Table of Contents
Niche Reaper is the third version of a keyword research tool that I purchased recently and was so impressed with after using it that I decided to ask the developer to promote it to my subscribers and visitors to the site…
This tool It does what it says it will and more. Over the past two weeks, I have put it through its paces to see how it would work for real life marketing, and it has performed admirably.
So today I want to describe to you why, from a hands-on perspective, why this program is a valuable tool that you can really use to develop niches that have a huge potential in regards to sales/commissions along with low competition. to monetize fast, effectively, and using niches and keywords that have a higher potential.
Why would you be interested in finding these niches? Simply put, it is hard enough to make a go of it in the online marketing business, and every bit of advantage you can use to leverage the process is something you need to consider using.
So let’s get started, and let me tell you why I am so impressed with this software tool, and also show you some screenshots of it in action. I am excited to be able to bring this to you today, can you tell? If not read on and see for yourself!
NAME OF PRODUCT: Niche Reaper v 3.0
DEVELOPERS: Matt Garrett
COST OF PRODUCT: $ 147 USD, One Time
MY RATING: 10/10
Keyword Research Tool
This is basically a tool that scans the major search engines, constantly looking for keywords that fit a specific set of criteria as set up in the tool’s algorithms.
More detailed information is included below, but suffice it to say that using this keyword tool, you will be getting to “what to sell” and “how to sell” (keywords to use) faster than any other tool that is available, and the keywords provided are current, as opposed to buying a list of keywords that may be old or irrelevant.
Points of Difference From Other Keyword Tools
I have used many search engines and this is one of the most fun, and quickly gets down to the basics of what we are really looking for as niche marketers or affiliate marketers.
The Niche Reaper web-based software is constantly looking for new good keywords to use in many niches and has a large amount of recent effective niche keywords ready to use…
Other effective keyword tools are much harder to use, require more work to get to effective keywords, and although perhaps other programs will give you more information and details., these tidbits will not help you quickly focus in on the important thing: WHAT to sell, or what exact keywords to use, without going through a long series of refined searches…It takes time and is tedious
These tidbits provided by the other search tools will not help you quickly focus in on the important thing: WHAT to sell, or what exact keywords to use, without going through a long series of refined searches…
With the other programs, it takes time and is tedious to get the keyword research done…Not so with Niche Reaper!
Not so with Niche Reaper!
This is a slick and easy to use tool that works behind the scenes to show you keywords and long tailed keywords to use that will easily be able to be ranked and monetized.
It even lets you know if there is an available “” domain available or a related Facebook fanpage. It’s exactly what I was waiting for , and I am sure you will feel the same once you see this tool in action.
Basically, it gets you quicker to the “what to sell.” A lot of training programs out there will tell you LOTs about “how to do online marketing,” but the “what to focus on to sell” portion of selling is left for you to determine.
They send you to a keyword tool that is complicated to use, hard to understand and counts on you knowing a little bit about what you are looking for to start drilling down to good potential keywords.
One of the biggest problems facing many Beginner and Intermediate level Internet Marketers is knowing what can be a profitable niche and how to go about choosing the right one or right ones…
Niche Reaper takes care of this problem admirably – It scrapes over 50,000 keywords a days, tests them, eliminates the majority that fail the varied tests, and those that remain is what you see on your screen- over 20,000 new keywords daily.
The screen you have on your dashboard has the keyword information by categories, source, keyword, whether or not a domain using .com is available, whether or not there is already a facebook fan page, etc.
The keywords are further grouped together into relevant “Niches” with the number of available qualified keywords, estimated traffic volume, the level of competetion for the keyword, and monthly monetization value for each niche laid out in front of you.
This means you can go after many keywords at once and dominate that niche. Now you can own entire markets instead of fighting it out on individual keywords. All in one place, fast and easy.
You can further add filters to refine your results even more using the different categories and setting filters to eliminate the keywords that are not the best of the best, according to your requirements.
These filter settings can be saved for later use, saving you time yet again. This is one more reason to get this program. I have found many viable keywords and niches I would NEVER have come across if I had not had this tool, and that for only two weeks!
No more Google Keywords, no more Market Samurai, no more keywords research. All you need to do is get on with building your websites and your fan pages, catch the available traffic and monetize it. Doesn’t that sound easy?
