Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Background
- Product Overview
- A Short Video Introduction
- What Is Profit Reign?
- Can Anyone Use This Training?
- Is This Too Expensive?
- About the Creators
- What Is Included With This Training Package?
- How Much Can I Earn With This Training Method?
- Is There A Guarantee?
- Who Is This Money Making Method Best For?
- Profit Reign Success Stories
- What Is It Going To Cost?
- Bottom Line
- Time For Action!
One of the hardest things when starting with affiliate marketing or any online marketing business is finding a method to make money that actually works. As time goes on, making money becomes a bigger and bigger issue. You want to see results for your efforts.
There are many fake offers out there that claim they will help you start making money and many others that simply do not live up to their hype. I have come to look at most offers for quick money using the ‘X’ program (can be one of a hundred titles for X) as ones that are not worth my or your time.
You will have noted that I mostly only promote tools or systems that will actually help my readers on this website. As with other ‘X’ products I initially looked at this product with a lot of skepticism. That is why you will not see many such recommendations on this website.
The review today covers an exception to me staying away from such training, and you will see why as you read through my review. The product is called Profit Reign as you can surmise from the title. Let’s get started!
I had read a review on Profit Reign from another marketer whom I know and trust and he spoke highly of the tool, and the bonuses he offered were complementary and would help leverage the Profit Reign method give even better results.
Because of his endorsement, plus the complementary bonuses, I decided to give the method a whirl. I bought the front end, the upsells 1 & 2 and got to work.
Immediately after buying I started with the training, and after going through the Profit Reign training, I moved on to the complementary training. Once I had done this, I decided to plunge right in to implement the training/method. The total time invested to that point was a couple of hours.
At this moment, I must say that buying into this whole online marketing method was a wise move, as it does work, and works well. It has opened my eyes to a whole new way of creating income actually. That is also the reason I decided to add a review here.
Profit Reign will help you start making money and quickly.
One note:
Please do not be alarmed at the length of this review. I want you to feel comfortable that you know as much as possible before taking the plunge to buy this training and system. If you are like me and get the FE offer and one or two of the OTOs, this is a significant amount of money.
You should be GLAD to have all of this content so you really understand what is involved using this money generating system that is taught by the creators of Profit Reign! So now that we have THAT out of the way, let’s dig in deeper so you see what I am talking about.
Product Overview
Vendors: |
Mark Barrett & Paul Prissick |
Product Name: |
Profit Reign |
Launch Date: |
7 – 12 June 2018 (Evergreen Thereafter) |
Launch Time: |
09:00 EDT |
Front-End Price: |
$13 (OTO Prices Below) |
Final Evaluation: |
Highly Recommended |
Guarantee: |
30 Days Money Back Guarantee |
A Short Video Introduction
Video: Introduction to the Offer By One of the Creators
If you are convinced already that this training and system is for you, here is the link to get started:
NOTE: Please be sure to look through my bonuses you will get from me when you buy this through my links (at the bottom of this page)…
If you need to know more, please read on, I have included an extensive review for you of Profit Reign…
What Is Profit Reign?
This is training on using:
(1) Free Lead & Marketing Tool. This free marketing tool will allow you to capture and market to leads for no cost (at least initially until your list is substantial. How to get started will be covered in the training you get with the package.
(2) Using Solo Ads. The idea is to get clicks to your offers quickly and at a reasonable cost. Unfortunately, Solo Ads do not have a good reputation. If you have purchased the upsells you will get actual templates and possibly the most successful ads the creators have used for conversions using their method.
What they teach is common sense after you know what they are doing, but I have not seen anyone else in the market using this technique to grow leads and make fast sales as they have.
Also, although this is a new tactic to make money and involves using Solo Ads as the main source of traffic strategy, it will work with free traffic as well. I do not think you will get nearly as good results trying with free traffic and most certainly it will not generate cash as fast, but it can work if you are on a low budget.
As I said, I have not seen this method taught anywhere else.
