Table of Contents
- First, let’s look at the history of e-commerce…
- Here is a short video that is another look at the history of e-commerce:
- Now l would like to point out to you some of the current trends in e-commerce…
- Lastly, let’s look at one last infographic that sums up what it takes to get started tapping into this huge opportunity that lies in front of you:
- Bottom Line: You Should Be In E-Commerce Today (If You Aren’t Already)
This is a review of a training program that I am offering to the public. The subject is e-commerce, certainly a great way to make money very rapidly from online business activities.
Of course, this may not be anything new, hearing that you can make money online using the big sites such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc. The problem for many is that they do not know how to get started, or they may have tried and failed for one reason or another.
When starting a new venture it is smart to get some guidance on how to do it properly. That is what this training course does. It starts at the very beginning and takes you through to advanced techniques of getting a successful sales site in place.
There are two levels of training offered:
(1) A basic package and,
(2) An upgraded deluxe version of the training…
While the basic training will provide you a lot of valuable information, the deluxe version will offer you additional content that will further help you on your e-commerce journey…
Let’s start by looking at the details of the product…
Name Of Product: E-Commerce Firesale
Developer: Dave Sweney
Cost Of Product:
One Time $19.95 or $29.95 for Deluxe Version
MY RATING: 10/10
You can purchase the training immediately using the green button directly below here, or continue on to read my tutorial and review of e-commerce and this training package…
Here is the link to purchase the basic package for $19.95 or the upgrade for a “bundle”price of $29.95. After your purchase payment is confirmed you will be redirected to a download page.
If you have any problems, just drop me a line at dave@davesweney or to my team at
I want to mention and show you some facts and figures on online e-commerce sales…These will convince you that not only is e-commerce here to stay, but the market is going to continue to grow.
Let’s look at some infographics, since I like the way they compress a LOT of information into a small space…These will help you understand more completely just what the market looks like today and where it is going…
First, let’s look at the history of e-commerce…
This infographic ends with data from 2014, but the evolution of e-commerce has not! As you can see, from its humble beginnings, the e-commerce sales has changed a lot from where it started!
Here is a short video that is another look at the history of e-commerce:
[videoframes src=”” skin=”48″ controls=”1″ headline_text=”What Is E-Commerce???” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
Now l would like to point out to you some of the current trends in e-commerce…
This infographic is provided by Volusion and it clearly shows that the market today is bigger than ever for e-commerce. This is not a fully developed niche that is not going anywhere, quite the opposite is true!
Lastly, let’s look at one last infographic that sums up what it takes to get started tapping into this huge opportunity that lies in front of you:
This infographic covers a combination of the e-commerce phenomenon and a second one that involves the use.
Today more than half the time people spend on the internet is done while using their mobile devices. This is natural, given the more than a billion mobile devices there are being used globally…
For many people, mobile may be the ONLY way they can access the internet! They are doing all the things that you can do, to include shopping!
Bottom Line: You Should Be In E-Commerce Today (If You Aren’t Already)
It’s likely no surprise to hear that an online business can reach a wide target audience…Yes, that audience is global and can be literally billions in size!
Even if you are doing affiliate marketing, online training, or selling your own products, adding an e-commerce business revenue stream can explode your business growth!
You can potentially reach customers in every corner of the world in less populated areas, or areas like subway stations, street corners, or other public places where no store exists!
Are you short on money and need to sell things using a low-cost solution? No worries because running an online business requires little to no cash! No need to hire employees and no heavy monthly expenses like rent, utilities, and insurance!
OK, I think you now have an idea why I am offering this training to you today. You can tap into this huge market and make some good money online, freeing yourself up for other more fun things like travel, family, and hobbies…
But how do I do this you may be asking…Please read on…
Please read on…
The best way to get started is to:
(1) Decide how you will approach this opportunity,
(2) Get some good training on doing it correctly,
(3) Develop a plan using the training, and
(4) Execute your plan.
(5) Make adjustments to your business as it grows and your knowledge continues to grow…
It all sounds simple, I know. But it can be hard unless you have some idea of all the many things to cover. The training I am reviewing today covers what you need and more…
Here is a breakdown of what this training course provides:
E-Commerce Firesale is a 40-part PDF training course on how anyone can start an e-commerce business on popular and commonly known platforms like Shopify, Amazon, Alibaba and eBay.
I collated this training not only to end the struggles that most newbies face when building an online business but also to serve as a “go-to” master guide for the experienced e-commerce marketers.
I want everyone to learn how to stand out from the competition and make a name for themselves in the world of online marketing.
