Review of Work1099 (Special) Membership Site – Hands On Test

INTRODUCTION Today I am taking a look at a training membership site called Work1099 (Special). This is a hands-on review, in that I actually signed up for a 30 day trial at a cost of $7. This is the same price that everyone can subscribe for, and after the 30 days, there is a monthly fee of $29 to remain a member and have access to the training, templates, and content. I am a member of other training sites that offer a great value (Wealthy Affiliate is one, BakkersBoard is another, etc), so I go into this review with open […]

How Can You Get The Best Solid Leads Today

INTRODUCTION This is a very tough market we are experiencing in 2016…It is becoming a challenge to generate ideas to get more traffic to get leads to whom we can promote our offers, products, and websites. Today I want to go through some ideas I have gathered for you to consider and then offer you guidance for each. Once you read through them, select one or two and focus on these for the remainder of 2016. There is still time to turn around your year if you are not where you want to be with your online marketing program. Please do […]

Top 15 Best & Easy Email Tips That Raise Conversion Rates & More Training

INTRODUCTION I have been involved with online marketing for more than a few days now, and one thing that I have heard since day one of my online marketing effort is to build a list of subscribers and use emails to market to them,’ I have also heard people talking about how emails is so yesterday and how there are many other more effective ways to promote your products and services such as webinars, social media, and the like… It is true that over time, you get on so many lists that you cannot possibly keep up with them all. […]

Which Podcasts Are Hot & Implications For Your Podcast Program

INTRODUCTION Podcasts fascinate me…I admit it! I think they serve a purpose in this mobile world we live in today where people are traveling to and fro from work, enjoying their free time, or just want to multi-task… You can also reach the world using podcasts, once you have a following and are providing a series of podcasts, your name and reputation will grow… Today I want to have a look at some of the best podcasts that are available to us today, ones that have a good following and offer great content right now. You can check them out […]

Memories In A Box Launch – Case Study Lessons and Takeaways

  INTRODUCTION This site is all about helping you to make money with your own online business. Today we are going to discuss yet one more way to do just that! My partner Robert and I have opened a brand new eCommerce concept…It is called Memories In A Box…Over the past almost a year, we have worked hard to get it up and going… To offer you yet another real life case study of opening your own online business (I also am standing up a membership site where I am reporting on the progress as it develops), I am adding […]