Table of Contents
- prosperity
- Definition of prosperity for Students
- OK, let’s wind this Lighter Post on Prosperity Knowledge up….This one was light but heavy because believe me, the lessons and changes that could be generated from this post for you could very well provide you a whole new outlook on life, and bring the prosperity that you are seeking, in a BIG way...CONCLUSION
Today we are looking at the subject of prosperity with our lighter side post. This is a subject that has a lot of controversy surrounding it…
It is fun and useful to analyze the word and the meaning behind the word…Fun I say because there are some really skewed views of what the terms embodies, and useful because, hey we want to be prosperous, right?
To figure out if we do want prosperity, we have to first determine what it is and means. Then we can carve out our own definition of the term for what is important in our life.
From that base understanding, the next step is to figure out where you are on your own personal path to prosperity, and take the steps or make the changes to move towards your end goal however you have defined it…
Let’s get started!
I always like to refer back to a dictionary to see what the word means or what the meanings may be. Often there are different interpretations of words…
Let’s have a little entertaining (?) video to start out this section of the tutorial….
[videoframes src=”” skin=”28″ controls=”1″ headline_text=”Prosperity At What Price?????” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
Here is what Webster’s Dictionary has to say about this word:
Definition of prosperity for Students
“The state of being successful usually by making money”
Seems simple enough I think you would agree?
However, many people think there is more, MUCH more, to what lies behind the word and classic definition…
Let’s have a look at what other viewpoints there are…
Now that you know the book definition, it is helpful to hear about other viewpoints on what prosperity may be…
The Bible
In the Bible, in 3 John, he describes 2 kinds of prosperity…There is the “spiritual” which is having an abundance of fulfillment in your soul, and secondly, the “material” which is having success financially…
Feng Shui
Feng Shui describes prosperity differently and based on the fundamentals of what the belief system entails…They say that prosperity = abundance.
Abundance comes in many forms…
Happiness, Career, Health, Relationships, Home and family, and Wisdom can all be sources of abundance for a person.
The philosophy speaks of “chi energy” that cycles through the five elements around us. These elements include Water, Wood, Metal, Fire, and Earth…
As the cycles of energy flow through the elements, it provides abundance for us. We must learn how to activate the release of abundance that is our for the taking.
Thes elements exist all around us, and it is the advisor or ourselves. through gaining the knowledge of how to arrange things around us, that we can activate the energy and gain abundance…
Random Prosperity Viewpoints
There are yet other people that think of prosperity in other ways than the traditional book definition.
Instead of the one-dimensional viewpoint of financial success, they prefer to describe it in levels of happiness we experience…
- What we achieve
- How we look at and interact with reality
- Having an attitude that allows us to be comfortable with ourselves as we are, not what others want us to be
- This perspective allows us to be at peace with our self and the world around us…
In short, having these attitudes means that we can be a happy person…This is abundance for them…
Knowing that there are many definitions and perspectives on prosperity will allow you to do some critical thinking and determine for yourself what the word means for you.
This is helpful because then you can determine what your purpose is to be here on this earth and determine your path to prosperity. Now you may be asking why?
Good question, let’s drill down on that in the next section…
There are a thousand reasons you may want to have prosperity in your life, but I think it boils down to three reasons:
(1) Peace within…
If you know what the word means for you and you actively work to create an environment that will allow you to achieve the state of being, you will have a lot more enriching life…It is that simple for me…
(2) Peace externally…
As you work to create the conditions for leading an enriching life that results in prosperity, it will have an ancillary effect on those immediately around you. They too are likely to get caught up in your quest, find out what prosperity means for themselves, and so it goes…the cycle continues…
(3) Help others achieve prosperity in their lives…
You will also affect the lives of those that you may be touching in a secondary manner…I mean by this that people may hear of you, they may read or see some of your creations or projects, etc. This will inspire them to emulate you and add to your contributions to prosperity in themselves and others…
Now it is up to you to decide how you want to define and live a prosperous life. What steps will you take, what changes will you make, how and when will you make them…
Also, you must determine if the end justifies the means of your “prosperity.” If you take other’s money through fraud, scams, or misrepresentation, can you really call this “prosperity?”
