Table of Contents
- 1. Be relatable.
- 2. Emphasize your key points through repetition.
- 3. Keep a good sense of humor.
- 4. Actively listen.
- 5. Respond in a timely manner.
- 6. Remember that you’re always “on.”
- 7. Analogies are key.
- 8. Adapt readily to any situation.
- 9. Be present.
- 10. Find your own voice.
- 11. Write everything down.
- 12. Put your audience at ease.
- 13. Customize your communication style for each employee.
- 14. Ask before you speak.
Today with our lighter side post we are going to look at communication techniques we can use when you are conducting online marketing…
This is an important subject since so much of your success will depend on how you use the available communication tools at your disposal…
Since it is a lighter side post we will be adding in some fun videos to make a few points and reinforce the lessons that they provide and we can use…
No worries, this is not a long read, just a focus on the single subject…Of course, there are entire books and courses that are built around the subject of communication, but we will touch on the keys only today…
If you can remember and practice these few important elements of communication, you will be well on your way to success!
Let’s get started!
What is communication anyway? Before we talk about the psychology behind communication, it might be good to know exactly what we are talking about…
To me, communication is passing of information in some format from one person to another, or from a person to an animal, or from one government, etc.
Websters Dictionary defines communication as:
“The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else. : a message that is given to someone : a letter, telephone call, etc.”
Here is a popular video that talks about human interactions on a face to face level. This has lessons for us as online marketers that we will talk about after you have a look…
[videoframes src=”” skin=”37″ headline_text=”Body Language and Communication…” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
When we communicate, we do so with more than words or pictures…There are a number of other subtle ways that we add meaning to the information we pass on to others, or what we receive from others…
Some of these methods are very clear to observe, while others…not so much. The ones that are surface level are easier to see and understand, while others such as body language are not.
If you are a good communicator, it is likely that you either have taught yourself to read the hidden messages that you see around you, or you have a high skill level innately…
There are dangers in this world of communication, in that people can misinterpret what you are saying and come to the wrong conclusion as to what you said or meant.
Minimizing these mistaken interpretations is the goal in online marketing, as it is in most areas of your life. Think how many arguments could be avoided just by everyone having better communication skills…
The short and humorous video above focused mainly on body language, which IS a very important aspect of communication. People may say one thing, but their body language indicates something else at times.
To make sure that we are getting our message out in a manner that all will understand, we must make sure that what we are sending is congruent with all the means we use to communicate.
Our words cannot be saying one thing, while our other subtle means of communicating are saying something quite the opposite.
In the same way, the message that we send with our content, our landing pages, our ads, and even the lead magnets we may use should all convey one central theme…
If you are not careful to do this, the reader or prospect may get confused and will leave your pages…They may not even understand why, but they have a feeling, so leave…
That makes sense?
This is what online marketing is all about…Sending a message that people clearly understand and can take action on based on your clear content and calls to action…
Let’s go through some other important points…
So how can we implement the quick lessons on communication in our own online marketing business? Here are some general guiodelines mentioned in an article found in Inc magazine (link is at…
Here are some excerpts of general guidelines mentioned when it comes to communications in an article found in “Inc”. magazine…
==> 14 Best Practices For More Effective Communication <===
1. Be relatable.
Every successful CEO makes a special effort to get to know his or her team as individuals. Get into the practice of walking around your office or engaging in informal chats. Show interest in your constituents’ …–Alexandra Levit, Inspiration at Work
2. Emphasize your key points through repetition.
I’ve been in so many banquet halls listening to some of the greatest leaders in their industries today wax on about their approach, and what they say is brilliant — but I consistently have difficulty with remembering their key points…repeat key bullet points for emphasis…–Rob Fulton, Audio Luminaries
3. Keep a good sense of humor.
I like to make people laugh and naturally can relate a lot more to people when I do so. People open up with comedy — be careful, though, that you don’t go overboard or offend someone…–John Rampton, Due
