INTRODUCTION This is part seven of our ten part series on free traffic. This particular tutorial covers viral blogging. This is a great way to not only build your free traffic, you can also use it to add to your authority, build your brand, and your reputation in the niche you are focusing on. We will cover what viral blogging is, why you need to consider using this method and provide some tips on how to use viral blogging in your own online marketing program. Note that many of the same points and tips you find are applicable to viral blogging […]
INTRODUCTION This is the sixth in our ten part series (plus introduction and wrap up posts) on free traffic tools that you can incorporate into your online marketing program to increase the organic traffic you receive. Many of these tools will do more that just bring you more traffic, of course, as this one does. In this case, you are focusing on building authority within your market niche, and the ancillary effect is that you will get that additional traffic… Today we will cover what forums are, why you should use them, how to use them, and at the end […]
INTRODUCTION This is part four of a ten part series on methods you can use in your marketing strategy to increase the volume of free traffic to your site, your products or service, or to your call to action pages… Traffic is something that people pay for often, but using free traffic methods can supplement your PPC or solo ads and provide you a significant amount of traffic at NO cost. This is the reason I decided to expand on some of the methods you can consider into single reports as opposed to trying to lightly cover the 10 best […]
INTRODUCTION This is yet another tool that I have invested in for my own online marketing efforts. One of the strategies that a marketer can use to generate more free traffic is viral marketing. I speak about this in my 10 part series on free traffic strategies found here ===> FREE TRAFFIC <=== and this tool addresses the viral aspect of free traffic. When I found the tool, I was excited to try it out… Here’s why… Although viral marketing makes a lot of sense, it can be hard to determine just what to use to get this in place […]
Keyword Tool Niche Reaper v 3.0 Review – A Potent Tool
INTRODUCTION Niche Reaper is the third version of a keyword research tool that I purchased recently and was so impressed with after using it that I decided to ask the developer to promote it to my subscribers and visitors to the site… This tool It does what it says it will and more. Over the past two weeks, I have put it through its paces to see how it would work for real life marketing, and it has performed admirably. So today I want to describe to you why, from a hands-on perspective, why this program is a valuable tool that […]