INTRODUCTION Today we take a quick look at competitiveness, a trait that most online marketers possess to one degree or another. There is some discussion on what amount is healthy and useful… This is a popular subject not just in the online marketing world. I have a Buzzfeed video for you today, where visually you can see some examples of competitiveness… We can take away some of the points made in this popular video for our own education and use…Maybe we need to change our actions and behaviors as we conduct this online marketing business. maybe not… Although this is […]
The Lighter Side – Day Three – Make Money With Pokemon Go
INTRODUCTION Hi Everyone…Have you heard about the game app called Pokemon Go? I thought so…You would have to have been under a rock NIT to hear about this app… Since there has been so much buzz about it, I thought it might be fun to have just a bit of a deeper look at it… Also, since this site is about making money online with your own business, I also wanted to throw out some ideas on how to monetize the craze… I do not think you are going to make a million bucks with this app and craze, but […]
On The Lighter Side – Day Two – 360 Videos
INTRODUCTION As I stated in yesterday’s lighter side post, I am throwing posts into the mix here that are somewhat lighter in tone, yet have lessons for us as online marketers… Today I want to look at the new 360 degree videos, the latest trend that is coming into its own…The equipment and editing tools are within the range of everyone, so I expect this will become commonplace in a short period of time… Let’s have a look at this technology and see how we may be able to use it for our own purposes… WHAT IS 360 VIDEO Here is […]
On The Lighter Side – Day One – Letting Go
Introduction Hello Everyone… I have decided to add in some lighter posts along with the ones intended to teach you how to make money online that you will find on this site… These will generally be useful for you as an internet marketer and provide some “food for thought” information…I will try to add in a few a week or more if they prove popular with readers… The idea is that you can be entertained and also think about how the subject may pertain to you and your online marketing business. We all work too hard! The tie-in to entrepreneurs is […]
How To Make Quick Money Online? Create Your Video Agency
INTRODUCTION This website is specifically intended to show you how you can make money online with your own online business. There are so many ways to get started it can be overwhelming… If you look at the posts I have made over the past 14 months, you will see that I not only cover many different methods, I also add in tools and tips that cover the online marketing scene in general… This is by design, because although many people will have a “sure thing” solution, in reality, there is a core set of methods, tools, and marketing platforms that […]