Using the steps spelled out in the training you can build a lead list quickly, immediately offer a product to that list, and offer more follow-on content and products at no cost. It can snowball and your results improve over time.
Inside the training, you will see the proof (the creators have been using this and they show their proof in case studies). Having tried the method myself, I can vouch as to its effectiveness. It really does work.
The training itself is easy to follow and most certainly a complete novice can have success using the methods they teach. I will be recording a video to show you what the inside of the training looks like, although you will not have access to the information. That would be unethical.
The focus of the training is getting some initial successes then ramping up the income from the method quickly and easily. Since it does scale so easily, once you get the hang of it, you can grow your leads quickly as well and increase sales.
This is not all theory either. They have included case studies, as I mentioned, and these show that their system works. As further proof, my trusted marketer has made over $200 of sales in one day using the Profit Reign method, and lastly, I am starting to have success as well.
You may be thinking that you are not comfortable trying to learn a complex system to make money or maybe you have had some bad experiences in the past with other training that promised much but did not deliver.
So can this system work for you? Good question…
Can Anyone Use This Training?
Although the creators are selling this as 100% newbie-friendly, meaning anyone can do this with no skills whatsoever, I think a bit of additional training could help make the method they use more effective.
Therefore, I am offering you some bonuses that, just as the trusted marketer that introduced me to Profit Reign did, will help fill the gaps in for you.
If you use the training I provide with the training they provide, you definitely can make this work for you in any niche that you may be pursuing. I am starting with the IM niche (Internet Marketing) but will be adding more niches as time goes on.
So we have determined that almost anyone can use the training and system to make money…
What about the upfront costs to get started? Let’s discuss…
Is This Too Expensive?
The initial outlay of money for the training is minimal, and the cost to actually implement the method they teach can involve free or paid traffic using Solo Ads.
Note two additional tools you will need include a trusted source for Solo Ads and also a way to track your pages and customer actions.
I have links below in the bonus section for both…
Solo Ads are not expensive per click, but it is crucial that you know what you are doing or you will not have success. I will provide you some additional training on how Solo Ads work and also provide some tips…
It is true that for the best success with the method they teach you will need to use these Solo Ads. With that additional training you receive from me, you will be well on your way to successfully using this method to quickly make some money from your online efforts.
You can start with paid Solo Ads using proven sellers, request some special conditions for the email sends and perhaps select a lower cost per click seller to start.
As you start to realize profits, you then can grow your ad spend and resulting profits. Once you have seen that this system works, it is easy to scale. That is one of the great things about this method I think.
Note that the new GDPR (the new privacy concerns) requirements for individual privacy are addressed as well when using this method. I cover that though, it is not in the training.
These suggested GDPR steps are covered in my complementary training you will get with the bonuses. Essentially, it is not hard to do these few things, so they are worth covering in your offers, and complying will not slow you down.
So your total outlay is whatever levels of the training you purchase (i.e. Front End and whichever of the one-time offers), Udimi costs for ordering clicks from sellers, and a trial account with the tracking service if you choose to use one.
It is not that much, and as with any system or business, a certain investment is often required. This is minimal.
Let’s cover a little bit about the people who have developed and used this system for the last year prior to launching it to the public…
About the Creators
The creators of this training and method are seasoned online marketers. They have launched quite a few online products that have sold well, and they know how to present training ideas simply and clearly.
Some of the products they have launched include ‘Supreme Cash Machines’, ‘Geared for Profit’, and ‘20 Minute Results’. I have not used any of these products as they sound too much like that ‘X’ thing I mentioned above, but this experience with creating products that sell and are effective shows in what they have put together with this package.
Therefore, although I know OF them, I cannot say that I know them personally. The recommendation from the marketer I DO know means a lot to me though when it comes to buying something like this.
One of the reasons I felt it so important to write this rather extensive review is that the approach they have used with their sales page does not lay out the specific method they have come up with.
