Table of Contents
In our ongoing series on making quick cash online, today we are covering the “Tiny Subscription Business Model.” This is a quick and easy system to develop and deploy…
As the title suggests, the tiny amount that you charge for subscribers (typically anywhere from $7 – $20 monthly) may seem like a paltry amount and not worth your time…
It can, however, build into a sizeable income for you over a period of time as membership grows, and it also can help build your name, your reputation, your brand and sales of other products for you…
The key to getting all this started is to obtain some good training on how to set your program up quickly and then get it started! That is what you will find here in this short tutorial today…
Additionally, I have some further training that will go into more detail that you can access right from my page! You can have a look at the first 4 pages and download it for simply subscribing to my website.
Let’s get started!
So, just what are we talking about when we discuss a subscription business model. It is not a hard concept to grasp.
Essentially you are offering a newsletter with valuable information that others can use in their own business efforts…
You likely are focusing on one or more niches with your online business, and for each, there is an audience of passionate and interested people.
They are always looking for tips, hints, tools, resources, and guidance for that niche. That is where your newsletter and subscriptions come in…
You are compiling relevant and useful information that they need and presenting it to them in a format that is easily understood, quick to read through, and saves them loads of time…
Once you have a system in place to collate and present that information, you advertise and charge a monthly subscription fee of $7, $10, or even $20!
The subscribers are saving themselves the work of gathering what you are providing, and you get a small amount for providing that service…
This seems fair, right?
In general, you will need to plan this carefully so that you:
(1) Gather and publish information that the niche members want and need.
(2) Have a means of getting the word out on what you have created, and finally…
(3) You need to have a means to add subscribers and receive payments.
Note that there is NO mention of a website, blogs, SEO, or the many other tasks that content marketing typically requires…Therein lies the beauty of this business model…
You can do all of the planning in a few hours and set up all the elements of your tiny subscription model in one day. There will be regular work as time goes on to gather appropriate content, but in return, you will have created the means to some steady income…
A prerequisite to achieving success with this simple business model is that you have or can gather the information that is sought after by the niche audience.
That is possible for virtually anyone…
Most people simply have not thought of doing this, but as long as they have a basic skill set of knowing how to do the research, some copywriting skills (there are templates etc. that can make this easy), they can do it…
Steps To Tiny Subscription Profits
Here are the steps to get your newsletter in place and start marketing and selling subscriptions:
(1) Determine the niche and focus of the newsletter.
(2) Gather sources for material and content.
(3) Decide on the frequency of publishing that you will follow.
(4) Will you be allowing guest posts, ads, promotions, etc.?
(5) Determine what template or design you will use for your newsletter and also how you will create it (i.e. using an autoresponder service, WORD, Outsourcing, etc.
(6) Decide how you will market the newsletter (i.e. website, Facebook, Bing, Forums, etc.).
(7) Determine how you will capture leads and get your newsletter out to subscribers (i.e. autoresponder or via an SMTP service).
(8) Finally, determine how you will enable prospects and subscribers to make the monthly payments to your account (i.e. PayPal or Stripe, etc.).
That all seems simple enough? It is and it isn’t.
Plan For The Required Time
Some of these tasks can be completed quickly, but with others, a substantial amount of time must be planned for. Take the content…that will take some effort on your side.
Remember that you are saving the readers the time of collating valuable information they need and will use…That is the value you bring to the table…
The time required does not have to be your own. A lot of the research required can be outsourced. Framing up your newsletters can also be outsourced.
Once you have the system in place to accept subscribers and their payments plus the marketing campaign set up with ads, emails, and payment methods, that can run on autopilot almost…
How Much Can You Charge?
This can vary a lot depending on the audience and niche. I would say that if you are not a recognized subject matter expert in that niche, you likely will need to charge less.
If you ARE a subject matter expert, you can ask for more and get it. In that case, you probably have other income streams already in place for that niche, so this is an easy way to leverage that into yet more income…
Prices I have seen typically range between $6.95 and $19.95. If the niche is one where there are massive amounts of money made regularly, you can charge more, of course.
I have prepared a report on more details of this business model that you can use to get this business model in place within a short period of time.
Of course, the efficacy of the model depends on the effort you put into the project. Therefore, what I would recommend is committing first, then go through this training, and sign up and download the training…
Here is the preview so you can see for yourself…
Note that if you have any problem with subscribing or downloading this report, please send an email to or directly to me at We will get back to you ASAP!
Today we covered yet another method of making some quick money online that you can easily incorporate into your online marketing business.
Essentially, you are tapping into your expertise, collating and curating valuable, engaging and useful content and presenting it in a format that is easily digestible for subscribers.
The tiny subscription business model is easy to implement, can grow over time into a sizeable income for you, and also help your name, brand, reputation, and sales of other products and services.
This is a model that I recommend all marketers take a serious look at, whether a newbie or an experienced online marketing business entrepreneur.
The training offered for a subscription to this website will drill down into much more detail and help you establish the business model more effectively.
You now have all the tools you need to get started, the next step is to GET STARTED!
Have fun!
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I will always ask these few things of readers at the end of all my posts, tutorials, because I truly believe that we all can learn when we provide such feedback…
That is what this site is all about!
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Dave has been involved in sales for 20 years with offline products and has been fortunate to have traveled the world while realizing up to $4 million USD a month in gross sales of products he promoted.
He has brought that experience to the online world and this is one of his online ventures. This site is intended to present ideas, products, tools, tips and more that will help all those seeking to make money online have success.
Subjects covered are diverse, but in totem, you can learn a lot about the things that you will need to have success with online business right here. This includes things to do and things NOT to do!