Try the BEST Effective Online Marketing Course NOW

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  Introduction Get the latest information on this high-powered and low-cost open education project that will enable you to start your own successful online marketing business quickly right here! PRODUCT NAME: Wealthy Affiliate PRICE:  $0 Free Starter Membership (get your free account) MY OVERALL RANK: 9.9 out of 10 WHO IT’S FOR: Beginner – Advanced OWNERS: Kyle and Carson MY FINAL VERDICT:  Read on to see why… Wealthy Affiliate Review Update This is my updated review of Wealthy Affiliate for 2016. Please read on and find out why I have rated this as the best option for you to build […]

10 Ways To Turbo-Charge YOUR Affiliate Program in 2016

Graph Showing Rise in INcome

INTRODUCTION Good Day! I hope you enjoyed that short video above, the idea was to introduce you to my site a bit and in particular mention some very general points of what this post is all about. As the title suggests, this is for you – I want help to get your sales ramped up asap! With the start of 2016, many marketers are returning to full time work again after the long holiday season. They are coming back full of motivation, resolutions that they fully intend on acting on from the New Year festivities, and are chomping at the […]

5 Online Mistakes KILLING Your Business in 2016

INTRODUCTION Have you noticed that using online marketing is no longer optional for most businesses. whether they are offline or online focused, local or global in their scope of operations? This has never been more true than it is right now in 2016! A majority of shoppers today are quite savy, they will seek out information and look at reviews online before they make any purchase. It is so available and easy, it has become routine. In that light. they expect that the businesses they want to frequent will maintain an online presence, and in this day and age they […]

Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Lead Magnets

Money Attraction Graphic

INTRODUCTION I am sure many of you have heard this term ‘lead magnets’ thrown around here or there as you peruse the internet. It could be that you have received an email on the subject or maybe many emails. When I first started I know I did. I had NO idea what they were talking about… I know now. Many may still not have a clear picture however, so today I want to post a very brief blog on the subject and talk about how it ties into the 4 part series I just completed on creating and using sales […]