I know that as I went through the sales page, I kept waiting for some specifics that never showed up. Their focus was on what it would do for bringing in cash, but very non-specific on the ‘how’.
Normally I would not buy such an offer because these seem to be associated with those ’X’ offers I mentioned at the start of this review. It is only because of the trusted marketer that I took the plunge.
Therefore, I will tell you the same thing that he mentioned: This does work and I have seen the proof it does. It is not a waste of your money or time, and with the additional training I provide, you will more than likely succeed at making money using what they teach.
Suffice it to say that they do know their way around online marketing, and have a solid reputation with other marketers as well. I am sold on this method they have come up with. It is new, unique, innovative, simple to implement, and works.
Now you may be wondering exactly what you get with the purchase…
What Is Included With This Training Package?
I always like to describe a bit about what to expect inside a training package or a tool once you have purchased it. Knowing this ahead can help you make a more informed decision as to whether or not this training and money making system may be for you.
So here goes…
Implementation Guideline ’Cheat Sheet’
The creators have designed a simple guideline that includes a complete stepped process that they have used and that you can use as you go about setting up your own system.
It really is easy to follow along with. They want anyone who has bought into this system to start making money online right away as they have been doing.
There are also some resources that they provide links for so that if you are not aware or do not have the locations for the products you need, you can quickly get started using their links.
The guidelines and links follow closely the training that is provided and the method they themselves use, so as you go through the training, you can take immediate action.
It is not hard to understand what they are teaching and doing, and with these additional resources, you will be on your way quickly (I sure was). I would estimate that it will take more time than what they mention unless you have used some of the tools they use, but not too much.
Training Videos – Step-by-step Simple Explanations
I liked the very forthright teaching method that was used by the creators. They walk you through from start to finish using simple to understand words and concepts.
One of the beauties of this method is that it is so simple. It makes you wonder why others have not come up with it before. But it is what it is, and as a buyer of this training, you will be one of those who is benefiting.
They emphasize taking action in the training, and I have to say I agree. Most buyers of such training will take no action. Many will not even download the training.
That is to your advantage, as the sooner you get started and the more the others delay or do not start at all, the better success you will have. Saturation is not an issue using this method.
Once you see what they have put together, you will likely be excited and ready to jump in right away. Please look at my additional training in the bonuses before doing so, as I want you to have success too, and using the training together will maximize your opportunities with this sales method.
Now that you understand what you will be getting, you likely are asking yourself this next question…
How Much Can I Earn With This Training Method?
This is always a question I get from online marketers, especially new ones. This is hard to say because there are a number of factors involved in the equation. It depends…
This method they teach is not hard to set up. There are no real barriers to how much income you can earn as you start scaling up. Obviously, you will need to do the few steps required to make sure things are working properly.
Also, you will need to select Solo Ad providers that are worthy of asking for your money. By this I mean there are a lot of people that will scam you when it comes to Solo Ads. You need to know who you are dealing with.
Using the training they provide, plus the additional training I provide in the bonuses, there is no reason that you cannot be making $100 – 200 a day or more as you scale up if you take action and follow the advice given.
Now that you have a feel about the amounts of sales you might expect with regular action and following the training and system, you likely are wondering what if…what if I cannot do this, what if it is not for me, etc.
Let’s look at their guarantee…
Is There A Guarantee?
There can be no guarantees on exact income amounts, however, because it depends on what you are offering, how you offer it, who you advertise through, and who will see and click through to buy what you are selling.
This is not complicated though. Very basic and simple is good. The people that will be seeing what you are offering are looking for what you have to sell.
Offer them what they want, just as with other promotions, make sure there is congruency between the ad and the pages you send them to, and you will get sales.
The included guidelines and resource links will be enough to get you started properly. Although it will not take long, plan on spending a few hours to get the initial system in place.
Once you have started and have some experience under your belt, you can scale up, you can spend less time daily, or you can expand to other niches using the same method.
