NOTE: Updated 16 October 2016
Table of Contents
- NOTE: Updated 16 October 2016
- BONUS #1: Trending Traffic Translator.
- BONUS #2: Viral Marketing 101.
- BONUS #3: Additional Viral Marketing Training.
- BONUS #4: Top 10 Viral Videos of 2015.
- BONUS #5: Top 15 Most Viral Imgur Posts In 2015.
- BONUS #6: Conversion Rocket Ride.
- BONUS #7: Selling To The World.
- BONUS #8: When Customers Always Win.
This is a handy tool called Trending Traffic that has been designed to emulate some of the other sites that curate content and present the best of the best in one place.
The difference is that instead of it being on a site elsewhere, it will post the content that is on the verge of going viral on YOUR website. This means that you can tap into the viral effect for your own uses, and for free.
With it getting harder and harder to draw in traffic with the advancements in the internet and also the competition for the attention of internet users, a tool such as this can bring in massive benefits for your online marketing program.
Let’s see what this tool called Trending Traffic is all about. Read on to learn more…
NAME OF PRODUCT: Trending Traffic 2.0
DEVELOPER: Justin Anderson
COST OF PRODUCT: $27.00 USD Monthly
$67 USD Annually
The author who designed, tested, and built out this tool is named Justin Anderson. he has been in this business for quite a few years, and he has put together a tool that is both useful and effective. Add to that easy to use…
The tool is designed to help you pull in curated popular traffic that people are looking for now…This is content that is popular on some of the biggest sites out there, and having it available on your page means you can not only get them to your website, you can keep on your site longer.
I have added a short video below that will help you understand how the tool works and what is the concept behind the tool. If you do not want to wait to buy this, you can go directly to the sales page by clicking on the link directly below:
If you want to see the video first, here it is:
If you have seen and read enough, I urge you to head over now to the sales page and secure this training for yourself so you can start pulling in this traffic!
Click the green button below to get instant access to Commission Cartel, this extremely effective training program you need at a very reasonable price!
If you would like to read more about the tool, please continue…
As described in the video above, it will pull in the best content that is on the verge of going viral so that you can ride that wave of viewers to get more traffic on your site.
The concept makes a lot of sense, and since the information that you search for and post either automatically or manually is actively being searched for and viewed by interested people across the internet, a portion of that traffic can be yours!
Of course, once they are on your site, you will still need to do the other things that online marketers do, such as SEO, create an attractive site, and have offers that have value for the targeted viewers, but it helps get you traffic to your site in the first place.
The cost to purchase this tool now is a one time fee, an annual rate at a reasonable price, or you can pay monthly, at a much higher cost (but less up front out of pocket).
Depending on your budget, I would recommend taking the lifetime one-time payment option because, in the long run, you will save a lot of money. There are upsells I describe below, but the front end offer will do all you need if you do not need these.
The pros of this tool are many. It will get you the latest curated trending content from across the internet using 15 news sources and post these articles on your website. It is easy to use and you can use it on 5 websites with the annual plan, or if you wanted to use it for commercial clients, there is an upsell option.
The cons are the initial upfront cost or if you select the monthly plan, the cost to you. At the roll-out phase, you can select the annual plan, which saves you some money, while the lifetime being offered now is going away at the end of the launch (15 April).
I prefer to balance the pros and cons of a tool when I am considering buying it for my online marketing program, and normally the benefits have to far outweigh the costs. In this case, the draw of traffic, the saving or work, and the likely additional business this free traffic tool provides outweighs the cost.
If you have not clicked to learn more, read on, there’s STILL more here for you…
Yes, there are a number of front end options and 3 upsells and I will go through each:
Basic Offer: Trending Traffic Monthly, Annual or Lifetime
As you can see from the graphic, you can save money depending on which plan you select. My recommendation would be to go for the monthly, try it for a month, then upgrade to the annual plan.
Of course, if you are confident that this tool will help you for your own online marketing business after reading this review and viewing the explainer video I have included, then you could go with either of the other plans, as they save you money long term…
Next, the upsells, or OTOs as some like to call them…
OTO 1: Trending Traffic Pro
This is an upgrade that allows you to sell the service commercially, have up to 200 sites using the tool, and adds an additional 15 news sources to the curation process.
Here are additional news content sources that will be scoured and content drawn from with this upgrade:
This upgrade will make services that you are providing any of your clients much more palatable, as you have these additional sources of up to date news and articles that will enhance their sites.
Having these additional resources to pull from means you can also charge a higher monthly fee to these clients. You are providing more service without having to do any additional work on your part…
Depending on the focus you will use this tool for, having this upgrade may make sense…
COST: One Time $47.00 USD
Next, we have…
OTO #2. Trending Traffic Money Maker Upgrade
This adds in a couple of tools that will help you get conversions once you have the traffic on your site. I will let you judge for yourself, but the price is not high for what they can do if you need them,
Essentially, it includes tools that will help influence the traffic that you have now and the additional traffic you get from the tool to convert, either through signing up to your leads list (subscribing) or buying whatever it is your may be promoting…
COST: One Time $67.00 USD
Lastly, we have…
OTO #3: Trending Traffic WordPress Themes
This offer is either 3 themes or 9 themes that you can offer your clients or use when you set up your niche sites. They are modeled on the popular sites that collect and publish curated content such as IMGUR, Upworthy, and similar.
If you do need a theme the prices are reasonable for what you get. If you have themes, I would say that you could pass on this upgrade. Have a look for yourself, as with the other upsells to see if they would work for you.
The front end will work as advertised and the upsells are not absolutely necessary to do what you intend to do with this tool. Regarding the front end offer, I would go lifetime if at all possible, because after the initial launch, you will only have a monthly option.
