INTRODUCTION Today we are looking at the subject of prosperity with our lighter side post. This is a subject that has a lot of controversy surrounding it… It is fun and useful to analyze the word and the meaning behind the word…Fun I say because there are some really skewed views of what the terms embodies, and useful because, hey we want to be prosperous, right? To figure out if we do want prosperity, we have to first determine what it is and means. Then we can carve out our own definition of the term for what is important in […]
The Lighter Side- Day Twenty – Organizational Skills & Time Management
INTRODUCTION This is day twenty of our ongoing lighter side posts…Today we are going to cover the subject of organization skills and time management. Organization of your life and activities is so important… Before we get started, please understand that these lighter side posts are intended to have a look at subjects with a little fun in mind, and will generally throw in a lesson or two that we can all use in our lives… Organizational skills or lack thereof affect more than just your job or business. Taken to the extreme, NOT having them can result in a very […]
Review of Dave’s “List Building Expert” Training Bundle With Bonuses
INTRODUCTION List building is still the best way to promote products, whether they are your own or as an affiliate. There has been tons of material published on the subject… Some of the training offered is crap, quite frankly, while other packages do what they say, but at a horrendous price…I am speaking of some monthly platforms that provide lead magnets for you and sales funnels… The problem is that you are getting something that 5000 others have too, so the competition is fierce, market saturation can be a problem, and it is quite expensive… Today I want to offer […]
Review of Web Copy Cat Online Marketing Platform – A Place For Beginners
INTRODUCTION Today we take a look at a Done For You (DFY) platform that offers the member a complete sales funnel system that can be quickly implemented and used to drive sales and profits for the member. “Often you see such offers as this one, and many are out and out scams, offering nothing or little of real value… Instead, these quasi-scam site’s main mission is to get more money out of you by charging you crazy amounts of money for the privilege of selling their often outdated or useless tools or products! “This is not that kind of a program, and […]
How To Make Quick Money Online – Use Shopify
INTRODUCTION Today we are going to look at Shopify as a means to get started with your online marketing business. There are many advantages to using this platform which we will cover and you will see it is not hard. The idea with these making quick money online posts is to get your creative juices flowing and showing you various ways to establish an income from which you can then grow other online marketing segments and opportunities. These short tutorials are intended to show you the what, how, why, where, and often provide additional training that will further help you get […]