How To Quickly Create The Best & Highly Converting Landing Pages

INTRODUCTION. One of the biggest challenges to online sales is to develop landing pages that convert… This is an integral piece of sales online, as this page serves as the contact point that your prospect comes to AFTER your ad has compelled them to take action to get to that page… This is an integral piece of sales online, as this page serves as the contact point that your prospect comes to AFTER your ad has compelled them to take action to get to that page… You can have the best offer ever, but if it is presented in a […]


INTRODUCTION This is a 9-Part video tutorial course on how to create a more effective video sales letter using a strategy that is a combination of first, a more traditional sales letter, and second, adding an explainer video or similar to your letter. The course will help you to learn how to build a super high converting video sales letter. The course will show you how to properly set up your sales letter and then how to market it. You can find a course description below and also a link to purchase it. Let’s get started! WHY VIDEO SALES LETTERS […]

5 Essential Membership Site Sales Letter Elements (of 10) – Part One

INTRODUCTION As I go through the process to stand up my membership site (see my case study rolling post on my experiences as I stand mine up HERE) I thought adding in some drill down posts on some of the elements that you will address as you plan for and implement your own membership site would be helpful… At first this was going to be a single post, but as I added more and more valuable information, I decided that  breaking it into two parts made a lot more sense, because there is simply to much to add in one […]


INTRODUCTION i reviewed this software here a while back and found it more than acceptable. Today I am taking another look at it with eyes that have used it now for months with success. I want to pass on my thoughts on how you can use this to save time, creat professional and unique pages that convert! Please see this excerpt from my bonus page for promoting this program, and see for yourself! BONUS SALES PAGE EXCERPT “Gorgeous, High Converting Landing Pages With Just a Few Clicks of Your Mouse!” If you’re in the process of building your mailing list […]