INTRODUCTION This is day thirteen of our lighter side posts you will find on “Making Money Online With Your Own Online Business” website… These posts are meant to be absorbed by the reader quickly, with optional additional training available often that is either free of offered at a low cost. Normally I will pull in some popular content from across the internet, and show how the lessons from that content can help us as online marketers. Because the focus is very sharp and limited in scope, these posts can be gone through i a few minutes by the reader…They are […]
The Lighter Side – Day Twelve – Viral Memes & Marketing
INTRODUCTION Today we take a look at memes with our lighter side post…These are neat little tools for online marketers, handy to draw in potential subscribers and eventually, buyers… You have probably seen various versions of a picture or a short scene that has been reworked over and over again, used for a hundred different short takes or shots that everyone loves and shares… Memes are what they have come to be known as… These shots are shared over a wide swath of social platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, etc. They are a quick take on humor and […]
Review of WP Fan Machine 2.0 – Save Time & Money
INTRODUCTION As online marketers, we are always looking for ways to increase our productivity. This makes sense, because often we are doing everything ourselves. If the tools we add to our program help free us up from some of the more mundane tasks such as finding good posts to add to our social platforms, they are generally good (if effective). Today I review such a tool. I personally use this to help schedule regular posts for my social sites. I can plan and work ahead, then let this tool take care of posting, commenting etc. It is a great timesaver […]
Quick Review – New Social Graphics Package “Instant Social Branding” & My Better Alternative
INTRODUCTION This is another product developed and sold by designer Lucas Adamski, the latest in many launches he has made over the past years. This one focuses on social branding templates. It is a good if limited in scope package… In reviewing the latest package, I was impressed with the quality and modern designs he has put together for use with social page headers for your own business pages and your client’s business pages. Note I am not an affiliate for this graphics design package but in my mission to take care of readers and subscribers, I do cover products […]