My E-Com Journey – Setting Up Effective Online Stores

Logo for eCommerce store

Hi, Everyone… Today we are going to wander a bit ahead to show you some of the stores I set up and talk about them. It is my hope that you will get some ideas when you read through this and possibly ask some questions at the end of this post in the comment section. There is a lot to consider when planning for a store, as we have already gone through in earlier posts on e-commerce. Now you will see what a finished store looks like (more actually) where you will see all the things we’ve mentioned and more incorporated. […]

Review of the ‘Complete Mastery of PLR 2.0’ Training Package

Images of Training Box Covers

Today I am reviewing this new training on how to best use PLR (Private Label Rights) content in your online marketing business effectively to generate income, credibility, and authority. PLR has gotten a bad rap over the years, with reason in some cases. But if you know what you are looking for, and then you know how to repurpose it, then market and sell it to others, it can add some significant income for your business. It is worth looking at, but the key is knowing WHAT you are looking at, plus knowing what you intend to do with it. […]

My eCom Journey – Selecting a Sales Platform

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Hi, Everyone… Today I am going to cover the different platforms that you can use for your store. I am assuming that you have already figured out what niche you will pursue, and also your general plan for rolling out your shiny new e-commerce business. It is great that you have come this far. I went through the same process and I decided that I would plan for a pretty large scale business. There are a number of niches I was interested in, and although I knew it would take some time, I felt confident that my plan would work to […]

Special Invitation for the Builderall Business Ambassador Program

Promo Image for Buildrall

  Note: This is a special limited time offer from me to you that is valid for the next three days only…After this period (14 May), you will need an invitation to become an Ambassador for the ‘Builderall’ online marketing platform… Hi, Everyone… First of all, I want to thank you for stopping by. The fact that you are here tells me that you are serious about this online marketing business and you are willing to invest the time and effort to get your business off the ground to start making money. Once you start learning about the steps you […]

My e-Com Journey – Getting Started – Daily Issue #2

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Hi, Everyone. As I mentioned yesterday, this series is intended to help all readers follow my journey in regards to e-commerce (and other bits and pieces that support and augment e-commerce business). I started at the beginning yesterday (link to that post is HERE) and we will continue adding a running dialogue almost on a daily basis. Over time, you will learn about all the tools I use, the tactics I use, the stores I operate, and marketing techniques I try whether or not they work. If you pay attention and ask questions, I am sure that you will be […]