Table of Contents
- (1) Free eBook
Fiverr has been around for a few years now, over 5 to be exact. in terms of the internet, this is a long time! One of the reasons they are so successful is that the site serves both sides of a sale.
They make it easy for someone that has a particular skill or skill-set to offer their services to a marketplace that gets huge amounts of traffic from ready buyers.
Today I am going to provide a tutorial so you understand the concept of Fiverr and how you can tap into this growing market. Many people will tell you there are too many people selling their services, you no longer can compete.
I will tell you this is not the case, and show you examples of why this is still a way for you to realize a sizeable income, and that fairly quickly…
At the end, you will have access to additional training for free, and lastly to an eCourse that will get you started on the way to making some fast cash with your online marketing efforts.
OK, Let’s get started…
NAME OF PRODUCT: Fiverr Frenzy
Bonanza Package
DEVELOPER: Dave Sweney
COST OF PRODUCT: Front End Offer: $7.95
One Time Offer # 1: $9.95
One Time Offer # 2: $9.95
MY RATING: 10/10
This course is a combination of my experiences, some free additional information I have gathered for your use in one convenient location, and training that you will have access to, some free and some paid…
I am calling it the Fiverr Frenzy Bonanza Package because it consists of more than just a tutorial, an eBook, or a course. It combines these items plus extra tools and tips I am providing to you so right from the start you can make money.
Over time, using one or more of the strategies I am offering as part of the advanced level of the course, you will be able to ramp up your earnings, while outsourcing more of your work.
Essentially you will learn to develop an almost passive source of income through Fiverr that will require some maintenance, but even most of that you can outsource!
That is the holy grail for many people, because it allows them more time with their families or loved ones, and they have more time to do the things they want rather than doing the things they must.
Also, I should add here that there are some included bonuses that will help you more to get up to speed with Fiverr and over time implement strategies that will allow you to increase your income dramatically.
So before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about what Fiverr is and where it came from?
Fiverr has an inspiring story as to how it grew to where it is today, the number one site where sellers and buyers can meet to safely conclude transactions…
The Beginnings
First of all, in case you have not heard about Fiverr, it is essentially a marketplace where sellers and buyers can get together to exchange products and services for payment.
The site serves as a go-between, giving assurance to both sides of any transaction that they will get what they are looking for.
Their coverage is global and online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed, from which it gets its name.
Fiverr’s sources of business for both sides of transactions come from people globally, and as the name suggests, most of the services begin at a price of $5 per job performed. Of course, this is how Fiverr got its name.
Currently, Fiverr lists well over three million services that range between $5 and $500 per job, and there is no shortage of ready buyers for those services as the brand name and their reputation has grown.
The Company
Fiverr was founded in 2009, so it has been around for a long time in internet terms, as companies come and fade quite quickly in this online world.
The two co-founders were Shai Wininger and Micha Kaufmann. It is headquartered in TelAviv, Israel, and it was Wininger that came up with the concept for providing an online platform that could serve both sides of online digital transactions.
They went live in 2010, and by 2012 were handling over 1.2 million gigs (this is what they call a job) a year. They take a handling fee from each transaction, in return for providing the platform and the assurances for both sides of transactions.
Since 2011, the increase in gigs (transactions) has increased over 600%, and the site is one of the top 100 sites in the USA and in the top 150 sites globally since 2013.
They have expanded from a domain and site to the smartphone app market, with both apple and android being covered. Microsoft is likely soon to follow if it is not already…
I would say to them: Mission accomplished! They have taken an idea and grown it into a super successful business that is helping many thousands of people daily, both sellers and buyers.
They have built this business out in a very smart manner…
As with any market, there is bound to be some growing pains, and some of the services may be a bit questionable, such as “free traffic” or “app reviews” or “product reviews” gig offers for eCommerce products and sites that sellers post – for a fee, of course.
In fact, in 2015, Amazon took Fiverr to court over just this, alleging that some purveyors were selling fake reviews of their products, potentially skewing the market for such items. This was settled and Fiverr is trying to remove such questionable gigs…
Nonetheless, the company is continuing to grow and has more visibility than ever, and it has become the number one place for facilitating such transactions.
There are other sites that offer similar services, but they simply do not get the traffic, and largely you are not getting full value for your time and effort. Fiverr is the way to go, in my opinion.
How To Get Started With Fiverr
It is quite simple, but the devil is in the details, as my mother used to say.