Again, between the Profit Reign training and my bonuses, you will have the exact steps to go from zero to $100, $200 or even more in sales per day quickly. Scaling is possible and desirable. It then depends on the level of your efforts.
So although there is no guarantee of income amounts you will earn (rightfully so), if you just cannot make this work for you, there is one…
If you are totally unsatisfied with the product exact details are spelled out on their sales page. So this is a no-risk purchase.
I would ask that before you do ask for a refund, that you allow me a chance to work with you to see how we may be able to make it create some cash for you. I do believe we can make this work for anyone.
Along these lines, it may be good know who this training and money generating system is designed for…
Who Is This Money Making Method Best For?
If you have been trying to make money online and are still struggling to find a way to make some real money out of Internet marketing, Profit Reign is for you.
It is simple to understand, it taps into some freely available tools that can be leveraged into fast leads and sales, and it shows you the path to achieve regular and significant income.
The creators have an easy to follow presentation style, the material and steps are simple and can be followed with little confusion, and it can be used by the newbie or the experienced marketer.
You will be able to understand what is required and know how to take action to make the system work for you.
In short, it can be used by everyone, regardless of the online skills or experiences they may have had to now. Being a customer myself, I can continue to make money and not share it with anyone, but that is not my style.
This blog is one that is set up to help people. That is what I want to do and accomplish when I create content for you all.
I believe this training and method will help a lot of people that are struggling to make money online. It can be scaled into a full-time business and income.
Full stop!
Profit Reign Success Stories
What convinced me to buy this training and system was the experienced marketer that made over $200 in sales in one day using this method. That was proof enough for me, as I trust this person and he showed me the evidence.
This is real.
I am in the midst of running my first campaign right now and will add my numbers and results here when it is complete. I can say that it is working at this point. Let’s see what my final numbers will look like. I will share them so we can all grow together.
This site is all about providing real opportunities for its readers, as well as tips, advice, training and similar content. Truthfully I cannot think of any reason NOT to recommend this product – it is simple to understand, simple to implement, scalable, and it works.
Now the next question you likely have is this one…
What Is It Going To Cost?
Another valid question people reading reviews have is the cost of the tool, training or service that is covered. Below is a short description of your outlay for each level of the sales funnel, and what you will pay. Note that the costs will go up as the launch week proceeds, so depending on when you head to the sales page, your price may shift to the higher end of those upsell pages…
The training funnel has 1 Front-End Offer and 3 OTOs (One Time Offers):
- Front-End ($12.95)
- One Time Offer (OTO) 1 (Complete Sales Funnel Carbon Copy – $37-$47)
- One Time Offer (OTO) 2 (Secret Weapon – $27-$37)
- One Time Offer (OTO) 3 (Live Masterclass – $97-$197)
The Front End Package Includes:
A full case study with real results, plus resources and links to free tools.
The Upgrade 1 (OTO 1) Includes:
A complete carbon copy of the entire sales funnels that the creators used for their own sales and case study.
The Upgrade 2 (OTO 2) Includes:
The product creator’s 30 all-time converting power ad examples that they have used to convince the traffic to take action. These ads have been tested and edited to provide maximum click-through to your sales or landing pages.
The Upgrade 3 (OTO 3) Includes:
As stated, buyers of this upgrade will be part of live masterclasses that are hosted by the creators. This will maximize the effectiveness of the training and sales method that is provided.
Which of these do I recommend buying and which do you NOT need? Glad you asked!
Of course, the Front End is essential, because that is where the meat is for the entire system they have created and use regularly to make $200 USD or a lot more daily.
The OTO 1 is also a good value, as you will get their entire sales funnel they have been using with success. The second OTO (OTO 2) are the exact ads they have used to get conversions with their system.
If you are serious about jumping into this, I recommend that at a minimum, you purchase OTO 1. If you have the budget, get OTO 2 (as I did) because having the ads they used will shorten the timeline from start to getting your first income.
