New JVZoo Member Platform and Bonuses Revew

2018 08 31 0646 - New JVZoo Member Platform and Bonuses Revew

  INTRODUCTION Every once in a while, there is a new tool that makes so much sense and is of such value that you want to shout out to the world about it. This new JVZoo Member platform is such a case. Right now for a limited period of time, you can get a lifetime price for this tool that will help you make many times your investment back. Because it is a launch, and they are trying to grow the user base, for the next 4 days you can pay a one-time fee of $397 (I know this seems […]

Review of the Web Crusher Page Creator Tool, OTOs, and Bonuses

2018 08 28 1135 - Review of the Web Crusher Page Creator Tool, OTOs, and Bonuses

Introduction Hi, Everyone… Today I am back again with another review for you of a tool that will help you set up your landing pages, sales pages, and video sales pages quickly and using tested layouts that have proven to perform. The price for the Front End is only a small $7, a very small amount of money to invest! It is called Web Crusher, and you get a platform to edit these proven pages quickly and get them ready for publishing so you can start pushing traffic to the pages. One of the hardest things to do is get […]

Online Sales Pro Lead Generation Tool Review

Hi, Everyone… Today as I write this a new tool is launching to help you get leads faster and easier. It is called Online Sales Pro, and the opening is literally hours from now. It not only helps you more quickly get leads, it has many features that will help you get started quickly and have success. It not only helps you more quickly get leads, it has many features that will help you get started quickly and have success. There is a complete set of training,  preset opt-in funnels, sales pages, and there are sets of email swipes you […]

Making Quick Money Online – Using Sales Funnels

INTRODUCTION Today in our ongoing series on making some quick money online we will be looking at sales funnels. Many people are mystified or terrified of sales funnels because they think there you have to be a genius to create and use them. Many people are mystified or terrified of sales funnels because they think there you have to be a genius to create and use them.  This is why especially new online marketers are reluctant to use them. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are simple to set up, and even a newbie can get started quickly […]

Making Quick Money Online – Passive Cash Sales Funnels

INTRODUCTION In this series on making some quick cash online, you will find a variety of tips on how to quickly establish SOMETHING to start a cash flow into your coffers… Today the subject we are going to cover is passive cash sales funnels. These are relatively easy to set up and organize to get ready buyers to buy what you are promoting…is make some The offers are generally evergreen in nature, meaning they will always have a market with prospects that need such products or a service… We discuss first the concept, then provide specific examples, and offer you […]