If the only measure of the word is the money you have with no regard to the people around you or how you got that money, it is a very hollow and bankrupt type of prosperity in my mind…
Have a look at this very inspiring video that has so much truth within the words…
[videoframes src=”” skin=”36″ controls=”1″ headline_text=”Don’t Die Having Regret…” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
Determining how to live and do so without regret often goes easier if you have some training or a guideline to follow – a roadmap if you will…Today I have a start for you…This is a free download that you can secure right away for a simple subscription to my website…
Here is the training I am talking about…Please read on…
The training I am offering is yet one look more at prosperity, It is not the ONLY one, as you have read, but it can be a starting point for your exploration of the concept.
It comes in two parts…The first training is on determining your purpose, while the second looks at prosperity from a more traditional point of view…
I am providing both free to you today because it is not enough to think about an enriching life solely based on money or finances…You do not want to have regrets at the end of your life….
Determine what your purpose is, what prosperity is for you, how you can build that concept into all areas of life, to include the work that you will spend a large portion of your life doing…
Training # 1 – Destiny, Purpose, and Your Future
As with all the training that I offer on this site, you will have a complete package that will guide you through the entire process of becoming more efficient at what you do…
There is a ton of information and actionable tips and tools for you within this book…It is not a long read, but it should trigger some introspection from within…Go through the process of figuring out what you want your life to be…
Here is the second training book I have free for you today…
Training # 2 – Prosperity Knowledge
This book will take you further down the path of knowing the exact steps you will plan for and then take action with to have a prosperous life and one that will not leave you with regret at the end of your life…
Yet more invaluable advice and solid information that you can use to set yourself up for success. As an online marketer, it is very important to understand clearly what your goals are…
Why are you working at the things you are doing, what is the end game? What kind of successes will make you and those around you happy? What kind of life will live and what will people remember about you?
Lots of questions….Start getting the answers and living the answers by securing these books for yourself today. Simply click on the green button below to subscribe and you will be redirected to the download page for these two excellent training books!
OK, let’s wind this Lighter Post on Prosperity Knowledge up….This one was light but heavy because believe me, the lessons and changes that could be generated from this post for you could very well provide you a whole new outlook on life, and bring the prosperity that you are seeking, in a BIG way...
Today with this Lighter Side post we took a look at prosperity from a traditional then from a more introspective view…
We presented an example of a prosperous preacher who has gotten his wealth through questionable means, by being a “healer” and taking people’s hard-earned and likely sorely needed money, to live a lavish lifestyle at their expense.
If this first perspective of prosperity is your idea of the concept, then I can only say it is high time that you were exposed to the second view of what prosperity can and should be…
At the end of your life, as in the second video, you otherwise will likely have a LOT of regrets…
In any case, the idea is that your critical thinking kicks in and you start doing some introspection on what it is you want out of life and what prosperity represents for you.
Lastly, I offered you some free training in the form of two book that will help guide you as yo make a decision on what “prosperity” you will pursue…
I urge you to get the training, explore what prosperity is for you, and determine the steps to attain that lofty goal, and then start taking action to move in that direction.
Have fun and don’t have regrets later as you look back on your life!
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Note: I always ask the above from readers because I believe that we all learn when we provide feedback, share with one another, and discuss subjects…
Remember this site is all about that!
ABOUT DAVE: Dave has been involved in sales for 20 years with offline products and has been fortunate to have traveled the world while realizing up to $4 million USD a month in gross sales of products he promoted.
He has brought that experience to the online world and this is one of his online ventures. This site is intended to present ideas, products, tools, tips and more that will help all those seeking to make money online have success.
Subjects covered are diverse, but in totem, you can learn a lot about the things that you will need to have success with online business right here. This includes things to do and things NOT to do!
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