This training is something I wished that I HAD when I first started out, so I have collated this and am offering it as a package for you today…
Here are some details of the modules…
Part 1: Amazon
1. Why Be An Amazon Affiliate?
2. How To Register For Amazon Affiliate Program
3. How To Get Amazon Affiliate Approval
4. How To Identify Bestsellers On Amazon
5. Keywords Research (Google Adwords, Google Trend)
6. Your Amazon Affiliate Site Blueprint
7. Ultimate Copy Formula For Your Website Post
8. How To Get Traffic To Your Amazon Affiliate Site
9. How To Optimize Your Landing Page
10. How To Scale Your Amazon Affiliate Business
Part 2: eBay
1. Why eBay?
2. Setting Up Your eBay Store
3. How To Identify Hot Selling Products?
4. Essential eBay Vendor Tools
5. How To Source Items?
6. How To Sell On eBay?
7. Shipping Logistics
8. Price Point Strategy On eBay
9. eBay Traffic Building Strategies
10. How To Scale Your eBay Business
Part 3: Shopify
1. Shopify At A Glance
2. Getting Started With Shopify
3. How To Set Up Your Shopify E-store
4. How To Identify Hot Selling Products For Your Shopify Store
5. Shopify Optimization
6. Launching Your E-store
7. How To Generate Traffic To Shopify
8. How To Optimize Your Store
9. Shopify Apps To Drive More Traffic
10. How To Start Your Affiliate Program As A Vendor
Part 4: Starting Your E-Commerce Website
1. Why You Should Start Your Own E-Commerce Business
2. Social Media Content Strategy
3. Targeting Your Traffic
4. Using Live Chat Services
5. How To Build Your E-Commerce Mailing List
6. Building Up Your Affiliate Army
7. Retargeting Marketing
8. Logistics Outsourcing
9. O-To-O (Online To Offline)
10. Secrets To Boosts Your E-Commerce Sales
There is one upgrade offer that will add to the basic package of training materials you get with the front end purchase, This upgrade is offered for an additional $9.95 and includes video, audio and more materials that can be used to get even more out of the training.
This upgrade is not required, but it will help the person that may like to watch videos or listen to audio recordings of the training over the text content found in the basic package.
OK, now you may be thinking “But Dave, I can find all this information by doing a simple Google search?”It is true that with time and effort, you may be able to get the information you need in bits and pieces this way…
But do you really want to spend your valuable time looking for a solution in many places and pasting it all together when you simply can get it all right here?
And get it right now…That is a definite plus point.
The second plus point is that the cost is not prohibitive at all, For the price of a meal for your family, you can secure the training you need to provide an entire better life for your family!
There are no negatives regarding this training. Having it at your side as you plan for your own e-commerce stores and then deploy your stores means you will have answers available to you at any time!
My Personal Thoughts:
Here’s the thing…
Above you see a screenshot of my and my partner’s e-commerce store. This is the first of many sites that will be opened and over time, we will have items from throughout the world offered on a regional basis from each site.
So I am not just selling you a bag of rocks today. I truly am convinced that e-commerce is a viable way to make money online and that everyone should be doing it!
Here is one more shot so you can have another look:
The store is located at if you care to look at it yourself, and the logo we have is below so you remember this training and website when you come across it in your internet travels!
You can even do fun things like creating sales videos that promote your site or products you are selling…
See two of the cool videos we put together that advertises our page below…
[videoframes src=”” skin=”17″ controls=”1″ headline_text=”Brand Building Video for Memories In A Box” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
This one is a hit too….
[videoframes src=”” skin=”17″ controls=”1″ headline_text=”Minions and Memories In A Box!!!” headline_color=”#000000″ headline_size=”22″]
Now you can see evidence that e-commerce can work either using your own products or other products using a niche website and Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Walmart or other store items and getting paid for sales on a commission basis.
Using this done for you training package, you can get right to the learning stage and then get started creating your own e-commerce stores…
Not only can you make money, you can have some fun while doing so!
Why THIS package?
You will get started faster, easier, more completely, and have confidence knowing that when you get stuck you have some materials to refer back to…
If you are seriously interested in turning things around in your life then this could very well be the most important (and not to mention exciting!) training that you’ll see offered today!
Making the decision to take action and purchase, then use it can be an ultimate game-changer that you’ve been looking for with your online business efforts!
Just follow these easily learnable tried and tested methods and you might just be recognized as the next online marketing superstar and be the envy of your peers!
Everything is possible if you believe and work at it!
Bottom Line: This training offers high value for a very low cost. It can help you get started with e-commerce or it can improve your current e-commerce effort. It will give you insight on what other top marketers are doing so you can emulate their actions and quickly become a known entity and brand. This is another “strong buy” in my opinion…
I am glad you asked (smile)….If you did not get it using the green button above at the start of this review, look right below – you can buy it using this green buy button!