COST: One Time Either $37 USD (3 Themes) or $67.00 USD (9 Themes)
Bottom Line: So there you have it. You now have a real good picture of what you get with Trending Traffic, and can decide whether or not it will work for you.
I have the lifetime package and use it on several sites I run, and have found it to be an effective means to pull in more traffic than I was getting prior to installing the tool.
So I can say unequivocally that it works…This is also why my final verdict is a big green “thumbs up!”
Click the green button below to get instant access to Commission Cartel, this extremely effective training program you need at a very reasonable price!
You also will receive the following bonuses from me once you have purchased the Trending Traffic tool. Just send a copy of your purchase receipt to and my team will get them out to you ASAP…
Here are some bonuses you can get access to when you decide to purchase this tool through my affiliate link:
BONUS #1: Trending Traffic Translator.
This add-on tool will translate the posts into other languages, making the tool that much more user-friendly for your audiences…I have several e-commerce sites that cater to international audiences, so I can say with confidence that having multi-lingual capability is helpful…
Next, I have this bonus for you…
BONUS #2: Viral Marketing 101.
This is a short down and dirty course on using viral content in your online marketing program…It will help you use the tool in a way that will most benefit your program…
There is more…
BONUS #3: Additional Viral Marketing Training.
More information that you can use to improve your viral marketing effort for your online marketing program…I know that this is an investment for you, and all the training I can secure that will make it one that will help you maximize that investment is important.
I am not done yet! There is more…
BONUS #4: Top 10 Viral Videos of 2015.
A look at the best of 2015 viral videos and what made them the best. This can provide insight as to how to go forward in 2016 and beyond with your own viral marketing campaigns…
The LAST Bonus from the product creator is this…
BONUS #5: Top 15 Most Viral Imgur Posts In 2015.
This look at the top 15 viral posts and what made then go viral – helpful in creating or using viral content in your online marketing program in 2016 and beyond…
All of the training above will help you directly and specifically when you start using Trending Traffic. Because I want to offer you a lot of value, I decided I needed to beef up these bonuses even more!
So I added three MORE bonuses for you!
Read on, please…
Additionally, I have three more bonuses for you when you purchase Trending Traffic through my affiliate link:
BONUS #6: Conversion Rocket Ride.
This bonus will help you once you get that traffic. Depending on the upgrades if any that you purchased, you will have some additional tools to help with conversions. This book will teach you some of the subtleties of getting the viewers to take the action YOU want them to take…
Next I added this for you…
BONUS #7: Selling To The World.
This is some great advice on how to make sales to your prospects. Having a lot of traffic does not do much good unless you have an effective system in place to sell them whatever it is you are promoting. This is a book you will use again and again over the years.
Lastly, I have this…
BONUS #8: When Customers Always Win.
Yet one more important resource book for you that will give you a ton of hints, tips, and advice on how to put your best foot forward with your customers.
NOTE: All the above bonuses will help you understand what viral content is and how to best use Trending Traffic, increase your leads, loyal customers, and sales…
Click the green button below to get instant access to Commission Cartel, this extremely effective training program you need at a very reasonable price!
You also will receive the bonuses described above once you have purchased the Trending Traffic tool. Just send a copy of your purchase receipt to and my team will get them out to you ASAP…
Please add your feedback to this review. Perhaps you have had experience with the tool, or maybe you are using a similar tool that has worked for you…Let us know in the comment section below, we all learn when we share! Thanks in advance for your input!
Hi, Dave…
I see that you have updated this review and added additional information on how it is used and ways it is used. I get notification emails from you as a subscriber, so of course wanted to check it out.
Based on the more complete information and also the bonuses you have added in, I am going to purchase this for my sites. I have three that I am trying to get additional traffic for.
Do you have any idea how much additional traffic I can expect? I notice that you have bought and use this tool yourself. Is Tranding Traffic providing you additional conversions as well?
Thanks in advance and I always look forward to coming to your site. There is so much information and help for me here!
Good Morning Rea…
Yes, I just updated this review because I have used the tool now for almost 6 months. The experience has proved to me that Trending Traffic is something that more people could be using, but aren’t. The information is now more complete and I have additional bonuses that will truly help the buyer of this tool…
As far as the amount of traffic you will get over what your norm may be, I cannot with 100% certainty provide a figure. There are so many factors involved such as niche, the number of members in the niche, and even the site you are going to use the tool on. I can say that it works.
Also, remember to review the data it pulls in prior to posting, as you want to make sure that you are posting relevant information they will be interested in…
I am getting more traffic and the conversions have gone up in relation to the traffic. This is largely attributable to this tool. Of course, I have been adding in more content during this period too, so ALL cannot be credited solely to the tool…
Glad to hear that you are going to get this for your program. I am quite sure that you will not be sorry!
Dave : )
Thanks for this review, Dave. I’m always looking for new content ideas and curation is a good way to get it. This looks like a terrific tool to get the curated content I’m looking for and have it going viral is absolutely the best. I will look further into this, for sure.
No problem at all Barry, thanks for stopping by…
Trending Traffic is one that I like and it is useful to add in content that people want to see quickly. I was a little worried about the ranking by Google, but I am sure to give credit from the source and add in more information so the posts are somewhat unique.
One of the reasons I resurrected and updated the review was just for this reason…More people could be using it. They are put off I think by the fear that they will be penalized by Google or the other search engines…When you think about the figures that are thrown around about duplicate content that is posted on the internet, it makes sense to me that this is NOT the case….
Quite naturally you have to add something to content that you use from other sources (also why I recommend editing prior to posting)…