Table of Contents
This is a prelaunch review at this point and as I get more information I will post it about this extremely high-value training program. The author has a lot of experience in this market niche which is coordinating for bed and breakfast (BNB) overnight stays.
This lucrative field is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years, and already there have been a number of self-made millionaires (75 to date) that have used the BNB platform to get to that millionaire position.
Read what I have to now, check out the videos explaining what BNB is and how the coming training is a value, in spite of the high cost for the training program.
Because of the growing market, and relatively low saturation of marketers, it represents an opportunity to get in early on what is proving to be a very lucrative market niche.
Although this training is quite expensive, I believe the value it offers is worth very penny you spend. You could try to do the research yourself and put a referral program together, but why not cut through the trial and error phase, and get directly to success with this niche.
You can quickly recoup your money using the proven strategies provided in the training, and as you will have heard on the video, there is a lot of support for you as you implement the in-depth strategy.
In my review, I also will provide some background information on the niche, enabling you better to understand just what is involved, what the trends are, and what the growth is expected to be from outside and objective sources, so you can make an informed decision as to whether this program might be for you…
So let’s get started…
COST OF PRODUCT: $2495.00 USD One Time
Check out his free videos here
===> SEE VIDEOS <===
It will play automatically, no other steps, just click and watch.
If you prefer, you can also watch right here:
Free Video One:
Free Video Two:
Free Video Three:
Coming Soon….
It’s only 20 minutes between all of these videos, not a great deal of your time, but they give you a great overview of the AirBnB concept and the system Brian used to build his business.
Not only that, he has figured out how to outsource this business so spends minimal time “on the clock” while making a 6 figure income.
Seems this guy has also figured out how to outsource his entire business so he only works a few hours per week to manage all his listings.
WHAT IS “Airbnb”
There are likely a lot of marketers who have focused on other niches to include IM…
They may have heard about this relatively new program, like Uber, or other similar business ventures that combine online and offline features, they simply do not know much about it…
Airbnb is a program that has provided rooms for well over 60 million people across over 2 million properties and in 34,000 cities across the globe.
The company’s quick growth and international reach using the latest technologies represents a disruptive leap in the way people book rooms and space for their global travel.
Although the company is relatively young less than 10 years old), it is using the power of the internet and connectivity to offer new and unique ways to experience travel to those that regularly stay in hotels in faraway places.
It has quickly reshaped the way people experience travel and is growing by leaps and bounds.
Let’s drill down just a bit to give you a better idea of just what this company is and what it does…
Who Are The Customers of AirBnB
The typical Airbnb guest is seeking a more home-like ambiance, getting greater value for their money, and realize an increased cultural enrichment experience over a typical hotel stay…
This company started out as a website that was renting out a single air mattress in San Francisco, and it now valued at $24 billion dollars!
They will soon overtake the total rooms available of the top three hotel chains (Inter-Continental, Marriott, and Hilton) combined, and AirBnB has places to stay in 190 countries…
That is growth!
Certainly it can be said that Airbnb is the “darling” of the disruptive tech community…
Seeing the popularity of the service, they have jumped on in a major way…
The AirBnB history infographic:
(courtesy of http://rentingyourplace.com/airbnb-101)
What Are The Implications For YOU
So is the market saturated as so often happens when something new comes up like this?
The answer is: No…
There’s never been a better time to become an Airbnb host and take advantage of this rapidly growing marketplace.
But what if you do not have properties that you can rent out? Are you doomed to be locked out of this lucrative niche and profits that are there for the taking?
Not by any means…
This is where the training program being reviewed today comes into play. Read on to find out how this training will help you leverage tools, tips, and mentoring to be a part of this growing market…
I hope that you are already excited, after watching the videos and now this background information…
Here is a little bit more info on the AirBnB concept and how you can profit from AirBnB hosting…
Here is a sample process I would envision that you will go through as a potential short-term provider of room space using AirBnB…
Once you have the price range for what they are charging and what you can likely get for a night, you then do some research on available apartments in the area that you can lease and host on AirBnB.
