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The Lighter Side- Day Twenty – Organizational Skills & Time Management
INTRODUCTION This is day twenty of our ongoing lighter side posts…Today we are going to cover the subject of organization skills and time management. Organization of your life and activities is so important… Before we get started, please understand that these lighter side posts are intended to have a look at subjects with a little fun in mind, and will generally throw in a lesson or two that we can all use in our lives… Organizational skills or lack thereof affect more than just your job or business. Taken to the extreme, NOT having them can result in a very […]
The Lighter Side – Day Eighteen – Lead Magnets
INTRODUCTION In this latest edition of my Lighter Side posts, I look at lead magnets. You may be wondering what these are if you are not into online marketing, lead lists, email marketing, etc. If this is the case, no worries! Today you will learn what these are, why and how to use them, and finally, be able to look at my latest lead magnet… They can help your online marketing program in a number of ways, and are worth understanding and using on a regular basis as a part of your overall strategy… Remember that it is an adage […]
The Lighter Side – Day Fifteen – The Power Of Telling A Story
INTRODUCTION Welcome to day fifteen of our lighter side posts. These provide a quick lesson on a single subject, expanding on the topic a bit to show how it relates to online marketers. There are lessons available all around us, we just have to reach out and grab them for ourselves…I try to do this for you with these lighter posts, and of course keep it conversational while doing so… Today we are covering story-telling, a wonderful way to keep your audience interested, engaged, entertained, and even opening them up to be receptive to learning a thing or two… Personally, I like […]
The Lighter Side – Day Twelve – Viral Memes & Marketing
INTRODUCTION Today we take a look at memes with our lighter side post…These are neat little tools for online marketers, handy to draw in potential subscribers and eventually, buyers… You have probably seen various versions of a picture or a short scene that has been reworked over and over again, used for a hundred different short takes or shots that everyone loves and shares… Memes are what they have come to be known as… These shots are shared over a wide swath of social platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, etc. They are a quick take on humor and […]