With all this, plus using the extra training I provide on working with Solo Ads, and having the tracking tool I recommend (see below and get a 14-day free trial of that tool), not to mention the video training and free products you will have access to (you can edit these and sell them using this system and keep 100% of the profits as opposed to commissions from affiliate sales), you will have everything you need to get a solid start using this Profit Reign system.
Okay, now you have the complete picture I hope (if not ask questions in the comment section please!)…
Bottom Line
After reading the review from my trusted online marketer colleague, and then buying this training and sales method myself, I can say that Profit Reign provides an unusual and unique way to make money quickly using the steps that are laid out for the would-be marketer.
This training and system work.
It is obvious to me that the creators of Profit Reign have come up with something new in the online marketing world, which is harder and harder to do these days.
This training and system are unique. There is nothing like it being offered today.
The low entry cost to be a part of Profit Reign makes this a no-brainer for me and hopefully for you. You will make money if you follow the training that they provide and the training you will get from me as a bonus.
The costs are minimal to get started.
I also believe the method they teach can be scaled up to become a major source of income for you and your online marketing business. This is yet to be borne out by my own experience, but I will share as time goes on how this works as I scale.
You can scale this to grow this money generating system to be a major income source for you.
To add to what is provided, I have some training that will help you make the process described in the training even easier to follow. Please be sure to look at the bonuses I have added here for you.
With my bonuses, your success will come faster.
So now it is time to take action and secure this unique and new training and making money online method for yourself…
Time For Action!
I know you are likely in a hurry to get your hands on the training, here is the link:
Note: Please see my bonuses you will get from me when you buy this through my links directly below…
To gain access to these bonuses, please send me an email to dave@davesweney.com. Include your proof of purchase and after verification, I will send you the download links for instant access. Additionally, I am here to help advise you as you get started with this training and proven money making system. I am excited, and I hope you are too!
(1) Solo Ad Secrets
(2) Solo Ads Today
(3) Recommended Tool for Tracking – Click Magick
This is the number one tool in the market that you can use for tracking all of the points in the sales funnels that you set up using this Profit Reign system (also for other sales funnels you may use as well)…What I like about this tool is that it is so full of features…
You may be asking why you need a more sophisticated tool than say Pretty Links or similar plugins that you can use for your pages and affiliate sites. The reason is that when using Solo Ads you need to have visibility on what actions your buyers are taking.
ClickMagick offers a simple and fast solution to getting this in place. It offers a number of features that other similar services do not and at a reasonable price. Using this tool, you can track ALL your affiliate promotions or product sales.
Whether or not you decide to try out Profit Reign, this is a tool that you need for your business. Unless you are tracking what buyers and action takers are doing in your sales funnels and offers, it is impossible to know what is working and what not.
Sign Up Here For a Free Trial Account
(4) Where to purchase Solo Ads
You may have heard of Solo Ads and also heard that they do not work, that you get bad clicks and no conversions, etc. To a degree, this can be true. It is who you work with and how you go about buying Solo Ads that will make or break your efforts/campaigns.
There are some less than stellar sellers out there. I would stay completely away from sites such as Fiverr and similar, and unless you know and are comfortable with those private offers that may be out there, I would stay away from these.
The Solo Ads bonuses 1 & 2 above will provide further training on using Solo Ads too. I recommend going through that training prior to spending money for clicks from any Solo Ad provider.
The best site to use at the moment I know of is called Udimi. There you can get an idea on the past performance of offerers, their cost per click, etc. Click in the banner below to sign up for a free UDIMI account. :
(4) Training Video
I will include a special training video that I have recorded walking you through the main points of the training and system, plus additional tips and tools you can use to make this system work for you. This will cover the basic requirements to get you started successfully with the Profit Reign system.
We will cover using Udimi, using ClickMagick, setting up your landing or squeeze pages properly for GDPR compliance, and etc. This video will help you get started quickly plus it will add to the training package from Profit Reign.