Remember that implementing the guidance found in this training course you can then take concrete steps that will help you break out of the norm and ordinary and step into the unknown – the world of success, recognition, and financial freedom…
Remember also that knowledge is power…Using that power you can make positive changes in your life and make a difference in the lives around you as well!
Here is the link to purchase the basic package for $19.95 or the upgrade for a “bundle”price of $29.95. After your purchase payment is confirmed you will be redirected to a download page.
If you have any problems, just drop me a line at dave@davesweney or to my team at
Today we covered a training package called E-Commerce Firesale that I have collated and offering through my website. This training helps both a newbie as well as someone that is already using e-commerce.
The training is in an easy to follow format and the deluxe version of the training offers upgrades such as audio, visual, and even more training materials.
I rated this as a strong buy because it delivers what it promises, and if used correctly, will allow the person looking for ways to make money online to quickly and successfully get started.
Best of luck and let me know how you are doing once you get this training!
This section is one I always add to my posts, articles, or reviews on this website…This is where I ask you for a bit of your time to do the following……
(1) Rate this review. I have a star rating element at the top of this page (right under the title and to the left side)… Let me know what you thought through giving me a rating (5-star is better, 1-star is…not so good!).
(2) Share the review. If my review was helpful, consider sharing it with your friends…I have added some social sharing buttons near the top-right side of this page for this purpose…
(3) Add your comment. Take just a few more moments and add your thoughts on e-commerce in the comment section below. I believe we all learn when we share and discuss subjects…I look forward to reading what you have to say!
That’s it, and thanks in advance…
Dave has been involved in sales for 20 years with offline products and has been fortunate to have traveled the world while realizing up to $4 million USD a month in gross sales of products he promoted.
He has brought that experience to the online world and this is one of his online ventures. This site is intended to present ideas, products, tools, tips and more that will help all those seeking to make money online have success.
Subjects covered are diverse, but in totem, you can learn a lot about the things that you will need to have success with online business right here. This includes things to do and things NOT to do!
you’re website is pretty neat and informative. Except for the part at the near bottom where you highlight a final opinion about the product. It shows as overlapping with the Social sharing buttons. But other than that, I like what you did on your website. It doesn’t look promotional but it looks to be a source of knowledge for everyone wanting to know more about e-commerce. All the best!
Hi Bibokid,
Thanks for the comments on the website, and that is the intention…The site is focused on providing tips, tools, training, and ideas on how to make money online…
This latest review is on e-Commerce, and I believe so strongly that it is a market segment that anyone can join and should join that I put together this training package to help people get started…
Adding to the case is showing my e-Commerce site to the readers so they can see it can be done with a little work…
Please stop by again, there is a lot of other good information that may help your own online marketing efforts!
Dave : )
Neat review. I have a lot of the sites listed here. Looks like it would be beneficial even for someone who has those sites as well. Is this something you came up with? And do you show how to drive traffic to your e-commerce pages? That would be useful as well. Looks like a good training, from the review. Will have to bookmark this page. Also, does it cover Etsy? I know you have Shopify, Ebay, and Amazon, but have you thought about Etsy? Would it work for that site as well?
Hi Wanda,
Thanks for your positive comment. Yes there is traffic training as well included as part of the course. Of coure a full blown course on PPC would be more helpful I think, because that is one of the main ways to drive traffic to your sites as you know…
You suggestion to add Etsy is a good one, I will gather what I have and add that in as an additional component to the training. This is training that I have gathered through my own experience and collated to create the bundle…
There are many ways to make money using e-Commerce, and I think that more people should consider using the potential it offers. The best way to maximize the potential of the internet for your business is to create mulitiple streams of income…
One does not have to go all the way like I have in regards to selling my own products, because that involves a lot of money and time. Using the platforms mentioned and covered in the training, you can create a steady and reliable source of income from commissions while selling others’ products!
Please do come by again, there is likely other training and information that would help you for your online marketing business!
Dave : )
Neat review. I have a lot of the sites listed here. Looks like it would be beneficial even for someone who has those sites as well. Is this something you came up with? And do you show how to drive traffic to your e-commerce pages? That would be useful as well. Looks like a good training, from the review. Will have to bookmark this page. Also, does it cover Etsy? I know you have Shopify, Ebay, and Amazon, but have you thought about Etsy? Would it work for that site as well? And does it cover pictures? I hate taking pictures of my stuff. I never seem to have time to take professional pictures of the items. I make the items, I don’t take pictures of them very well. Maybe something about taking pictures would help. I guess I will just have to get the package to see.