Check out the average costs for the lease, the electric and water charges, internet set up, etc.
To save money and depending on your budget you decide to start with three apartments, unfurnished. To furnish these apartments, you then buy bulk orders of furniture from a place like Ikea and get all three deliveries at once in bulk.
Don’t forget to include other amenities for the apartments such as kitchen materials for each. Think about adding a cutting board, a couple of wine glasses maybe two tea cups, perhaps four plates and four glasses, bowls, forks, knives; and spoons.
Perhaps add in a couple of cooking pots, a hot water kettle, and a small refrigerator and stove (although these may be provided)…
That’s just about it…You are ready to host!
What’s next?
Get these apartments on Airbnb and start booking short term rentals, that’s what!Note that this way to leverage the power of AirBnB is a different perspective than most people.
This way of leveraging the power of Airbnb is a different perspective than most people take or have.
Airbnb reports that 87% of hosts are the primary residents in the homes or rooms they rent out to guests on the site. In San Francisco, it’s 90%, according to another survey.
The other 10 to 13% are looking at this as a business, as I am advocating today and for which BNB Formula is targeted…
This is an arbitrage play…
Taking at its basic level, using AirBnB is like practicing arbitrage, wherein you have an opportunity to buy and offer something cheaper than what you sell them for.
There are no absolutes, but what you are looking for are situations where your lease costs and other overheads compared to the short stay rental income you get leave you a profit margin…
If you go by average occupancy rates in the industry, 90% occupancy is not unheard of, but let;s start with 80% just for a safety margin when you are planning.
So if you add up all the figures, total costs for everything, and match them up against the potential income you will see what your net income might be.
Of course, you have to consider what it will cost to get started, and amortize these costs over a period, say one year, so your initial investment is recovered,…
There things you have to watch for of course. If you are going to rent multiple apartments, make sure they are all managed by different companies so there are no red flags to the companies. Try to rent places where there is not a live-in landlord.
Also, another aspect that you may want to think about, and which this training covers, is outsourcing all the tasks of running the business once you are set up.
This gives you freedom to supervise your business from anywhere because you have someone taking care of all the day to day tasks for you.
By scaling up, you can more than compensate for the additional costs and the freedom is well worth it. This training provided by Brian Page will help you do this.
One word of caution with this whole short-term stay business model: Make sure that you check carefully the laws locally where you intend to operate. Comply with these to keep yourself out of trouble…
Airbnb has a pop-up window on its site to remind hosts that they should follow their local laws when they rent, and even sends its hosts 1099s so they can pay taxes on what they earn, plus any local taxes that may be required to be paid by localities.
As in any business, taxes are a normal cost of doing business. and if you have good records, can be lowered through deducting expenses that you have had. That is a whole other post, and we will not go further here…
So are you excited about this opportunity?
I certainly am…
This is the training and system used by the author Brian Page to realize a six figure income regularly from the current AirBNB opportunity that is growing exponentially and creating millionaires.
Training Developer: Brian Page…
Brian Page is a young entrepreneur, an author, and an expert Airbnb host. Using his own experiences in developing a successful six-figure BNB business.
The result is an 8-week interactive training course that teaches students how to quickly and successfully build a profitable Airbnb business.
By using multiple properties, the in-depth video training and mentorship course trains students using 7 steps that comprise his BNB Formula.
Does it work?
Brian has used this formula to earn over $100,000 in his first six months and over $300,000 his first year with Airbnb, all without owning any properties.
Note he is also an expert in automation, systems, and using outsourcing, He has achieved his success in the BNB niche spending only a few hours a week to manage his BNB business.
He now is offering this complete and full package training program to other entrepreneurs who want to catch this market as it rapidly expands and grows to a multi-billion market opportunity.
As you can see from the background information I have added here, this is definitely a growing and viable niche for you to consider…
Plus Brian is a person who can teach you how to create your own successful BNB referral business…
Using the tools and the methodology that are provided in the training, you can quickly start making money, and will have someone at your side to help you do just that over an 8 week period.