Wait…There are more bonuses too…
If you get one of the OTOs, here are the additional bonuses you will get:
For those of you that purchase one or more of the one-time offers, you will get access to the following bonuses over and above the ones for the front end purchase…
First, I have…
(5) OTO Bonus 1
One on one training with me setting up your first campaign using the training and system. This will take place via a Skype or a Botim call between me and you. Limited to the first 10 buyers, after that a training video will be provided.
Secondly, you will get this valuable bonus…
(6) OTO Bonus 2
Access to 5 of my eligible training courses of your choice from my store at PRO MARKETING SOLUTIONS. Exact qualifying courses will be sent to you via email following verification of your purchase. You select 5 of the ones you would like to have, send me an email with your choices, and I will send you the download links.
Let’s Roll!
Hi, Dave…
You know I follow what you publish, and I am pretty familiar with the types of tools that you normally promote, so I was surprised to see you promoting this one. It does not seem to fit in that it is not clearly spelled out how buyers will make money using the training and system you mention.
I also see that you have purchased the training package and OTOs, so I would assume that you must have tried it and believe in what it claims it can do for the buyer. I do hope that you will share your own results too as you mention. That would help me and others understand more about the system.
It is nice to see you posting again, as I have said before. I get notifications when you add new articles and the reason is that I trust your information and know that you have my and every reader’s interests in mind as you create content. That is hard to find these days, too many just want to sell, sell, and sell.
Thanks and I look forward to your reply!
Hi there Rea!
Always nice to see you here, you know that! Your questions are valid ones and let me try to answer them for you…
You make money immediately with this system by placing Solo Ads and having receivers take action on your offers. Secondarily, you will be able to retarget these people and sell them more items at no further cost. The main traffic source used is Solo Ads, which do not have a good reputation, with good reason. There have been many scammers out there.
When it comes to quality of traffic, it largely depends on who you work with and their own lists that they are sending your email ads to. One thing that I am including is free training on using Solo Ads, as many people are not even aware how this works. Key is tracking your links and sales so you can see which of the Solo Ad provider is sending you quality clicks (people that take action on the emails you have the seller send out)…
Basically, this is the system. Grabbing the contact information of the action-takers, then retargeting them over time to gain further sales. Unfortunately, statistics show that too many of these type leads are not of the same quality as ones you might get elsewhere. This is true, but the beauty of this system is that even if these leads unsubscribe, you have a secondary means (and a more effective one) to build a relationship and then sell to them.
I am sure it sounds a bit complicated, but it is not. Setting up and using the system does not take a long time, and results are realized quickly. Once you go through the training, plus look at the training I provide, you will be able to get started quickly. I will be posting proof as well as my own campaigns are rolled out.
Please do ask any other questions, I am here to provide any clarification possible. This is a journey, not a destination we have to reach tomorrow. I do believe that this training and system will help readers start making money online quickly and keep them in the online marketing game. I have seen too many give up when they are on the cusp of success.
Yes, I do love posting here and do so as often as possible…I appreciate your confidence and support!
Dave : )
OK Dave…Thanks and I will give this a whirl. I think I will get the OTO 1 so I can also get the additional bonuses from you. This will help my chances of success using this money making system. I am excited! Thanks Rea
Super, Rea! I look forward to getting started with you. Let’s make some money and scale this up to even more success for the both of us. If you have any problems with the links or anything else, contact me so we can get it straight! Cheers! Dave : )
This is really cool. It has always been a goal for me to quit my regular job and make a full-time income online.
Well like everything worth having, that is easier said than done. It is just that there are so many scams online. It just makes it hard to tell the legit from the fake.
This is very detailed review and the program seems very promising. Plus its doesn’t cost that much. So i am definitely going to look more into it. Great review, very helpful.
Hi, Garrett…
Yes you are indeed right about the number of scams there are out there. Building a business requires work and this online marketing is indeed a business. If you approach it from that angle and work accordingly, it is quite possible to make a full-time living at it.
