Five Handy Tools To Handle Those ‘Little’ Online Marketing Tasks

INTRODUCTION As we all go through our online marketing efforts regularly, there are a number of tasks that come up where time will be required to research a solution for and then add the tool or site or service to your arsenal. Personally, I spend a lot of my day planning for tutorial posts that include images, videos, or infographics as part of the content; making videos for VSLs (video sales letters); preparing branded audio recordings (product sales); even making GIFS (traffic generation). Today i am going to write about five tools that I have seen from my own experience will […]

Fiverr Frenzy Bonanza Training – A Review

INTRODUCTION Fiverr has been around for a few years now, over 5 to be exact. in terms of the internet, this is a long time! One of the reasons they are so successful is that the site serves both sides of a sale. They make it easy for someone that has a particular skill or skill-set to offer their services to a marketplace that gets huge amounts of traffic from ready buyers. Today I am going to provide a tutorial so you understand the concept of Fiverr and how you can tap into this growing market. Many people will tell […]

Dave’s Training On How To Get Everything You Want In Life

INTRODUCTION Let me ask you a series of questions…These are questions that you need to have answers for when you are deciding on a course of action for your life. (1) Have you ever thought what do you want from your life? Have you set up a goal or objective? Are you happy with the direction your life is going at the moment? What would you like to change? (2) Have you set up a goal or objective? Are you happy with the direction your life is going at the moment? What would you like to change? (3) Are you […]

What Is Facebook Live and How Can I Use It?

INTRODUCTION Facebook Live is a relatively new entry to the world of live streaming video. Because of the power that lies behind the roll out, it is a tool that we as online marketers need to pay attention to, learn about, and see how we can use it in our own marketing programs. This tutorial provides you a good solid base to start doing just that.  Included is a short history of the medium, how it came to be and who were the players that got it to where it is now… Next, some of the benefits of the medium […]


INTRODUCTION This is a handy add-on to the MonkeyPlayr video tool that is currently being offered at a reasonable one-time price (through the 26 May 2016). I have purchased it for my own video marketing program, and it is quite simple to use and I can see where it will be very effective for my own video marketing program. To use MailGate you will need to have the MonkeyPlayr tool, and if you need to see what that tool is all about, I have a review right here on the site for you to check ou…Below you will have a link […]