There are some things you have to do, and some that you will want to do when you start…
But is Fiverr even worth your time and effort?
Let’s have a look…
Whether you are new to online marketing, a somewhat experienced marketer who is making money already online, or an advanced marketer that is making a full-time income from your online activities, Fiverr can be useful…
It can make you money, it can help build your name, and it can build your brand….All useful positives for your online business!
The tactics you use with Fiverr will change over time as you move from a newbie just starting out as a gig provider on Fiverr to a more experienced and well-known provider that has a good reputation for providing what is offered on time and as described in your offers.
There are the basic steps to get registered and set up, and these you can get from the site itself, They are easy to follow, do not take a lot of time, and you will be up and preparing gig offers.
However, there are plenty of tips, tools, advice, tactics, systems, and advice that you should pay attention to and take action on that will leverage your humble start as a seller on Fiverr into a significant source of income on a regular basis.
Especially now, as the site has matured over the years, competition is fierce, and to stand out from the crowds of gig providers all looking to make a quick buck, you need to research and act on the tips that will work for you.
Is it worth the effort? Bottom line, yes it is. I say this because you can use Fiverr in a number of ways beyond the $5 gigs and any upsells you may be able to do yourself. This is where the site in interesting and has so much potential.
Using it, you can build up a source of passive income, putting almost the entire business on autopilot, and with very little effort on your part make a decent amount of money monthly.
You can also build your name, reputation, your brand, and increase traffic to other sites that you may have content where you will make more income from sales of products and services…
THIS is why you should get involved with Fiverr!
I thought a lot about what to include in the package, and having access to some of the other offers I have seen knew that most were missing one thing or another.
You needed to buy too many parts to get a whole. By this I mean that you could not get everything you needed in one package. This meant that you wasted time, effort, and money buying pieces here and there…
Therefore, I was careful to include everything available from beginner to advanced for the training package. Of course, this is split into modules so that perhaps the beginner, who is not ready for the advanced concepts, can get started with minimal outlay.
The intermediate to advanced Fiverr user has an idea of how the Fiverr system works, so is not in need of the basic course. Their interests lie in how to better leverage what is possible using the system.
Therefore, the advanced portions of the course include as many different tools, tips, and ideas on how to do just that. It is likely that the marketer may be using one or more of what is found in the course, but unlikely that they are using all of them.
Also, to get people interested, I decided to start out writing this lengthy tutorial and add to it some free training. This is combined with the review for this package so all who stop by can fully understand what is being offered.
What You Will Learn
There is a lot that is included in this course, and I wanted to touch on some of what you will have access to when you purchase this course package.
Here is some of what you will learn in the basic course…
(1) How to create a Fiverr account
(2) Ways to generate more traffic to your profile
(3) How to Optimize Your Profile
(4) How to create gigs general
(5) How to create gig extras general
How To Create Gig Extras
(1) First Level
(a) Attain a 30 day Active Status
(b) You Complete Delivery Of At Least 10 orders
(c) Maintain a 4-star Rating or Above
(d) Ensure that you keep a low cancellation rate
(2) Second Level
(a) You Complete Delivery of 50 Orders Minimum In 2 Months
(b) You maintain a 4.5 stars rating or above
(c) Your cancellation rate stays low
(3) Third Level
(a) Your high star rating continues
(b) You are recognized for showing exceptional customer care
(c) As with the other levels, you have a low cancellation rate
(d) You Show a High Level of Leadership
(e) Your volume of sales remains high
Work hard to get determine what it is that people are willing to pay extra for, things like promptness, more of something, or additional services that will complement the basic gig…
How To Generate Traffic To Your Profile
There are a number of ways to get traffic, some are white-hat (completely legitimate) and you will hear about other gray or black hat methods.
My recommendation is to stick with the white hat (allowed and ethical) methods…Here are just a few:
(1) You can promote your Fiverr gigs using social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
(2) You can join groups or forums on Facebook or on websites that are related to Fiverr. There you can learn and contribute…
(3) Definitely, one thing you want to do is to accumulate as many positive reviews as you can get. This is so important today as more and more people want to see what others are thinking about your service.
Remember that one bad review can ruin 20 good ones…
(4) You need to pick a target niche for the gigs you will offer. What is your specialty or specialties? What are your interests? What can you do for others where they would be willing to pay you for your effort?