One aspect that is particularly attractive to me is that he will teach you how to outsource your entire business. This means that you will only have to work a few hours per week to manage all your listings.
This is really an interesting opportunity and I need to repeat that as you’ll learn in the first video, you do NOT need to own the properties yourself to tap into this market and make profits!
In the provided videos Brian explains how he has a system where he finds property owners that are happy to work with him.
Check out his free videos here
===> SEE VIDEOS <===
It will play automatically, no other steps, just click and watch.
Anyone that is looking for a business model that they can make a great deal of money and profit from and in a niche that is expected to grow exponentially over the next 4 years.
The total value of that market over the next 4 years is expected to be 10 x what it is today, or a multi-billion dollar industry! Because of the growth and opportunity, this is something that many people should consider…
If you are serious about establishing a viable hybrid off and online marketing business, and have the time and money for the training, this may be just what you have been looking for.
The holy grail of online marketing is passive income. Not easy, and for the most part, this is a misnomer because you will have to put some work, time, and effort to get any passive income stream in place.
If you are such an individual and are ready to get to the next level of online marketing, look through my review carefully, do further research on your own, look at the videos I provide, and then make a decision.
This opportunity is for action-takers only, however. If you miss out on the window this training will be open for during launch, you will miss out period.
So do it now…Check it out and determine your path, and take action to sign up when the launch date comes around (on 26 April)…
First, the Pros…
Here’s what you may have missed:
(1) Airbnb is now becoming a BIG business for those who learn how to SCALE it up.
(2) There are 75 people making over $1 Million a year listing on Airbnb and more are earning 6 figures.
(3) You don’t need to own any property to build a big Airbnb business
(4) Airbnb is still less than 1% of the hospitality industry’s size but is projected to EXPLODE in market share in just the next 4 years.
Now for the cons…
The only “con” I can see is the cost for the training.
It is quite a high investment unless you are very very serious. Therefore. I recommend looking at the videos that are available during the pre-launch and sign up if interested.
There is NO cost for watching these videos, of course, and it may just change your life forever!
Check out his free videos here
===> SEE VIDEOS <===
It will play automatically, no other steps, just click and watch.
Note these will be taken down when the training program launches, but right now you can view these, make comments, and generally get to know more about the opportunity and the training that will be offered…
I urge you to check these videos out!
Having done a lot of research myself I am convinced that this niche is an extremely valuable one, and relatively untapped to this point. The exponential growth to now and expected growth mean that now is the time to get into it and carve your own real estate and business in the niche.
The training provided is provided by a proven winner in the niche who knows exactly what he is doing. He proves this by his own experience, and now he is offering that trial and error period, and the eventual successful model he uses to you.
Although expensive, this is not a bad thing. The target here is not the masses trying to make a huge windfall of money with no work, rather the savvy investor that will truly invest the requisite time and effort to create their own successful business in the niche.
Note that although the price is high, the rewards are higher, and these will provide you almost passive income for a number of years if you follow the training provided and participate in the support webinars and groups that come as part of the training .
Exclusivity will be provided by the high entrance fee, lowering your potential competitors and increasing your chances at huge success using the BNB phenomenon that seems to have no end in sight.
I urge you to do your own research and make you own decision, as I have. This is an excellent opportunity for the serious marketer, and if you wait you will miss out on a lot of profits that could be yours with minimal effort once set up and running.
Please add in any experiences that you may have had with AirBnB, good or bad. Also, any thoughts you may have on the training program BNB Formula that is opening soon (26 April).
We all learn when we share and discuss, and on this site, I promote this regularly and add a reminder on almost every post asking for readers to use the comment section.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and input!
You made some decent points there. This opportunity is one I will look into because BNB seems to be a growing market and based on the information you provide in this review, well worth getting involved with. I appreciate the good guidance.
Thanks much Barbara….I did do some research beyond what was being reviewed, and I also agree that BNB is a growing opportunity. Taking a course such as this one will help you not lose money and using the experiences of the developer of this education tool, you can likely achieve success much quicker. Good luck! Dave