Easy, Simple, & Effective Whiteboard Marketing Video

 INTRODUCTION You are likely familiar with the term whiteboard videos when it comes to online marketing. These simple videos are effective, fast to create, and are enjoyed and viewed by your viewers. Sometimes they can go viral and get you a LOT of attention. That is a good and desirable outcome in our business! This is why I thought a post on animated videos would be helpful for everyone. Just because you have heard of these does not mean that you know how to put them together or understand where they come from. I myself was in the dark when […]


INTRODUCTION Individuals or small companies can effectively use videos, do so to a greater or lesser degree, and sometimes lack ideas on how best to incorporate these into their overall marketing program… There is a great source for inspiration right in front of them if they will only look. That source is the large corporations that seek to use videos as a major segment of their marketing program, brands like Coka-Cola, Nike, Addidas, etc. Large corporates benefit even more, potentially, than the smaller companies, or individual marketers, mainly because of this brand recognition and their ability to take advantage that […]


INTRODUCTION You KNOW that customers want more than to read about your products, they also want to see what they are and how they perform to solve their problem or need. They also want to hear from you why you are selling the product or service, what you think about it, and any advice you’ve got. Put another way, they want video! In that light, marketers are always looking for ways to crank up their video marketing program… Today you have arrived at the right place, because here I have compiled a list of ideas that you can pick and choose […]

Learn Easily How To Blab to Increase Business

INTRODUCTION Today I want to show and tell you about a free tool that can help your online marketing business be more effective and grow. The tool is called ‘Blab.’ Having tried it myself, running it through its paces, I can say this is indeed a tool that has legs to go and grow as a social media platform and it CAN help your online marketing efforts on a number of different fronts The program is a bit like a combination of Google Hangouts, Twitter, Skype, and the old AOL chat rooms of the 90s – put these together in […]