Introduction If you want your blog to be noticed and overtime be a successful blogger or for your business or brand awareness, there are a few guidelines and characteristics that you should observe from successful bloggers. Because as we all know Blogging is a channel that you can use as your marketing strategy, there are millions of blogs over the internet but you can see that there are a lot that didn’t success, until they give up blogging. Today, I am listing some characteristics a good blog should have to ensure success. Let’s get started… Characteristics You Should Strive For […]
Introduction PLR stands for “Private Label Rights”. These are rights that you buy so that you are free to use the PLR contents as you wish. When you are buying PLR contents you have to be very careful and read all the terms that is included. But in general the types of things that you can do with Private Label Rights include: ‘Re-writing it’ or ‘Use it as it is’, putting your own name to sell it or give it away . PLR has many benefits but one of the greatest advantages of it is that its uses are limitless. […]
How To Use Niche Marketing To Make Money
How To Use Niche Marketing To Make Money What Is Niche Marketing? Look around you right now…You see people that have interests of all types, such as sewing, travelling, knitting, cycling, online marketing, etc. These people that have a common interest collectively are known as niches. Taken together, you have many thousands of such groups and collectively, they are known as ‘niche markets’. Your personal interest are likely different from your family and from friends interests, and if you pay attention a bit on these others around you it does not take long to realize that your hobbies and interests […]
Tools For Leveraging Social Platforms Social
The Power Of Social Platforms Social media has become a part of our daily lives, especially in this modern era. More and more people especially the millennials day are using it to communicate, socialize and even to market their businesses. Many marketers and an ever larger percentage are recognizing the importance of incorporating social media into their marketing mix and their use of the platforms is increasing. It makes sense as more people access the internet from their mobile phones, and more are making purchases from them too. In case you are not yet using any social media for your […]
Black Friday Wealthy Affiliate Sale

Every once in a while something comes along that makes too much sense to ignore or not take action on. Such is the case with the upcoming Black Friday Wealthy Affiliate Sale that runs from 24-27 November 2017. There may be a grace period as well for a couple of days (I have seen this) but focus on those dates for now. If you have struggled to get an online business up and running to now, this is the perfect offer for you to take advantage of. Even if you are already making a bit of money from online marketing, […]