The algorithm uses a bot to search through Wikipedia articles, Google News, Google Search, WordPress, Reddit, AOL, Hotlists, etc. and scrapes the best keywords found to compile a list of 50 to 60 thousand keywords a day.
The tool then goes through a series of checks on the keywords to see if they will meet the strict and high standard set by the algorithms, and those that do not meet the standard are also eliminated.
The algorithm checks the 50 to 60 thousand keywords it finds from the various sources with SEMRUSH for quality – if the keyword being checked does not appear in the paid search metrics it is discarded.
At this stage, 90% of the initial list of keywords are eliminated…
Next keywords showing an initial seach volume of 1000+ searches per month and having a cost per click rate of at least $0.25 are passed through for further research. Everything else is rejected. This leaves approximately 5000 pre-validated keywords for full
By this time, there are approximately 5000 keywords available for further research.
Other checks made include domain availability, Facebook fan page availability, related domain availability, and the number of keyword related video listings in Google are checked.
Why It Is So Effective
Because of the many filters used to eliminate keywords that do not meet their strict criteria, you are left with the ones that DO pass the tests. This means all the legwork you used to have to go through is now done for you.
Site Building and Flipping
Because you can buy a related domain (possibly), build a site using the group of niche words you have that you KNOW are low competition, high value and easy to monetize, you could have an entire business based around site building and flipping.
Affiliate Marketing
This tool will help you quickly determine which products will sell well using Clickbank, Commission Junction, JVZoo, or other eCommerce related affiliate network depending on the niche.
Using this tool and some others that can get you free or low-cost traffic, you can know that the niche is going to get you a high rate of conversions and commissions.
Targeted Facebook Pages
Using keyword rich pages, you can pull in social traffic that can, in turn, be driven to your sales pages or site to convert your offers to sales. Using Niche Reaper, you can maximize this process getting HUGE amounts of traffic for free!
OTO 1 Content Reaper $47
Content Reaper. In some ways similar to niche reaper, this tool will find the best content on the internet from typing in the keyword you are looking for content for.
It is a complementary product to niche reaper, and will provide you ample material FAST to gather information to write your own content for a subject. easy to use and inexpensive, I think this tool will also pay for itself quickly, particularly if you are not a person that can put words to paper easily.
OTO 2 Angel Link Pro $27 – $47
This tool gets rid of the horrible looking affiliate links. It is more or less a link cloaker, and you can add links to get your branding out.
There are other tools that will do the same thing, so this one is not as good a value for me personally.
But I do urge you to have such a tool, it is just a mark of a professional when you pay attention to such detail. It is a reflection of you.
The ease of use and quality of the results make this a no brainer for me. The other thing that I like is the speed that you can get to “what to focus on.” This tool will save you hours and hours of keyword research.
Also, you can move forward with a LOT more confidence that your efforts will bear fruit, as opposed to using some of the other programs where your process to determine on what to focus your effort on will give you results that may or may not be accurate.
The algorithms included in the tool mean a series of tests are used to get to the really best keywords, with no doubt, giving you peace of mind that you are not wasting your time with all the other work that goes in to developing a niche site for monetization.
The only con that I can think of would be the price. But that is NOT so high compared to the competition, which is in the same price range. It is a lot of money to put out at one time, but it will save you many times over the cost in saved wasted efforts that result in few sales.
As I said, I have been using this tool for the last two weeks and have found at least 20 niches with a huge amount of potential, and I have only picked the best of the best. There were hundreds more that would also work well…
This tool will provide you an endless supply of fresh hot keywords to use in your online marketing program. There is nothing I have found like it, so my experience has been VERY positive, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to any serious online marketer.
There have been many very positive testimonials over and above mine for this tool…
I have used at least a dozen keyword research tools over the past year, and have FINALLY come up with this one that is the ONLY one I use on a regular basis now.
As you can see from the content above, this program WORKS well, is EASY to use, and is VERY effective. There is no doubt that once you start to use this, you will not use any other keyword tool to the extent you will this one.
The cost has gone up to a comporable rate to other quality keyword research programs on the market, it has fewer bells and whistles that some of the others may have, but it is super easy to use and navigate through,.
Please consider adding in your thoughts below in the comment section. I always ask for this at the end of my posts and reviews because it helps all of us learn when we do so. It takes a minute nd you could be helping someone out for a lifetime! Thanks in advance!