4. Actively listen.
Part of great communication is actively listening. The best communicators I know are also the best listeners. By listening, you respect the person with whom you are speaking and you also hear and understand their point of view…–Andrew Thomas, SkyBell Video Doorbell
5. Respond in a timely manner.
Do your best to be extremely responsive to everyone, whether it is an employee, vendor or prospect. I answer questions and return phone calls as fast as possible, regardless of who it is. When you build up a reputation of responding quickly it doesn’t go unrewarded…–Jonathan Long, Market Domination Media
6. Remember that you’re always “on.”
You’re always on, no matter where you are. Everyone is always watching you and you should be prepared in everything you do…–Peter Daisyme, Hosting
7. Analogies are key.
Using analogies is an easy tool for great communication: they instantaneously put everyone on the same page and can help resolve [a] conflict. One person’s vision of “large” may be different than another…–Kim Kaupe,ZinePak
8. Adapt readily to any situation.
Oftentimes as the CEO you have a clear picture of where you want to be, how you want to get there and what steps are needed to achieve your goals. When communicating with others, you have to keep in mind that sometimes you have to adapt to the situation…–Stanley Meytin, True Film Production
9. Be present.
Great communicators are present for the people they are interacting with. That opens a channel for energy to flow and for people to feel heard and understood. Your presence is the greatest gift you have to offer…–Corey Blake, Round Table Companies
10. Find your own voice.
Use language that’s distinctly yours and let your own values come through when you’re communicating in your capacity as CEO. Definitely be professional, but don’t make your communication overly specific to a corporate environment; you won’t come across as real…Speak with your own voice–Jared Brown,Hubstaff
11. Write everything down.
Phone and in-person conversations are valuable, but because memories are so unreliable, I write down everything. Having a written record makes a big difference. Whatever the topic, write down the discussion and the agreement so you have a record…–Brian David Crane, Caller Smart Inc.
12. Put your audience at ease.
Great communicators have a way of disarming their audience in order to put them at ease. Ever notice President Obama’s use of the word “folks” instead of “people,” or how he intersperses his speeches with the phrase, “you know?” …–Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance
13. Customize your communication style for each employee.
Every employee has different styles of learning, so I make sure to communicate in different styles….–Jayna Cooke,EVENTup
14. Ask before you speak.
Rather than making assumptions or misinterpreting what a client or team member is thinking, I often ask. Especially when it comes to more complex scenarios, or when I assume there’s a potential disagreement. Perspective taking and confirmation [can lead] to better, more direct communication. –Andrew Fayad, eLearning Mind
These are some excellent tips from people who have been there and done that…I mean by this that they have experiences in their respective fields that has taught them what is important in regards to communication.
If you follow these general guidelines, you are likely to get in well with all aspects of your business. The people you have working directly around you, people outside your organiation that you interact with while conducting business, and even your direct family and relatives…
I think that these tips offer a good starting point and are very useful..but if you are to become a master at communicating you will need some further in-depth training.
As a student of communication myself over the years I have always sought to gather additional resources that I can use as I need for a brush up on tips, tools, and training to better my own skills…
I want to offer the same to you today so please read on…You have the chance to grab some right now for free or at a low cost!
I have gathered 4 useful books on communication for you. These will help you dig down deeper into the subject and what to do and not do….
Note that these cover different aspects of the subject, but are not intended to drill down into specific communication concerns you have as an online marketer, i.e. copywriting of email campaigns, text for landing pages, ads, blogs or the like…
Rather they cover different aspects of communication like dealing with difficult people, body language, persuasive communication, etc. They WILL help you however as you start to write or design your support documents and pages…
Specific training on communicating your message is better covered in explicit training on the areas, such as email copywriting, landing page development, etc.
Here is the list:
(1) Maximum Effective Communication
This book will provide lots of tips and advice to make the most of your communication on all levels. A good read, you will likely want to print it out and use the highlighter often as you go through it…
Next we have…
(2) High Impact Communications
Lots of lessons found in the book that will help you communicate using a more powerful and active voice. It is through practice that you get better at this, but you have a string starting point with this book.
