Easy, Simple, & Effective Whiteboard Marketing Video

 INTRODUCTION You are likely familiar with the term whiteboard videos when it comes to online marketing. These simple videos are effective, fast to create, and are enjoyed and viewed by your viewers. Sometimes they can go viral and get you a LOT of attention. That is a good and desirable outcome in our business! This is why I thought a post on animated videos would be helpful for everyone. Just because you have heard of these does not mean that you know how to put them together or understand where they come from. I myself was in the dark when […]


INTRODUCTION Individuals or small companies can effectively use videos, do so to a greater or lesser degree, and sometimes lack ideas on how best to incorporate these into their overall marketing program… There is a great source for inspiration right in front of them if they will only look. That source is the large corporations that seek to use videos as a major segment of their marketing program, brands like Coka-Cola, Nike, Addidas, etc. Large corporates benefit even more, potentially, than the smaller companies, or individual marketers, mainly because of this brand recognition and their ability to take advantage that […]

Income Opportunity – Video Marketing Services

Introduction Video use for marketing continues to grow, in 2015 more than ever. I reviewed several sites and reports that were posted this year, and the statistics support what I am saying…There is a lot of money being made in this market segment, and YOU need to be involved and get your share! So today, I’ll expand a bit on some of the statistics I found,  explain how you can stay ahead of the game, and achieve success with your program, setting yourself up to make some income from sales or commissions, no matter which segment of online marketing you […]


* This video was created by a Wealthy Affiliate member Guy Ludig and can be found HERE… Hi Everyone! This is just a quick check in today, but while here, I wanted to show you the capabilities of VideomakerFX, and also connect or lead you to what I consider to be the best site available to learn how to do this online marketing business (Wealthy Affiliate)! This is a very simple yet effective video that really gets the point across quickly…The brilliance lies in its simplicity for me…Today many people simply do not have the time or do not take […]