Review of Web Copy Cat Online Marketing Platform – A Place For Beginners

INTRODUCTION Today we take a look at a Done For You (DFY) platform that offers the member a complete sales funnel system that can be quickly implemented and used to drive sales and profits for the member. “Often you see such offers as this one, and many are out and out scams, offering nothing or little of real value… Instead, these quasi-scam site’s main mission is to get more money out of you by charging you crazy amounts of money for the privilege of selling their often outdated or useless tools or products! “This is not that kind of a program, and […]

How To Make Quick Money Online – Use Shopify

INTRODUCTION Today we are going to look at Shopify  as a means to get started with your online marketing business. There are many advantages to using this platform which we will cover and you will see it is not hard. The idea with these making quick money online posts is to get your creative juices flowing and showing you various ways to establish an income from which you can then grow other online marketing segments and opportunities. These short tutorials are intended to show you the what, how, why, where, and often provide additional training that will further help you get […]

Making Quick Money Online – Using Sales Funnels

INTRODUCTION Today in our ongoing series on making some quick money online we will be looking at sales funnels. Many people are mystified or terrified of sales funnels because they think there you have to be a genius to create and use them. Many people are mystified or terrified of sales funnels because they think there you have to be a genius to create and use them.  This is why especially new online marketers are reluctant to use them. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are simple to set up, and even a newbie can get started quickly […]

Making Quick Money Online – Tiny Subscriptions Can Bring Fast Profits

INTRODUCTION In our ongoing series on making quick cash online, today we are covering the “Tiny Subscription Business Model.” This is a quick and easy system to develop and deploy… As the title suggests, the tiny amount that you charge for subscribers (typically anywhere from $7 – $20 monthly) may seem like a paltry amount and not worth your time… It can, however, build into a sizeable income for you over a period of time as membership grows, and it also can help build your name, your reputation, your brand and sales of other products for you… The key to […]

Making Quick Money Online – Passive Cash Sales Funnels

INTRODUCTION In this series on making some quick cash online, you will find a variety of tips on how to quickly establish SOMETHING to start a cash flow into your coffers… Today the subject we are going to cover is passive cash sales funnels. These are relatively easy to set up and organize to get ready buyers to buy what you are promoting…is make some The offers are generally evergreen in nature, meaning they will always have a market with prospects that need such products or a service… We discuss first the concept, then provide specific examples, and offer you […]