It may be wise to use a mind mapping exercise to determine what is best to offer. You can find a tutorial right on this site for that…Click below to view it:
===> Mind Mapping <===
(5) Consider putting together a marketing campaign or campaigns to get the word out on your gigs. This could include PPC, Solo Ads, or the like. This is a whole other area of expertise, so my suggestion is that you get some education so you do not lose money…
There are more that you will learn about in the training package, but it does give you an idea on where to start, This is key, by the way…Get Started!
How To Get 5 Star Rating
(1) This may seem obvious, but it is worth mentioning…Always deliver top quality product to your clients.
In fact, I recommend the following in this regard…
(2) Try to over deliver every time. If they ask for 5 of something, give them 7!
Make the client happy, and you will be happy…
How To Optimize Your Profile
(1) Always display your best seller gig offer you have so potential clients will see it clearly first
(2) When you add a profile picture, choose one that will present you or your business in a professional manner, remember that first impressions are lasting impressions, so make this count.
(3) Develop and use a simple one-line statement that best represents you and your services. This needs to be succinct and impactful, you have literally a micro-second of attention in which to capture the attention of your potential client.
(4) Create a simple, clear, and concise description about yourself in the “about” section of your profile. By keeping it simple, you are forced to add in only the meat, not the fluff, Viewers will appreciate this…
(5) Be sure to display your most popular gig and description on your profile. Again on this point, it will present you in the best possible light. You are competing against a slew of others, it just makes sense to do this.
This is a beginning, but of course, there is more, much more…
The training package goes into a lot more detail and using it, you can hone your Fiverr effort and gigs into a cash generating machine for you…
Here Is Some What You Get in the Intermediate and Advanced Level Training
We will go into unique ways of leveraging your new found source of income so that you can make more money with less effort. Among the techniques discussed are arbitrage, managing other Fiverr sellers, going after high quantity buyers, etc.
There will be mainly high-quality videos that you will have whenever you need that will explain in detail what the methodologies consist of and how you can implement them in your own program.
The whole point of this advanced training is to get you from a lot of day-to-day slogging through clients gigs to putting in place systems that will mean that you can make a lot more just by managing the systems.
Note that if you set things up properly, and have check and balances in place, you can do your management from anywhere in the world. This means that you can earn while you travel, vacation, spend time with your family, etc.
So what are the pros and cons of my training package?
As stated above, the training package is oriented to address the beginner to the advanced marketer, so some of the basic lessons and free materials will apply to the new Fiverr recruit, but less so the intermediate to advanced Fiverr user.
This is a good thing, however, because as you look through the modules provided, you can pick and choose what it is that you need. Having access to the entire training course means that you can use it when you have time. It is yours to keep and use as a resource.
The training is thorough and if you get the upgrades to the training includes videos, advanced tactics, and methods or systems you can better leverage your position as a proven gig provider on Fiverr to make even more money, and that with less work…
If there are any cons, it may be that some of the course will not apply to you if you are an experienced with Fiverr. The advanced portion will help, but to get it you have to spend to get the front end of the product.
Note I am considering selling the advanced portions of the training as a stand-alone product, so if you have an interest in purchasing just that portion, please send me an email and I am sure we can work something out.
This good rating may cause question with you since I am the one that put this training package together. But I think it is warranted based on the many products, tools, and courses I review on the site.
Because of this experience, I do know what is required to make a high-value product. Just as with the mentality required for preparing to offer gigs through Fiverr, over-delivery is good. That is what I have here for you.
(1) Free eBook
(2) Paid Course
OK, you have a clear picture of Fiverr and how the training offered will help you maximize this platform for seller and buyer transactions. You understand the potential and you want to start making money or you want to make more money online.
This is it, it is time to take action now to get this course and start on your road to success. The only thing holding you back is you…You can access the training package levels using the button below. Good luck and I look forward to working with you!
This short tutorial has provided you a good background from which to decide and then take action on getting your own Fiverr account in place and start getting paid gigs for skills that you have.
The training, both free and paid, will further help you to more quickly get income using Fiverr as a platform. I recommend that you at least subscribe to get the free eBook, even if you opt out of the paid training.
The best opt-in of course, is to get the entire package, the cost is less than a meal at a budget restaurant, and believe you me, you will make that back in very little time as long as you follow the guidelines provided in this training…
Please add your personal experiences using Fiverr, either as a buyer or a seller of a service or product. It would help us all to hear from you so we can discuss and learn. I do appreciate your cooperation with this request, I ask this for almost every post, tutorial, or review I publish. Thanks in advance!