Next there is…
(3) Body Language Mastery
The funny video above touches on some things when it comes body language, but the book goes into it in a LOT more detail and is a very interesting read throughout. There are a lot of AHA moments to be had…
Lastly, I have…

(5) Proper Business Etiquette
Possibly many of the points you think you already know, but there are likely some tidbits that will help you in one way or another. It is worth the time to read through this and compare your habits to what is recommended…Make some changes as may be required, and excel!
Bottom Line: So there you have it! Four books that will take your communication skills to the next level. As you absorb and use the many lessons, you will feel more confident and people around you will notice…
What Is The Cost For These Resources?
These are available today for the low cost of $19.95 for the bundle OR you can subscribe to my website and get them all free!
Once your purchase is confirmed or your subscription confirmed, you will be sent an email with the download information.
If you choose to pay, I have added a green button directly below. Click on that and you will be taken to a checkout page.
NOTE: Alternatively, if you would like to subscribe, please use the second button directly below the green button…
Today we took a quick look through our latest “lighter-side” post on the subject of communication. This is really a very important skill set to acquire and hone as you move forward.
It is something that you can get better at with practice, and continuing to study the subject will help you even more. None of us (or few) are born with magnificent communication skills…
We must learn to speak, learn how to put words and thoughts together, and then be able to send these to others in a manner that they can receive and understand.
In the online world especially, the choice and placement of words, graphics, videos used, and content that we create must all be congruent and support one another…
The manner in which we can do this effectively will have a great effect on the success or failure we have with our online marketing efforts!
So get busy, keep learning, practice, and have some fun while doing so!
Good luck!
Here is the final portion of many of my posts where I ask you for a just a little bit more of your time…Please consider taking the following actions:
(1) Rate This Post. You will see that I have a “star rating” tool at the top of the page, under the title and to the left side… Please give me a star rating to let me know what you thought of this post on communication (5-star is better, 1-star is…not so good!).
(2) Share The Post. This takes as little time as step one! If you liked the post please share it…I have added some social sharing buttons on the top-right side of this page just for this purpose…
(3) Comment Below. This is my last request…Please take just a few more moments to add in your personal thoughts on communication in the comment section directly below. I ask this because I believe that we all learn when we share and discuss…That is what this site is all about!
That’s it, and thanks so muche…Oh yes, do stop by again!
Dave has been involved in sales for 20 years with offline products and has been fortunate to have traveled the world while realizing up to $4 million USD a month in gross sales of products he promoted.
He has brought that experience to the online world and this is one of his online ventures. This site is intended to present ideas, products, tools, tips and more that will help all those seeking to make money online have success.
Subjects covered are diverse, but in totem, you can learn a lot about the things that you will need to have success with online business right here. This includes things to do and things NOT to do!
Proper communication via any method is very important nowadays. I agree with all of your points. It is very important to have a positive presence and show interest in everything and everyone. Only then will we be approachable. I have a website and would love to read the books you are recommending. I will look into them. Thanks for the great information!
HI Reyhana, Thanks for stopping by and you can get access to the books no problem. The link will be up soon (working this now) and a free download will be there…Communication is a cor competency from my experience since starting work so many years ago. Too many people do not understand the importance or are not interested, they just muddle their way through….Cheers! Dave : )
The is a place full of adequate information which has helped me alot with customer care. The information I found in etiquette has been of great help to restructure my sales team on how to apply etiquette towards customers and it has really improved my customer care service.
Continue providing us with such relevant information.
Hi Jose,
Thanks for stopping by first of all, I do enjoy reading through the comments and ideas that others have here…Communication is something that has interested me since I was a young lad. It kind of dovetails or complements another training I have here called storytelling…You can find the link here: The Lighter Side – Day Fifteen – The Power Of Telling A Story – that lighter side post taps into a technique that is VERY powerful…It will capture people’s attention and help you build trust and credibility…Communication skills are something all of us can work on….Cheers! Dave : )