Note that it does help to see what others are doing and reading reviews of products or services that they may be using for their own online marketing business. In this case, Profit Reign is a good training product and the system they teach is easy to set up.
If you will notice on the website, I like to mostly focus on things that online marketers need to have success. The tools, products, and services I write about will generally help the would-be full-time online marketer attain the income levels they seek.
This particular system I am using myself, and it does work. You are right that you can get started at a low cost. There are some hints and tricks to get free traffic too, meaning that you can get started with almost nothing. Literally, as they have lowered the FE cost down to $2 (this is temporary I think)!
Give it a shot and let me know what you think. The $2 is less than a cup of coffee and I feel quite sure that you will be pleasantly surprised at the value you are getting. The case studies in OTO 1 are helpful as well and you get a lot more information too of course.
Thanks for stopping by and we will see you on the inside, or perhaps here on the site!
Dave : )
Hi Dave!
Just wanted to check in and let you know that this sales system does work! I tried it buying 100 clicks and the conversion rate was 8%. This was for a relatively low offer (FE was $14.95) and I even had two upsells from the offer.
I can see that this system works best with either new products that are being launched or with evergreen products that work. Now I will test again using the UDIMI website that you referred us to again.
On the Click Magick tool, I signed up for a free 14 day trial account. I will use that for tracking all my links for promotions, mainly in the IM niche. I like the tutorials that come with the site. Easy to follow along.
You have opened my eyes to a totally new (for me) way of online marketing. Thanks so much for that and I do hope you will do some Facebook live sessions so we can all discuss the ups and downs of this Profit Reign system and more!
Have a great day!
Hey There Rea!
So glad that you were able to have success using the Profit Reign training and sales system. I too have had success and will continue to build on the first couple of tries. It is evident to me that building a list that is NOT related to emails is a good thing, as counting just on emails alone will result in fewer conversions.
These days the open rates and the CTR are not that good as people are inundated with 100s of emails and many do not get opened. They either build up in the receiver’s account, unopened ever, or they are mass deleted at some point. It is good to build alternate means of communicating with your customers and potential customers.
The training in Profit Reign provides some good advice on how to do that, and as opposed to emails, the open rates are much higher (they go as high as 99%)…The area that is not covered in the traffic suggestions they offer is one that I am growing to love too – it is the Facebook Messenger Chat tool…
I will be writing more about that in another post, but I will say that it dovetails nicely with what the Profit Reign emphasizes in their training. It can be leveraged (but you have to be careful to not be too pushy), it needs to augment, not replace the other things you are doing…Exciting times indeed!
Thanks for coming back and letting us know how things went for you, and stay tuned for some FB lives, quite a few folks have been asking me for these, and I am anxious to get started using them too. I want to record them (maybe I will use YouTube streaming plus FB) and post them here on the site…
Have a great day and best of luck!
Dave : )
Great review here Dave! This is a lot of information to take in at once, so I am going to keep this information for later study, as I would like to know more.
Sound like a very interesting program, something I would be interested in. Going to look into it, in more detail when I have about an hour of good study time.
Thank you. Hope to talk soon!
Hi, Wayne…
Thanks for stopping by and yes, the system described really works! I have run 2 Solo Ads and although the conversions were less than hoped for, the opt-in rate was quite high…This means that I have some warm leads that I can run further campaigns to for IM products plus training products…
It really taps into some of the tools that are available around us to use for free, but leveraged in a way that I have not seen before – quite unique. I am gathering data now for publishing a case study on and that will provide yet more proof that the system they teach works.
These days it is not enough to focus on a single strategy. Rather, it is more effective to combine means of gaining attention and traffic. Social platforms, communication tools, and the old tried and true email marketing combined with content marketing (encompasses more than a blog) must all be worked together.
The key is getting all of these working as one to push your online business forward in a lock-step fashion. By this I mean that everything you are doing on all the mediums have a congruent message and theme. This will help get you to success faster!
Best of luck and do stop by again. These are exciting times, and the opportunities are endless!
Dave : )