GUEST POST: Turn Yourself Into A Master Of Lead Generation

marketing6 - GUEST POST: Turn Yourself Into A Master Of Lead Generation

NOTE FROM THE WEBSITE OWNER: This is another in our series of guest bloggers who are adding their content to this website. The viewpoints expressed in the post do not reflect the owner’s nor does the owner endorse any links or services. products, or tools that may be promoted in these guest posts. If there is something the reader finds offensive, please drop me a note using the comment section or via an email. Thanks and enjoy the post! Kind Regards, Dave Do you now want to master lead generation? Everyone needs a plan This is why this article was put together, and […]

GUEST POST: Determine Who Your Target Market Is – FREE Worksheet!

800x528 Traffic Ivy 1 - GUEST POST: Determine Who Your Target Market Is - FREE Worksheet!

NOTE FROM THE WEBSITE OWNER: This is another in our series of guest bloggers who are adding their content to this website. The viewpoints expressed in the post do not reflect the owner’s nor does the owner endorse any links or services. products, or tools that may be promoted in these guest posts. If there is something the reader finds offensive, please drop me a note using the comment section or via an email. Thanks and enjoy the post! Kind Regards, Dave Determining Target Audiences Are you stuck and wondering why your blog isn’t making any money. You’ve got plenty of traffic […]

The New Traffic Ivy Tool – A Review and Demo of Front End, Upsells, and Bonuses

2019 01 23 1534 - The New Traffic Ivy Tool - A Review and Demo of Front End, Upsells, and Bonuses

Hi Everyone… I am reviewing Traffic Ivy today. I know the creator, Cindy Donovan, and she at times comes up with ideas and products that really help all of us online marketers. This latest one is a tool that I am adding to my arsenal of tools, and I urge you to check out the videos and see if it might not work for you too! First, a demo of the product… Sometimes I like to break the routine of my reviews of products and this is a case of that!   Here is a second demo that will help […]

PayPal Alternatives and Why You Should Secure One Now!

Freatured Inage for Post

Hi, Everyone… Today I want to talk about options to the payment gateway PayPal, ones you can use in lieu of or in addition to PayPal, and why you need to think about all this now. This is an issue that has come up recently when some of the big-time marketers have had their PayPal accounts shut down for apparently no reason. Many people in the online business may not be selling online, perhaps they are doing affiliate marketing. For even these people I would recommend reading through this post, as you need to be aware of what is going on. […]