, they give a 7 day free trial period to check it out. There are a lot of tutorials and training on using the tools, plus a strong support base through the Facebook groups.
If there is an area where Wealthy Affiliate outdoes Builderall, it would be in the community department. I would rather have something similar to Wealthy Affiliate because so much interaction can take place with the community versus having to go to Facebook.
Both are strong tools however and well worth the membership price. There are some things that Builderall has that I wish Wealthy Affiliate had. For instance, they have an autoresponder, a webinar tool, and a marketplace to sell your products through, complete with an affiliate system.
In any case, check it out and see for yourself. I thank you for stopping by and wish you the best for 2019!
Dave : )
Building an online business is so much more than just registering a domain name. It is so much more than that but most of us that enter into the online world don’t really realize this until we have actually started. Building a business online to me is just like building a business offline.
It would take more than just starting. Sustaining the business to survive for years would require planning to the highest level. You might start up as a one-man team but can grow up to become more than just a single man business because you can have your own staffs that would be working for you.
I like the advice that was given in this post as it can be a form of guidance for anyone building a business online from scratch. One would have to keep on learning every single day and the learning never stops even after you have achieved your goal to create a successful online business.
Hi, Jay…
You are so right, there is a lot to building a viable online marketing business. Thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform, the training I received complemented my offline business experience to get our business up and running quickly.
It doesn’t stop once you get started either, as you say. Once you get going, as you start to scale up you will want to get more people working the different areas so you can focus on growing the business. This requires a change in your operations.
It sounds like you are on the right track, and I wish you well with your online efforts. I do hope that as people stop by the post, they too will get some ideas and even try out one, two, or all three of the options that I mention at the end of the post.
Wealthy Affiliate, Builderall, and even the training package I have put together are all good options to get a real business up and running. Obviously, there is some planning required, as with all businesses. My help is here and on the platforms too for those that take advantage of the free trials or the training package.
Dave : )
helpful post. What is the hot niche for 2019? you have posted the most valuable review about online business. I have read it very carefully. This article helps me to restart my online business with a new plan. I have been an online business since 2015 but did not a success. I find out my most of error from this post. I will try to solve according to your tips. I prefer the wealthy affiliate platform and I am a member of the wealthy affiliate. my new plan will start now. Thank you very much for this post. looking forward to a new post.
Hi, Jafor…
Glad to have helped you out with this post. Most definitely if you can have a look at what you already have in place regarding online business, come up with a plan using what you have in place already, and do a restart. It likely would not take that much time to do.
That would get you pointed in the right direction. As far as a niche goes, there are so many that really I would say look first for one that you have an interest in, then see if there is a market for that niche. I mean is there a large enough audience, do they have problems you can solve, and what kinds of products could you promote…
You likely already have a website so it could be that you could rework that a bit and continue to work it, with a fresh focus. I would stick on one main focus and use the training you find within Wealthy Affiliate to start getting content published that people are looking for (SEO, keywords, images, videos)…
Maybe have someone have a look at what you put together for the revamp and give you some constructive criticism to see what they think. This can help solve things that you may have missed. It can also give you some new ideas.
Let me know how things go and the best of luck for you in 2019!
Dave : )
Thank you Dave for this informational post!I started my online business recently, and you have saved me from the loss of money, effort and time with the ethical options you’ve just shared.My friend introduced me to the Wealthy Affiliate platform, and it’s been an awesome experience there, although i’m still learning.I have bookmarked your site, and will come around some other time to learn some more.Many thanks
Hi, Festus…
Great that you have picked up one of the platforms I recommend and I am sure you will get everything you need to be able to establish a strong viable online business. It has worked for so many people over the 15 years it has been around.
The other platform that I recommend will come in handy at some point as you grow your business. You will find yourself wanting to create videos, add a messenger bot, conduct email campaigns, use push notifications, set up membership sites, sell goods through e-commerce sites, and build sales funnels for instance, and those are things you can do with Builderall.
As opposed to having a separate product for each of those tasks you can do them all within the Builderall platform. That is the beauty of these two working together. Literally, you can run a complete online business using the two in tandem.
Best of luck and please do stop by again. We are adding content to help people make money online ethically, and we also are launching products that will help in that regard. Not only that, we have a pretty robust affiliate marketing program that we are rolling out.
Dave : )