Review of the ‘Complete Mastery of PLR 2.0’ Training Package

Images of Training Box Covers

Today I am reviewing this new training on how to best use PLR (Private Label Rights) content in your online marketing business effectively to generate income, credibility, and authority. PLR has gotten a bad rap over the years, with reason in some cases. But if you know what you are looking for, and then you know how to repurpose it, then market and sell it to others, it can add some significant income for your business. It is worth looking at, but the key is knowing WHAT you are looking at, plus knowing what you intend to do with it. […]

Making Quick Money Online – A Look At Adsense & Blogging

Image of Google Adsense Training

INTRODUCTION Adsense is what new online affiliate marketers will hear about very shortly after they enter the niche. It is and has been a good way to monetize your content efforts on your website(s). Of course, to be able to show your ads using AdSense, you need to establish and build a website with content. The content drives the traffic, and the ads you show make money for you when your visitors take action. This whole process sounds simple enough, and indeed, it is not rocket science. BUT there are some things that you must consider to make this simple […]

Making Quick Money Online – Create and Sell Your Own Product

INTRODUCTION In our ongoing series on ways to quickly make money online, today we delve into the mindset and process of creating your very own product that you can sell. This is not that hard, although initially, it can seem daunting. I will use an example of a VERY successful entrepreneur, Richard Branson, and then we will discuss some of the details on how to plan and create your product. Finally, I am offering you a training package that will help you through all of the steps required to get your very own product ready for sales. This is not going […]

How To Make Quick Money Online – 25 MORE Tips To Try Today

INTRODUCTION Today is the second post on tips on how to make some quick money online. The first one yesterday had 25 total, and today I am adding 25 more… Between the two, you will have plenty to review and see which might be immediately or in a short while actionable on your part. The tips focus on many areas of online marketing… The tips focus on many areas of online marketing… Depending on how far you are along in development of your business, some will be more applicable and useful than others. The idea is to provide you some […]

How To Make Quick Money Online – 25 Tips To Try TODAY!

INTRODUCTION In my ongoing series on how you can make quick money online, today I am offering a potpourri of tips that you can tap into. Rather than focus one particular method or tool, these will help generate some ideas. The ideas you get likely will be based on where you are at with your online marketing program. This is good because I realize that everyone is at a different stage regarding their online business. I have a second set of 25 tips that I will add to the next post in this series, so please do stop by again and see if […]