Table of Contents
Mints App 2.0 is a tool that works and is highly effective in attracting prospects, then taking them through customer driven funnels that are set up to offer the appropriate page/product offers based on the viewers choices…
Using the tool, you can add in calls to actions that are again, based on the decisions that the prospects make as they go through the funnel, and this has the effect of increasing engagement and also sales.
This is version two of the software, and it incorporates lessons and insights the developer learned from version 1 of the program to make it even more effective for users. I have version one and like and use it, and based on what I am seeing, this is even better than the first version…
To learn more, read on…
NAME OF PRODUCT: Mints App 2.0
DEVELOPER: Precious Ngwu
COST OF PRODUCT: $37.00 USD Launch
Let’s start out by showing you a short video that will explain in some detail just why this tool was such a hit and best seller when introduced, and why this updated version offers even MORE value than version 1.0…
This app is a cloudbased tool that allows you to quickly build professional looking interactive polls, quizzes and rating funnels in mere minutes.
Using the app, you can better engage your audience to collect more leads, drive more traffic, and of course, achieve the end game, which is to increase your conversions and sales.
With Mints App 2.0 it’s now very easy to achieve all these results and set up for your campaign can be completed in minutes…
The concept behind the design of the software is defined as customer-driven funnels. It means that the funnel actions and process is driven by actions the viewers take as they travel through the funnel…
Using Mints App 2.0, you can segment your viewers by peferences, actions taken, and also use the information for other aspects of your marketing program, such as future launches, affiliate programs to go after, etc…
Three types of campaigns you can create include:
(1) Binary Campaigns.
You can funnel decisions viewers make on either/or queries to eventually offer them products that they are interested in, as evidenced by their choices.
This means that your conversions are going to be higher because the prospect is looking at something they want to buy and it will help your bounce rates as well for such pages…
(2) Multi Mints Campaigns.
Using this style of campaign, you can maximize interactions with the viewers and your funnel, and also identify which topics are trending or appear to be starting to trend (you can use this info for later campaigns to increase the chance that your campaign material goes viral).
(3) Rating Campaigns.
This is a good choice for getting feedback on the subject, opinions and such are very valuable and will help you determine who the target market is or might be…
This tool has the advantage that I have not seen before…It is called “bilateral intention technology” that allows different pages to be shown based on user decisions offered to them by the tool. In effect it drills down for you the exact intent of the viewer.
As this process takes place, you are able to gather valuable information on the intent of the viewers. You end up with a clearer idea of what the viewers are looking for. This means you do not waste as much time tailoring your campaigns to increase conversions or leads…
With the integration of the major autoresponders used today as well as with the social platforms Twitter, Facebook, and Google +, you have a chance to increase the visibility and reach of the pages and campaigns created using Mints App 2.0 and of course, this is a positive thing for your marketing program.
Above: Screenshot of a Mints App 2.0 Campaign page….
Have a look at this video that gives you further insight on the app…
So will this concept work for your online marketing program? I think so, and the numbers from version one bear this out…
The thousands of online marketers that purchased version 1 of this marketing tool have already generated over $2.6 million in sales and they have collected over 500,000 email leads – that fits into what I would define as “success” for the tool.
The revised and updated app version 2,0 has been totally overhauled to provide even more options and is based on results that users of version 1.0 realized.
This is not a new idea, we also adapt our program as we go along to make it work better for our online business…
Here are some other nifty features of this handy tool…
(1) Discount Offers, One Off Coupons, and Sales Banners.
Easily incorporate all of the above into your pages and campaigns, As you offer alternatives, the viewer is drawn into a funnel with products or services that they show an interest in.
(2) Opt-In Forms and Lead Capture Pages
Both of these can be incorporated easily into your Mints campaigns, and since you are offering them something they have shown an interest in, the chance that they will take action to opt-in are increased.
(3) Redirect Your Audiences
As site visitors drill down through the funnels you create, you have the option to redirect to any page or site that is appropriate based on the actions they take. This means you can offer them a variety of products, services, or actions from the one campaign…
(4) Promote Viral Sharing and Increased Social Traffic
By using the included social sharing options that the tool has, you make it easy for the prospect to share and even can provide an incentive to them for doing so…Add in the comment feature, and you have the makings of a viral post…
(5) Use to attract, capture, and keep on your site or page to sell more to prospects
Because of the uniqueness of this tool, and the engagement created, the chances are good that your prospect is going to stay around longer, see more of what is in the funnel, and offer you more opportunities to sell to them.
This is a good tool that using a little imagination and creativity on your part will provide positive results for your marketing program that you can measure and further refine in future campaigns to improve performance even more.
In my mind Mints App 2.0 is well worth the investment, I have version 1.0 of the tool and am considering upgrading to this latest offering. Be sure to get in early if you are interested, the door opens for buying on 4 April 2016.
The first 12 hours of the launch are the best hours to buy, as the price is at its lowest ($37 for the FE product), and the upsells also are going at a better rate during this period.The upsells are worth looking at, some will fit for everyone, and some maybe not…See for yourself!
Easy to use, very effective tool, something every marketer can use in area or another of their marketing program, and cost effective compared to other monthly payment based tools that are available are some of the pros from my perspective…
Cons may include the fact that this is a tool that has been widely sold on the market so there may be some saturation and prospects have likely have seen similar type campaigns. I think there is enough creativity possible using the features that this can become a nonfactor however, so this is not a deal killer for me…
Yes there are a total of 5 upsells in the funnel, starting with the platinum version of the tool (more options included) and then 4 others that combine other options such as viral tools, bundles with ReClick, etc.
The price ranges from $67 to $197 or higher, depending on the buyer selections from the options, as well as the time period that they are buying. As the launch proceeds, over time the prices will increase.
This is why it’s important to get in early during the launch period and get the best price possible for the base program and any upsells that you decide may work for your program.
Wait…There’s more…If you buy through my link you will get the following additional helpful bonuses that will help your marketing program…
I always like to add in bonuses that are useful, have good value, and will add to the tool that is being offered…Have a look at what you will get as bonuses when you decide to buy through me…
Additionally, you will get the following 5 bonuses from me when you purchase the tool through my link…
Note that whoever you buy the program through, SOMEONE is going to get a commission for the sale. When you get it through me, you have the advantage of knowing you can revert back to me if you have issues. I will help you work through the issue as may be required, should that be necessary…
These bonuses will help you develop other aspects of your online marketing program that will dovetail nicely with this tool. If you have one or more from other purchases made through my site, let me know and we will find another bonus for you!
After purchasing, make sure that you send me a copy of the receipt to and I will revert with a mail containing a link to your download site.
Best of luck to you and for your online marketing efforts!
Please add your own thoughts, ideas, and experiences with Mints 1.0 to the comments below…Anything about this review or other opinions regarding the subject that is pertinent and will be useful for others viewing this review post is fair game. Thanks in advance for your input! We all learn when we share our experiences!
Good review of the Mints app. I had an earlier version and upgraded when the new version was launched. I like the improvements so far with the tool…Thought I would let others who happen to stop by this review know…